RLP Under Construction


Rockylou Productions Under Construction

August 2013 GIF Challenge #6:  Sophisticate Your Own, Personal “Under Construction” GIF


 DS106 AnimatedGIFAssignments911

RLP_Logo_27leavesThe Rockylou Productions logo was created by my daughter, Amber Lockridge, as a surprise gift for me back in October of 2012. It was fun to animate our webheader to create this Under Construction GIF.  It was a simple cut, copy and pasting of the letters and parts into different layers using the full version of Photoshop. Once the layers were in place, selecting the appropriate layers and timing to be visible during the animation sequence.  Nothing to this one.

The tough part of this GIF challenge is going to be figuring out how to customize my Error 404 page.  After reading a helpful post from WordPress.org, it looks like my theme doesn’t have a 404 Template page.  I think this part of the challenge will have to wait until the DS106 Headless Course  boot camp begins on August 26th, 2013.

In the meantime you can check out another error page I had to create for visitors trying to find this blog from my regular Rockylou Productions site.


Under Construction – #AAG 6

IMG_0657 062

Okay so I’m doing them out of order. This one was really easy, I just filmed myself writing on a whiteboard, opened the video up in MPEG Streamclip, exported as an image sequence and ta-da! I did delete a LOT of the frames though (there were 1,000!) so that may be why it’s a little jumpy. The file size is still crazy large though

GIF Challenge #6

Two different ideas fighting to get out of the gif for the August 2013 GIF Challenge #6: Sophisticate Your Own, Personal “Under Construction” GIF from I am Talky Tina.
Not really an under construction, but a 404.

I’ve already got a tenuous ds106 linked 404 page. Ironically the mashup I made for that is broken as one of the flickr phots it relied on is MIA. 404 page. I think I’ll leave it in place.

Hat Tip to Andrew for the font (Ringbearer Font | dafont.com).

Face is an old gif I had from a twilight zone exercise. Rainbow and unicorn from open clip art, hopefully the opposite of sophisticated.

Here is the ds106 Assignments: Sophisticate Your Own, Personal “Under Construction” GIF.

August 2013 GIF Challenge #6: Sophisticate Your Own, Personal “Under Construction” GIF

"Tina's Temporary Difficulties" animated GIF, by iamTalkyTina

“Tina’s Temporary Difficulties” animated GIF, by iamTalkyTina

Well. You all know that I’ve been having a little trouble recently with a former “colleague”, and that it caused a bit of an interruption in my ds106 participation in the second half of July. You likely also know that I will be taking steps shortly to resolve the situation once and for all. (Reading between the lines, I’m going to be busting out of this cardboard box/ice/Carbonite prison and hitting the road. Christina and Scottlo, I’ll soon be on my way!!)

At any rate, I know from my PsychicSiri connection that the Hippy Hosting was having a few growing pains recently, and that Bluehost company was making life difficult for a couple of our ds106 colleagues a couple days back, so I thought that it would be prudent for evertyone to get their blog set up and ready for those moments when somethings not quite right and you need let folks know that you are on the ball and working behind the scenes to make things right.

So this GIF challenge, courtesy of Andrew Forgrave, is the Animated GIF Assignment 911 : Sophisticate Your Own, Personal “Under Construction” GIF. Try to think of what you would like folks to see if they hit a broken link, or if they encounter a 404 error or something that just isn’t working.

In addition to posting your GIF in a post so we can all see it, dig into your blog settings and see if you can set it up so that the GIF will show if someone runs into something unintended.
Let us test it out by including a fake/broken link in your post, like this one blahblah.

You’ve Come A Long Way, GIFby

Watch your step on the sidewalk of yesteryear’s Information Highway

I’m 99.9% convinced that the first time I saw and recognized and animated gif for what it was, it was something very much like one of these:

shake_e0_150 Animated GIF assignments, on ds106.us UNDRBIG_


Maybe you have similar memories?  (Hopefully they are not PTSD-induced flashbacks!)  Clearly the image of website construction was influenced by the metaphor of building the Information Highway at the time.

2012 celebrated the 25th anniversary of the GIF, and provided many wonderful examples of how the venerable image format has matured into a platform for art, and as a source of ds106 Assignments. I was so pleased when Alan Levine selected the “man digging quickly” GIF to represent the new Animated GIF category in the Assignment Bank. Alan’s GIF icon fits right in above (second row, centre) doesn’t it?

After posting my Daily Create 386: Blue Screen of Death animated GIF  yesterday (“Windoes has detect s aystem fluat”), I realized that I needed to tweak my blog theme theme (the standard-vanilla base Gantry theme, used with the versatile Gantry Framework plug-in) to allow for a full-page width image — a custom page layout that does not have sidebar. Normally, I can easily do this within this theme (I use it on a number of sites), but for some reason, the current installation on de•tri•tus is being problematic, and I’m going to need to go into Maintenance Mode and likely re-install a few things to sort it out. (I will likely switch to the WP-Maintenance Mode plugin at the same time.)

