Have a Conversation With yourself!

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So far, this assignment has been completed 33 times.

Have a conversation with yourself! Film yourself talking, then change clothes, hair styles, etc and then film the other half of the convo. Edit this in any movie editor program (I used Pinnacle movie maker) To overlap the two scenes so that you are talking to yourself! Play around, to figure out the most efficient way! Also, timing is everything in this! Make sure when talking to leave breaks for your other self to respond! 

Have fun with this!

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Submissions So Far

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“Talking to Yourself!”

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Have a Conversation with Yourself: Have a conversation with yourself! Film yourself talking, then change clothes, hair styles, etc and then film the other half

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I caught up with myself this evening. Lately I’ve been feeling conflicted, as thought I’m not even able to speak

This video assignment can be found here: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/have-a-conversation-with-yourself/

I am not a big fan of this video but I needed it to complete the assignment. In

For my final assignment this week, I wanted to get a bit creative. I chose to have a conversation with myself for 5 points.

Help Someone Else Do this Assignment

If you create a tutorial for this assignment, share it! To have your tutorials appear below, make sure your posts are showing up on the main DS106 site and that you use the following tags (or labels on Blogger) when writing the post on your own blog (You must use BOTH !):

Submissions So Far