Week Two: Unique Choosing from Assignment Bank!

This week one of the assignments we were given was to choose three assignments from three different categories on the DS106’s Assignment Bank website. The three assignments I chose was “Your Favorite Photo” (1 1/2 stars), “TV Show Gifs” (2 stars), and “Tongue Twister” (3 stars).


TVD Universe/Trilogy
Elena Gilbert
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore

For this assignment I chose to create four gifs from one of my favorite TV shows “The Vampire Diaries.” This show aired in 2009 and I was nine years old when I began to watch this show. This show became so popular that the creators created the spin-off “The Originals” which aired in 2013. The spinoff was labeled as one of the most successful spinoffs! The Originals became so popular that the creators created a spinoff off of the spinoff! (Yeah Ik! lol!) The spinoff from The Originals is the show called “Legacies.” Legacies aired in 2018. I have been watching this trilogy since I was nine years old and now I am twenty-one! I really love the plot, the characters, and pretty much everything about The Vampire Diaries. This show started in my childhood and I will always remember the fun times when I used to anticipate the next episode and the next season.

For creating the gif, I decided to take the three main characters from The Vampire Diaries and images from the spinoffs to create a total of four gifs. I decided to use the website makeagif.com because I remembered using this website for my DGST 101 course. I saved three photos of Elena and uploaded them to the website. Then, I adjusted the speed so it would flow better. I repeated this process with every gif. I finally downloaded the gif and Wallaaa!!! #AnimatedGIFAssignments #AnimatedGIFAssignments2158

Your Favorite Photo

For this assignment I chose the photo I labeled “Fresh Sparkling Snow.” I took this photo during my junior year of high school for my photojournalism class. I attended Massaponax High School. My teacher was Ms. Marshall and she was one of the sweetest teachers. Marshall created photo of the week. Photo of the week is when Marshall picks the best photo for that week and she displays the photo up in the classroom. The assignment for that week was about an advertisement. I chose the lotion from Bath & Body works that is labeled Fresh Sparkling Snow which is surrounded by snow! #VisualAssignments #VisualAssignments2152

Fresh Sparkling Snow

Tongue Twister

Seashells Tong Twister

For this assignment I had to say a tongue twister as fast as I could! I also had to include background music. I chose to use a snippet of instrumental music from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbkWDDmV7-M I chose this video because the tongue twister was about seashells and I wanted to pick music that relates to the tongue twister. Seashells come from the beach so I chose instrumental music of beach waves crashing on the shore. #AudioAssignments #AudioAssignments2119

Tongue Twister

This tongue twister is a doozy. I had trouble with this one. But this is a common twister that had been known for years. I remember this song from elementary school. Tongue twisters are a sequence of words or sounds, typically of an alliterative kind, that is difficult to pronounce quickly and correctly. There are many more tongue twisters but I chose this one specifically because it’s a common one. For this assignment, Tongue Twister, I chose this twister from Engvid. I then used Voice memos to record the tongue twister. After that, I converted the m4a file using Online Audio Converter. I added this file to Audacity with another file from FreeSound. I added them together and exported them to here.

Tongue Twister CHAMP

In yet another edition of audio assignment, I was tasked to become the tongue twister champion of the world. Not really, but it may as well have been that with how difficult it is for me to get through a tongue twister even once. The goal was to quickly say a tongue twister and and some background noise and stuff to spice it up. I decided to go with the “She sell sea shells” classic because I had remembered hearing that it is based on a real person (not sure why that was my deciding factory, or even if it’s true). Since it has a beachy theme being about sea shells, I wanted to add some beachy noises. I settled on some seagulls quietly making whatever noise they make and waves crashing and synced it all up.

Tongue Twister for 3 stars!

Say any tongue twister as fast as you can and include a background sound to layer it. 