It was at this point that I then got distracted into thinking about a custom “Under Construction” animated GIF for de•tri•tis.

Let’s Bring the “Under Construction GIF” forward into this Century!

A search on FlickrStorm led me to a nice CC-licensed image from 2006 by Brandon Daniel (bdu on Flickr) , which I then re-worked into an animated GIF. I then personalized the GIF with my blog name and a nice subtle message about the site being in a maintenance situation, and wound up with this.

“System Maintenance Animated GIF (de•tri•tus 2013)” by aforgrave, on Flickr

This sounds like an ideal opportunity for a ds106 Assignment, yes?

I checked the existing assignment bank, and found 2 existing yet different enough animated-GIF assignments:


Neither one of these exactly captures the drive for a new, sophisticated “under construction” GIF  for use on your own, personal web page or blog.

So, let’s make one!!

The Challenge

To honour this little progression of the animated GIF, and to provide all new and existing ds106 bloggers with a challenge, I’m suggesting a new Animated GIF Assignment 911: “Sophisticate Your Own, Personal ‘Under Construction’ GIF”.  We all have blogs. We’re all working with GIFs. Make yourself your own, personal animated GIF to use when you are messing around with the gears, or the  innards, or the unicorns, or with whatever keeps your site humming behind the scenes. And give yourself an extra bonus point if you find and use someone else’s CC-licenced image. You need to do the attribution and all that good stuff to claim the point.  Model appropriate blog maintenance, great design aesthetics, and a conscientious web-citizenship sharing ethic all at once.

Got it? Are you up for it? Are you ready? Go!  Be sure to share your result. We aren’t likely to actually see it in use — ’cause we keep our blogs up and running most of the time, right?  – so make sure to show it to us now!

But wait! 

A Little Reflection

As I went to Google “under construction animated GIFs” on the web to use up at the top, I found the result page to be strangely quiet. (Try it!)  Google Images turned up a page of construction images, but they were oddly static. So static, in fact, that I suspect the obnoxiousity of these have resulted in them being systematically purged from Google’s results in an attempt to avoid their resurgence. Not an entirely bad thing. Conspiracy theory aside (or maybe just judicious for-the-better-of-society editing), in the end I had to seek out that media-format of the 90s, the optical disk.

For the first time in years (as I think about it), I visited the shelf in my office cupboard where all of my CD/DVD-based software has been stored. That I didn’t stir up a layer of dust was surprising. I never used it any more. The Internet and things like iTunes and the App Store have changed how we get at our media. Heck, a lot of the apps we use are even web-based now.

However, I found the “Web Graphics” disk from a multi-disk set I purchased long ago (I think it has a quarter of a million graphics and photos distributed over maybe 13 optical disks) and on it was a directory with Animated GIFS. In there, I found a directory labeled “Construction,” and from there, I selected the representative samples shown above.

Knowing that I may likely never revisit this disk (though I think I may just copy the contents to my HD for future use), here is the list of categories provided on this disk, for posterity, and as a little snapshot of what was available in 1997.

Memory Lane: Animated GIF Collections on a 1997 optical disk

3D Balls
Plain 3D
Science Fiction
Wood Door


When I think about how we are using GIFs now, for telling and augmenting stories, there is no doubt that the GIF has come a long way, baby. And as a technology, it is far from dead.  It’s just gotten a lot more sophisticated.

So let’s (carefully) bring back the “under construction GIF.” Sound like fun?

Now go make your GIF!

“Optical Disks Montage” by aforgrave, on Flickr.

Sophisticate Your Own, Personal “Under Construction” GIF

Our loveable animated GIF has come a long way, baby, since the obnoxious “under construction” signs so prevalent on web pages back in the 1990. They were SO last century. But let’s bring the idea forward!

Make yourself your own, sophisticated personal animated GIF to show whenever you might be messing around with the gears, or the innards, or the unicorns, or with whatever you’ve got on the treadmill to keep your blog humming behind the scenes. And give yourself an extra bonus point if you find and use someone else’s CC-licenced image. You need to do the attribution and all that good stuff to claim the point.  Model appropriate blog maintenance, great design aesthetics, and a conscientious web-citizenship sharing ethic all at once.

Got it? Are you up for it? Are you ready? Go!  Be sure to share your result. We aren’t likely to actually see it in use — ’cause we all keep our blogs up and running most of the time, and only poke around in the inner workings in the middle of the night ;-) — so make sure to show it to us when you’ve got it done.