Movie Scenes that Changed our Lives

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3 votes, average: 3.33 out of 53 votes, average: 3.33 out of 53 votes, average: 3.33 out of 53 votes, average: 3.33 out of 53 votes, average: 3.33 out of 5

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For this assignment, select scenes from 3-5 movies. These scenes should represent scenes that changed your life or made some sort of dramatic, traumatic, lasting, or emotional impact on you. When you have selected those scenes, create a video that shows the scenes and includes audio/video of you describing what it is about the scene that made a significant impact on you, what you are fond of about the scenes, what scares you, what you remember thinking when you were a child, etc. Feel free to be liberal in your interpretation of the instructions. Keep in mind, however, that the primary point is to recall 3-5 movie scenes that have made a lasting impact on you (whatever the reason for that impact may be.) When you are finished, upload the video to your blog, and, If you are inspired, expand on the reasons why you connect with the specific scenes in your video. Check out an example here:

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Submissions So Far

For this assignment, select scenes from 3-5 movies. These scenes should represent scenes that changed your life or made some sort of dramatic, traumatic, lasting,
The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later. Lion King Mufasa’s Death Scene Click here to view the video on YouTube. I Am Legend
5 Stars This assignment was to pick movie scenes that changed my life. My video is un-embedable for copyright reasons I believe. However, movies such as Batman, 3:10 to
this is for video assignment Movie Scenes That Changed Our Lives this video shows some of my favorite movies of all times from my childhood until
This assignment required a lot of thought, and I liked it.  We were to “select scenes from 3-5 movies. These scenes should represent scenes that
My dad and I have always been close, so for this assignment I chose some of the movie scenes from the movies I remember watching
I am a huge fan of cartoons and the three i chose for this video were Bambi, The Lion King, and Toy Story 3. I heres the link to my video assignment 442, where you show 3-5 movie scenes and talk about how they changed your life or left an
Here’s a little bit about three movies that scarred me for life: As always, I’m not happy with the sound. I may work on it some
Annie Belle submitted an assignment suggesting you talk about 3-5 movie scenes that changed your life. That is right up my alley and I couldn’t

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Submissions So Far