Assignment Idea

May I take your order?

Using your best accent (whether it be Australian, British or southern, ect), pretend you are at McDondalds and order something off of their menu. Be picky! For example, a coke with no ice.

Use The Voice

Don LaFontaine was legendary for hos deep voiceover intros to movie trailers (“In a world…”). Make a recording that uses his style that describes something ordinary or everyday. See the TV tropes listing for ideas or expressions or model it after one of the thousands of examples he left out there — see his video at

If you lack The Voice naturally, use your audi editor’s shift pitch tools to deepen it.

Facebook Narrative

Our generation has been using social networking for quite some time now. Take a moment to reflect. Look back at who you were, what you’ve done, and what this all means in those years now frozen in photographs on Facebook. Using anything that is published on a social networking site, such as photographs, video clips, and things you’ve wrote or tweeted, tell a narrative about yourself (example)

Return to the Silent Era

The dawn of cinema had no audio; silent movies created an atmosphere with music and the use of cue cards. Take a 3-5 minute trailer of a modern movie and render it in the form os the silent era- convert to black and white, add effects to make it look antiquated, replace the audio with a musical sound track, and add title cards for the dialogue. As a prime example, see Silent Star Wars.

One of the best sources for music is Incompetech or the Internet Archive. For the title cards, try a google image search

Where I Come From

Design an animated GIF poster for your hometown. Make sure to include the text for the name and state of your hometown. What is special about it? Make it move!

The Way It Should’ve Been

Do you know a book or movie that you love, but would have been so much better if just one thing had worked out differently? What if your favorite couple had stayed together? What if Sam Winchester’s girlfriend in Supernatural had lived? Or, alternatively, what if they hadn’t? What if Han hadn’t married Leia? Take your idea and roll with it.

Ask Your Audience – They’re smarter than you think!

Ask Your Audience, is an assignment that requires you to create a post based on an image (ideally one that you wish to more about and preferably one you took) and then ask an engaging enough question that invites your readers to provide you with an answer and/or additional information on the subject.


1.) Post a photo of something that you don’t know much about (your own original photo is preferred, it does not matter when it was taken).
2.) Give some background information about the photo (or other related information to help them out identifying whatever it is you posted).
3.) Ask your viewers in your own way to get more information on the subject matter for you (this will be the hardest part of the whole assignment).

Don’t forget to thank your viewers when you’re done, either!

Good luck and have fun!

DS106, The Movie

Take a movie poster and change it to depict a movie about DS106. It’s sort of like the DS106 propaganda poster, but this time, it’s DS106, the movie!!

DS106 Post Secret

It’s time to get real! Design your own ds106 themed Post Secret postcard. Use photo editing software to experiment with different fonts and layering images.

Cartoon You

Remake you (or someone you know and love) into a cartoon character. Draw you on a piece of paper, on a tablet, take a photo and use software to convert it to comic book style, or use online programs to create a cartoon version of your character. Extra bonus points if you can come up with an origin story or add comic book elements to your final image.