Sound Effects Story

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So far, this assignment has been completed 389 times.
_cokwr: Tell a story using nothing but sound effects. There can be no verbal communication, only sound effects. Use at least five different sounds that you find online. The story can be no longer than 90 seconds. Another example (by a UMW student):, _cpzh4: Audio, _cre1l:, _chk2m: Jim Groom (via Martha), _ciyn3: 70, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

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Submissions So Far

Okay, this assignment started off to be a pain in my ass (excuse my language) but I managed to fight through it and learn to
My 5 sound story includes 5 sounds that I found on the FreesoundĀ website.Ā  To make my 5 sound story I listened to a lot of
I have been dreading doing these sound assignments all week. The thought of having to download and learn how to use new software made me
Barn Morning One last sound story, this is my attempt at painting a sound picture of a barn early in the morning, when the animals are
Robbery Sound files…
Our assignment was to create a story with no visuals, only sounds. In my clip, a herd of elk are grazing at night, but are startled
As a required audio assignment for DS106 (AKA: Camp Magic Macguffin) I had to create a story under 90 seconds that contained no verbal communication
In this Audio Assignment I had to create a story using only sounds. My first thought was a “do not drink and drive” type story.
“House fly” by YIM Hafiz, on Flickr The ds106 Digital Storytelling course Sound Effects Story Audio Assignment 70 gave me an opportunity to devote some time

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Submissions So Far