Tongue Twister

He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts…

Sorry about Pennywise the Dancing Clown down below! HAHA! This is one of my favorite tongue twisters that was found to be very popular during the 1980s. This twister was even used in Stephen King’s IT. In the movie, one of the main characters Bill Denbrough, has a stuttering issue. He was told to practice the tongue twister above, to rid himself of his stutter. Bill practiced this tongue twister all throughout the movie. And he found himself saying this twister the most when he encountered Pennywise. I mean, I would too if I was face to face with a horrifying clown who wanted to KILL me!

I added a water drip sound effect to help paint a picture in your head. I’m trapped in a sewer. Which may I add, is the home of the treacherous clown. I’m stuck at a dead end. Muttering “He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.” As the gray water drips from the ceiling, all I can do is recite this tongue twister, praying that Pennywise will let me live another day and that I can escape the sewers of Derry…

Tongue Twister

3 Stars

I again used Bensound for the background music in this track. I originally had me saying “She sells sea shells by the sea shore” in a sort of flat, monotone way, but as I started listening and playing to the track, I realized that I could change my voice to go along with the music in the background. I’m pretty impressed with how this turned out!

Tongue Twister Fun

Image result for Shep Schwab shopped at Scott's Schnapps shop; One shot of Scott's Schnapps stopped Schwab's watch.

I feel that tongue twisters are so much fun to do in my free time. It’s the best way to kill time without being bored. I like things like puzzles and such and challenging games. Tongue twisters definitely fit that category. There are only some tongue twisters I’ve memorized and said really well. This is one I just learned, and honestly am really bad at.

I picked this tongue twister for two reasons: I didn’t know this tongue twister before this, and because this tongue twister won a prize in 1980. So this goes with the theme for this semester. The grand prize was from a contest in the Games Magazine.

I spoke this tongue twister probably 300 times before I finally felt comfortable that I spoke it as clearly and quickly as I could. I was beyond annoyed at how much I was messing up. Then, I was thinking to myself, what would I put in the background of the tongue twister? I wanted something quiet, and I thought of cricket/outdoorsy sounds. I thought that was perfect, considering I would repeat tongue twisters when I’m bored.

Tongue Twister:
Shep Schwab shopped at Scott’s Schnapps shop;
One shot of Scott’s Schnapps stopped Schwab’s watch.

Description: “Say any tongue twister as fast as you can and include a background sound to layer it.”

Betty Botter and Her Bitter Butter

For my third audio assignment, I chose to do the “Tongue Twister” prompt. I decided on attempting to do Better Botter tongue twister!

Related image

I have always liked saying tongue twisters. I’ve tried Wood Chuck and Peter Piper, but I’ve never heard of Betty Botter and her butter! So I tried something new.  This took a lot of trial-error, I could not say it right for the longest time! It was bitter, better, butter, Botter, BLAH. I said it twice in normal speed, then I would try to say it faster each time after that. Recording this took many deep breaths and sips of water to get the tongue twister right!

After what seems like 100 takes, I finally got one where I said it correctly. Then I started editing it, which was when I found out the audio was too quiet! When I amplified the audio to the maximum, it was still too quiet!? What?! I didn’t remember whispering… I just remember struggling! Because the audio was too soft, I decided to do another take. This time though, I used my headphones and used the microphone that is attached. I talked a bit louder than last time and made sure I was talking into the mic.

Image result for mic test gif

To do this assignment was simple:

I recorded myself saying the tongue twister on my phone’s Voice Memo app.

Image result for voice memo app

After that, I went to find some free music to put in the background. I found some good tunes from this site. I decided on using the song, In A Jiffy by Stephen Bennett.

I imported my voice memo as well as the background music to Audacity.

I used the Effects – Amplify feature to adjust the volume.

Here was the adjustment to make my voice memo louder.

Here is the adjustment to make the background music softer.

I wanted to make the background music gradually come to an end rather than an abrupt stop. To make this change, I clicked Effects – Fade Out.

Once that’s done, I did one last listen, to make sure everything is good, and VIOLA!

Tongue Twister

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? 
He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood, 
as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.