Sounds of My Day

This assignment that I chose to do is titled “Sounds of Your Day” and is worth 3 points. Here’s the link to the assignment:

I completed this assignment by recording little clips of my day on my iPhone and then putting them all together in Audacity. Here’s the final product:

I’ll walk you through what all of these sounds are!

The very first sound is of bacon cooking. Because really, what better way is there to wake up than by the smell of bacon in your room from downstairs? The next sound is also from breakfast. The 3 beeps is the sound of my waffle maker letting me know that my waffle is ready!
After breakfast, my family and I went out and explored a bunch of different stores today. I decided to take a trip home this weekend and my parents and I always like to go to cool places together. Today we were out in Virginia Beach and this is one of the sound clips I recorded while we were in Trader Joes.
The next sound is from cooking dinner. It is the sound of our grill opening and then a steak being put on. Sound never tasted so good. The next clip that sounds like a saw is actually my dad cutting up the steak. He likes to use an automatic slicer (guess he thinks it’s cooler?).
The final sound clip is of the music playing at the end of the movie “Fury.” My parents and I watched it together and it was awesome!!
All-in-all, today was a really great day!

AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments1524 “Sounds of Omar’s Life”

AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments1524 (3 stars)  “The Sounds of Omar’s Life”

In this assignment, Omar and I used Audacity to blend several sounds to make a typical day in the life of Omar.  I would like to give credit to the following from

“Outside Night w/Sirens” by apotter1992

“Dog barking in the distance” by MAJ061785

“9mm short reverb” by gattoangus

“Gunshots” by julien_nicolas_fusil

I also added a youtube video that I saved as a mp3 file to extract Omar’s whistle and his famous saying.  The youtube video was posted by matronator2 titled “Omar’s Whistle”.

We hope you enjoy it!



Sounds of Your Day

Record different sounds throughout your day. It can be as long or as short as you’d like. When you finish, combine them into one long sound of your day! Upload it to SoundCloud