Minimalize Your Philosophy

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5 votes, average: 2.60 out of 55 votes, average: 2.60 out of 55 votes, average: 2.60 out of 55 votes, average: 2.60 out of 55 votes, average: 2.60 out of 5

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Pick your favorite quote OR make up your own phrase which describes a philosophy that you try to live by. It can be about love, friendship, family, education, culture, health, charity, etc. Design a minimalist poster depicting the concept. Extra challenge: Try to include a unique element that makes it YOU. Don’t forget to explain your thought process. :)

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Submissions So Far

“Never define your life in black and white because there’s so much hiding among the grays.” This is one of my favorite quotes of all
This is for assignment Minimalize your Philosophy For this assignment i made a poster using photoshop to describe one of the phrases that i live by
A philosophy of mine, is Henry David Thoreau’s quote seen in the picture. It makes you question what is important in life. He asks why
I firmly believe that positive thinking leads to positive things happening. Part of being positive is making the most out of any situation and always
Design Assignment 365:   Pick your favorite quote OR make up your own phrase which describes a philosophy that you try to live by.  It can

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Submissions So Far