At Least It’s an Ethos

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Take the line from the film The Big Lebowski “Say what you will about National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos” and change National Socialism to a different -ism, like, for example, [[Veganism]]. Here is the GIF for you to use as a template to change National Socialism to a different -ism. Now here’s the trick, after that you need a GIF to setup the punchline. So Walter Sobchack is referring to Nihilism in the scene we are quoting when defining National Socialism as an ethos, my idea for this (now convoluted) assignment came from Tom Woodward’s unsettling animated GIF of me eating Roy Rogers chicken, which could only lead me to the following punchline…

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Submissions So Far

I don’t even know where I stand on this whole #Sockgate thing. But I am standing somewhere. I think it’s kind of over on the

I was in a Starbucks the other day and thought of this assignment while I was waiting in front of the bottled water display.

I can’t pretend that I fully understand the deeper nuances of Jim Groom’s new Animated

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Submissions So Far