Contradicting Thought???

Can’t decide which direction to go? Can’t remember which direction you went? Lost in a maze?

There are many contradicting thoughts that occur almost every single day. Personally, I am not very good directionally speaking so I constantly ask myself which way did I come from or which way should I go. In my head, I can hear “leftrightleftrightleftright”. For Bob Ross, he has to debate which side of the canvas to place a tree or house on. In Ross’s case, this usually works out in his favor, in mine not as much. For this Assignment bank, I chose to bring this contradicting thought to life and make it into a gif. I used GIPHY to make this gif since I was familiar with this website from ds101. It is pretty simple to use and allows you to edit your gifs pretty easily. I would highly recommend using this site and it also makes it super easy to embed into WordPress with the embed gif option.

(2 Stars)

Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Gif it!

I used this gif-maker to help me make these gifs out of these images and videos.

Txt-Gif, 2 stars

I no longer have the original four photos used in this gif, but any images can work for a tutorial. To upload multiple images for a gif, you’ll have a select all of them all of them at once. You may need to resize the images to fit them all together so that they may fit together more smoothly. I personally did not shift any of the automatic delay that the website provided. I then pressed the make a gif button.

The story behind this gif is actually pretty funny. Sometimes whenever I answer a question, I either confidently say yes or no, then say the other one, then say maybe, then I don’t know. I mostly made this as a meme between me and my friends because some of my friends started doing this too. Usually, only one of us did it when we did not want to openly admit an answer to a question or we didn’t know how to answer. That’s pretty much it.

Gif your sassy animal, 3 stars
The original video I used.

There’s some similar sets as the previous one. Upload, same as the previous one. The only thing I did was cut the video. To cut it, you have to input the time that you want to start your gif at and the time is the same for the end time. For example, for video, if you want to cut off the last 5 seconds, to mimic my video, you’ll need to start at 0 and end at 15.622 (for mine). Instead of doing 15.622 for the left number, and 20 for the second one. I don’t understand why it is the way but it just is.

One day, a cat demanded attention, as any cat does. It demands the best of scratches. The moment that you stop, it’ll look up to you with those demanding eyes that could kill. You have to apologize and continue scratching or else you might up perishing via laser beams. Once you resume, the cat’s gazes lowers as they relax to the touch. The world is once again safe for now. Who knows what would’ve happened if you didn’t continue to scratch. The best case, just your death, worst case, the end of the world!

Magic Eight-Ball GIF

As the third assignment I decided to do for this week, I chose to do the TXT Gifs assignment. The goal of the assignment is to make a GIF with 2 or more frames each with contradicting thoughts. I wanted to make it really fun, so I thought of a Magic Eight-Ball because what’s more contradicting than that? I had a lot of fun making this. Originally, I tried to design it on Photoshop but I ended up using Microsoft Word. Once the image was created, I used the website Giphy to make the animated GIF. Here is what I came up with…

ily, ily not

This GIF assignment was a fun one.  It had me think of contrasting ideas that would make for a fun GIF.

I used two platforms for this assignment.  The first one I used was Snapchat.  Being a twenty year old girl, I am very familiar with snapchat and its functions.  One thing that makes it a good platform for creating simple images is its extensive bank of emojis and stickers, as well as its ability to lay text over any image.  I used the text tool to at the text “ily” (which is text-speak for I love you) in one image and “ily not” in another.  I then used the stickers and text tool to add various emojis of hearts around the “ily” text.

After I created my two images, I uploaded them into the app ImgPlay.  This allowed me to create a loop that alternates between the two images at a speed of my choice.  After messing with the speed settings, I saved my GIF to my phone’s library.

The end result is a cute, modern day take on the old phrase, “He loves me, he loves me not”.

Do not enter! Enter?


I created a gif that had two opposite meanings, sometimes signs can be confusing but these are outright contradictory to each other!

I created this GIF using GIMP


This was an interesting Animated GIF to create. At first, I created my two contradicting thoughts using Power Point. I saved the two slides as JPG files. Then using the tutorial posted on the USMAN Ownz Blog, with a one major modification I was able to create my animation. My modification was as follows:

In Step 4 of his directions it says to Go to File>Export as check the box for As Animation and Loop. What I found was that you must do the following steps:

File > Save copy of image > GIF > Export File > Check Save as Animation > Export > Animated GIF and Loop Forever > Export

AnimatedGIFAssignments AnimatedGIFAssignments1251

TXT Gift

This assignment requires writing two contradicting thoughts by using the animation, Gif. Since we just finished the group radio show, I would like to use 2 critics’ hosts from our Edward Creepy Show, a good critic and a bad critic. First, I created these 2 worlds in Paint and saved it to my computer. Then, I open GIMP and went to File>Open as Layers to upload these two images. Then, resize the photo by using the Scale Tool to 640X350. Finally, save it by pressing File>Exports as Gif file and Loop forever to your computer. To play the animation gif, just open a Brower and drop. Overall, this is an easy assignment if you know how to use GIMP.


3 stars

AnimatedGIF Assignments: TXT Gifs

“In 2 or more frames write a contradicting thought.” I did the words STAY and GO as my contradicting thought.


Text + Movment = More Meaning?

What did Descartes say again? “I am therefore I think?”, no that’s not right. That’s how I like to think though. I am here so I think! It’s probably my favorite pass time. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my time than thinking about hard problems. Right now for me its the most rewarding thing possible. However does my ability to think really imply that I exist? I am inclined to think not… However these to idea are intrinsically linked. The statements imply two different things. Let’s recall our first order propositional logic shall we? Let P=\text{I think} and Q=\text{I am}. Then we have that P \implies Q or Q \implies P. Now the converse of P \implies Q) \text{is} \(\neg Q \implies \neg P, which would be read as “I am not therefore I do not think”. While the converse of Q \implies P is of course \neg P \implies \neg Q, which is read as “I do not think, therefore I am not”. Now this second statement is not true, because there are plenty of people who do not think, and certainly do exist (at least we perceive them to exist, also this that was a joke). Now what happens if we take both statements to be true P \implies Q and Q \implies P. Then we have a bidirectional statement, namely P \Leftrightarrow Q. Which can be read as “I think therefore I am therefore I think”, or “I am therefore I think therefore I am”. Does this cause a problem?


Text + Movment = More Meaning? This assignment seems to think so… It asks for one to create a gif that expresses to contradictory ideas. What I ended up doing was constructing the reverse of a statement (not necessarily the same this a a contradiction, but close enough in my book).

As for the creation of this GIF, I used Flash. I typed out each word in a separate layer and then setup a motion tween which switched to two words. I used 40 frames, as to make it go a little smoother, and then also set it to run at 40 frames per second, thus it only runs for a second.

I chose the font, because I thought it had a nice playful feel to it. I chose the color of the background for the same reason (I felt as if It gave the post a kind of cartoony feel.

Peace or War

I decided to go a little easier for my second GIF, just text.  Peace or War.  Displaying PEACE on a white background for a calm feeling and WAR in red font and on a black background to really make you feel the effect of WAR.

I used GIMP to create this animated text as well!  Again, I spent a lot of time learning how to create GIFs and actually making them work.

Same thing here, it doesn’t work as the thumbnail, but if you click on it you can see the animation.
