Assignment Idea

Beat Craig’s List

Craig’s List has some really interesting language choices in many of the ads, especially in the free section.  Find an ad that feels lyrical and odd enough to engage you.  Record it like a Beat poem. Add in jazz accents.  If you’re feeling really aggresive analyze your work as if it were intentional poetry.

Valentine’s Day Caption Challenge

I was in Urban Outfitters the other day and stumbled across a postcard pack labeled “Unbridled Passion” by Franco Accornero. It’s a collection of 30 different postcards from an artist who has painted more than 5,000 romance novel covers (as well as westerns, thrillers and sci-fi books). The postcards are really ridiculous on their own, but I thought for this Valentine’s day I would make them even funnier but adding my own captions.

That’s where the 2012 Valentine’s Day Caption Challenge for #ds106 comes into play: I challenge you to  make your own captions for these postcards! You can use any photo editor or the Aviary one built right into flickr to add the caption.

Download one blank card from my flick set and add a caption that raises the love spirit to a new level. In addition to writing it up on your blog, when you post yours to flickr include the tag ds106valentine so we can assemble them all into giant virtual card set.

Make a MS Paint video

Exercise the awesome power of MS Paint to create a music video! It can be done! For reference, see how the west coast rules the world (California Uber Alles (Dead Kennedys) and how the party rock celebrates at home (Party Rock Anthem – Literal MSPaint 

Haiku Recipe

Write an entire recipe only in haiku. Stick to the 5/7/5 syllable pattern as much as possible, but don’t leave out any key instructions!

Extra credit: include step-by-step photographs to illustrate each stanza.

3D Stanley

A la the famous Flat Stanley, print a 3D model of something (or someone) you find meaningful. Ttake your new object on a journey around whereever you are and document that journey in photographs. You can find lots of great models at or you can make your own using a CAD program like TinkerCAD.

For example, you might make your own Stanley (or even this dancing Ganesh) take him with you to the supermarket and photograph him helping you choose which brand of cereal to buy. Or you might print a skull and photograph strangers posing with it as Hamlet lamenting poor Yorick’s demise. 

Mash It and Make It

Take two 3D models of and mash them up in a CAD program (TinkerCad is great) to create a new object. Once you’ve mashed it up, print it and photograph your creation. You can use two existing models from or another such site or make one yourself using a CAD programand combine it with an existing model.

  • Find a model on Thingiverse
  • Find another model or make your own
  • Mash them up into a whole new model
  • Print it
  • Photograph it
  • And then narrate it’s life story.

From the Twilight Zone, and Beyond …

Hello. I am Talky Tina. When I was young, in the early years of television, a lot of my friends worked in televions programs that pushed the boundaries of imagination, sight, sound, perception, identity, belonging. The time was fueled by the paranoias and fears of the fifties, sixties, and the cold war. Oh, it was grand to play with my childhood friends back then!! Spurred on by advances in sciences and technologies brought with the advent of nuclear power and the space race (we had such great toys!), programs like The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits provided wonderful experiences, and insights into humanity (and friends!).

Somehow, as a child of that era, I have found that I can only see in black and white. But that’s okay, because a black-and-white sequence makes for a smaller GIF anyway! Can you help me relive my childhood (and perhaps your childhood, or that of your parents?) with some nice, friendly b&w animated GIFs From The Twilight Zone and Beyond?  Try to capture all of the really nice childhood moments! You know the really, really best and funnest parts!

I will be watching to see your assignments, so don’t let me down, friend. 

Sophisticate Your Own, Personal “Under Construction” GIF

Our loveable animated GIF has come a long way, baby, since the obnoxious “under construction” signs so prevalent on web pages back in the 1990. They were SO last century. But let’s bring the idea forward!

Make yourself your own, sophisticated personal animated GIF to show whenever you might be messing around with the gears, or theĀ innards, or the unicorns, or with whatever you’ve got on the treadmill to keep your blog humming behind the scenes. And give yourself an extra bonus point if you find and use someone else’s CC-licenced image. You need to do the attribution and all that good stuff to claim the point. Ā Model appropriate blog maintenance, great design aesthetics, and a conscientious web-citizenship sharing ethicĀ all at once.

Got it? Are you up for it? Are you ready? Go! Ā Be sure to share your result. We aren’t likely to actually see it in use — ’cause we all keep our blogs up and running most of the time, and only poke around in the inner workings in the middle of the night ;-)Ā — so make sure to show it to us when you’ve got it done.

The Make Art Damnit Interview

In the spirit of Making Art, Damnit, go forth and interview someone and ask them, “Why Make Art Damnit?”

Viral Video Re-enactment

Re-enact a particularly viral or noteworthy video meme (think Nyan Cat or David at the Dentist). Not to be confused with re-interpreting a scene from a movie, the goal of this assignment is to create a live action version, or a re-enactment of, one of those annoying yet irresistible video memes and viral videos. We’re looking at your “Epic 10 Hour Sax Guy”. Make sure to link to the original meme or viral video in the description on Youtube. Bonus points if you can include family members in the video :)