This audio narrative was inspired by an assignment that requested that you create a spooky dialogue with distortions and creative moves to make it sound scary.
As I was editing this together, I didn’t like the audio distortions very much for the story, so I layered together a thick ambiance instead of messing with the actual narration. I like how it turned out; I think it gets intense enough at the end to make up for the lack of audio distortions of the voice. I acquired all of my audio clips from Freesound and worked it together in Audacity.
This story actually has a peculiar story behind it that I think is worth sharing. I had written the script for this story before the big storm hit Fredericksburg. That night, after the storm passed and as I was walking back to my building, the air was just as thick and windy as this story’s night was supposed to be. I kept away from the streetlamps and walked a little faster than usual. Luckily, nothing of this nature happened, but it was surreal, experiencing something I had just written about only hours ago.