Watching Movies With the Stereo On

Assignment Value:

1 vote, average: 2.00 out of 51 vote, average: 2.00 out of 51 vote, average: 2.00 out of 51 vote, average: 2.00 out of 51 vote, average: 2.00 out of 5

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So far, this assignment has been completed 22 times.

Like when you have a movie playing on TV without the sound and you’ve got the stereo on at the same time. Take a clip from a movie, remove the audio, and add audio from a song or radio show that, somehow, kind of fits. See my two examples.

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Submissions So Far

I was browsing through the video assignments in the DS assignment bank and came across Watching Movies with the Stereo On {***}. I always feel

Watching Movies with the Stereo on, in this assignment we had to mute the clip of a movie and add music to go along with
Watching Movies With the Stereo On – ds106 Video Assignment worth 3 stars Like when you have a movie playing on TV without the sound and
I chose to do this assignment because I was talking about the movie Cool Hand Luke with a friend and it was the first movie
Watching film with the stereo on For this assignment I chose Ke$ha’s “Die Young” to go over top the cornucopia blood bath scene of the Hunger
The next Video Assignment that I decided to do was the “watching a movie with the stereo on” assignment in which you take a movie
The assignment Watching Movies with the Stereo on seemed pretty basic. It involves to take a clip of a movie and add audio that somehow
Good Plan So my intention was to sit down and “read a movie” for this week’s ds106 assignment. I read Roger Ebert’s article on How to
Like when you have a movie playing on TV without the sound and you’ve got the stereo on at the same time. Take a clip

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Submissions So Far