Hum that tune (hum that tune)

For this “humming away” audio assignment I decided to hum an 80’s tune that’s quite popular in hopes of it being maybe a bit more recognizable. What I quickly realized is that A-ha has a much different vocal range than I do!

Take a listen to see if you can guess what the tune is… (the picture below might give you a hint)

You guessed right (maybe!) Its Take on Me by A-ha

Humming Away

Ever get a song stuck in your head for days? Songs get stuck in my head ALL THE TIME!!! And Brian lets them play over and over and over again! But the one song that will always be stuck in my head is… The Wii Theme!

Below is my recording of when I hear in my head when the Wii song plays. WARNING! There are some parts that are loud! I hope you enjoy my extremely loud BUM BUM BUMS!

Humming Away

For this one I hummed Trinkle Little Star. I watch an almost 2 year and 7 year old four times a week….I sing a lot of songs for nap time! Lately my little 1 year old has been obessed with Trinkle Little Star….so it has been stuck in my head all week. I hope you enjoy!

Guess that Thune

Have you ever randomly had a song or tune stuck in your head. Sometimes not even the whole song but a snippet of the song and it keeps replaying in your mind over and over again.

Guess That Tune

Have you ever randomly had a song or tune stuck in your head. Sometimes not even the whole song but a snippet of the song and it keeps replaying in your mind over and over again. This has happened to me on numerous occasions and at very random moments. The other day, I was sitting in class and this particular song popped in my head and I couldn’t get it out. I think what made it worst was while I should have been focused on taking notes for my math class, I was thinking about the video that went along with this song. Fortunately, I was able to keep the song in my head instead of humming or singing aloud in class. I can only imagine what others around me would have thought had they heard me humming the tune. I am curious if they would have been able to guess the song though. Here’s an audio recording of me humming the tune the other night.

Do you think you can guess that tune that was stuck in my head? I would be surprised if you could. It’s one that most toddlers may know and adults who are around children may know. The song has been stuck in my head so much that earlier this week I was in target with a few of my roommates. While taking a look at the dollar section, I started singing it and they joined in. It captured the attention of a few of the adults who had children with them. One of them said they were just listening to it in the car and another said that her daughter was singing it before she dropped her off with the grandmother. The song is catchy and at times could be annoying if you have to listen to it over and over. To get it out of my head I had listen to the full song and watch the video. For now, the song is out of my head but I’m sure that within no time there will be another tune that gets stuck in there.

Here is the link back to the original assignment.


Humming Away

I chose the 5-star audio assignment, Humming Away as one of my audio assignments for the week. This is a fun, upbeat song that has been playing in my head! If you know what song it is you can tweet it to me: @JillianAviva

I bet you Know what I hummed Last Summer……I mean last night!!!!!!

Humming Away
I chose this 5 star audio assignment in which I have to hum a tune.  As this sounds easy enough, I am by no means musically inclined, or vocally inclined so I hope you can guess the song I’m humming.

Tweet me: @jetjenk43 if you know what song I am humming:

I bet you Know what I hummed Last Summer……I mean last night!!!!!!

Humming Away

I chose this 5 star audio assignment in which I have to hum a tune.  As this sounds easy enough, I am by no means musically inclined, or vocally inclined so I hope you can guess the song I’m humming.

Tweet me: @jetjenk43 if you know what song I am humming below:


Do you know what song i’m humming?

Here’s the audio assignment I decided to do this week.

Tweet me: @tweeting4theend if you know what song I am humming below:

Humming away

I always have songs stuck in my head at the worst times and giving the song a little hum is always a good way to get it out of your head (or sometimes make it even more stuck!) For this assignment record yourself humming a song that is stuck in your head and upload it! For example I did FloRida’s Apple Bottom Jeans song because its been stuck in my head all week!