Assignment Idea

Inanimate Motion

Take successive photos of inanimate objects and put them together in a way that it makes at least one inanimate object move. Make it tell a story!! Bonus points for an epic sound track attached. The idea here is bringing something inanimate to life through the power of video, without taking away the fact that the object in motion is obviously not supposed to be able to move on its own. Make it cheesy, make it awesome, make it rock.

Imaginary Places

Hogsmeade, Gondor, Cair Paravel, The Emerald City, Never-Never Land… all fantastical places that started as text and have now been interpreted into visual landscapes. Now it’s your turn!

Take a place–a city, a significant geographical formation, ship, maybe even a dimension–and render it visually. You can compile stock images using GIMP or Photoshop (make sure to give credit where it’s due!), draw, paint, or even create a collage. This assignment isn’t limited to places that don’t have a well-known visual representation yet, either; if you want to show us YOUR version of Bag End, go for it!

For your writeup, explain why you chose your imaginary place, the technique you used to create your image, and what effect the transition into a visual medium has on the original description.

The Ultimate Merger

Businesses merger together all the time (at least that’s what Mad Men has taught me). For this assignment create a logo in which you combine to famous logos. Humor is encouraged.

Y.O.L.O is the motto!

For a lot of people, Y.O.L.O (You Only Live Once) is a term used prior to, after, or while doing something morally unacceptable or idiotic. For this video assignment, just like charades, try to explain what this word means to you through storytelling, by using pictures or videos and not just explaining it through words. Even if you hate the word or if it means something completely different than what is explained above, try to incorporate it in your video. Challenge, >> your video should be less than 5min (5 min max) << ENJOY!!

Sports Mashup

Submit a video mashup of what you think are some of the greatest sports plays ever. What is the story it tells? This needs to be more than just a montage of clips, find a way to make it present a theme, an arc of ambition, a message about the moments.

Alternate History Timeline

Write an alternate history timeline showing how some famous events would have proceeded differently had something changed. This could be a big event (IE, America loses the Revolutionary War) or something smaller but still important (Archduke Ferdinand survives the assassination attempt in 1914).

PSA Billboard

Using Gimp or a similar program, create a public service announcement billboard on something that really aggravates you about people, society, the world, etc. It can be serious, goofy, but not offensive. Use a 680 x 300 work space in order to mimic the space of a billboard and have fun with how your positioning, font, colors, and images can help get your message across in a small space.

Take it to the next level but superimposing it on a photo of an existing billboard!


Write about your favorite historical figure, it could be anyone famous or not so famous from the past. Do more than just giving some biographical details however, describe WHY they are your favorite, how and why you relate to them, and why they inspire you.

Colorize It

Black and white photos are beautiful in their own way, but sometimes I wonder how color would change the feel of a photo. Recolor a black and white photo using Gimp or another photo editing software to show how you imagine the photo looked during the time it was taken or how you think it should look in color.

Swap Shop

Welcome to the Swap Shop! Try to sell the most interesting item you can think of! Go on and on about it, be silly and have fun with it! Have a friend be the radio dj ready for the call in and ask you lots of questions about your item. [You can also ask yourself questions too–just try to change your voice].