911 Call

For this assignment ( assignments.ds106.us/assignments/91…our-emergency/ ) I was supposed to make a fake 911 call and be the operators voice and the callers voice. It said the funnier the better, but as soon as I saw this assignment I thought of the twilight zone episode, “Time enough at last” This is where the main character just wants to read, but his wife and boss wont let him. there is then a bomb and he is the only one alive. As soon as he finds books and has all the time in the world. His glasses break. I made this using Audacity audio editing software. This was worth 3.5 stars



A funny emergency

“I know this is 911! This is an EMERGENCY!! I just broke my only pair of glasses to read and I am the last person on this land! HELP ME! Bring me a pair of glasses! I HAVE to read! This is just not fair! You cannot leave me here to do nothing! Come here NOW! I’ll be here waiting on these stairs here. Okay? Okay goodbye.”

This 911 call is from the old man from the episode Twilight Zone: Time Enough At Last. This is so funny! I had to create a 911 call from him! I could see him doing this! This is funny because I could see him call 911 and then even say that he is the last one left! LOL! I could see him demanding for another pair of glasses because it wasn’t fair to him to have his only pair broken.  I could totally see him doing this! Just talking to himself.

To make this I used an app on my iPhone 4S called SoundCloud! It’s very simple! I also so wrote up what I wanted to say and uploaded it here!

Go recreate a 911 emergency phone call! Make it funny! Have fun with it since we cannot prank call an emergency! I know you have had that moment to wanting to call 911 because of something funny! Haha! I hate listening to a recording of myself!

Whats the Count?

Stars: 4

Total: 4


Twilight Emergency…maybe

Assignment: Record what a 911 call would be like. Doesn’t have to be serious.

I wanted to be silly and have fun with this one. It is in tribute to The Twilight Zone, “Midnight Sun”.

911 Call

Unfortunately I have had to make a good number of 911 calls in my life. Nevertheless, I decided to goof around for the “911, Whats’s Your Emergency” assignment. I used Garageband for this assignment. For the 911 operators voice I created an audio layer (“track”) using the ‘radio male’ filter. For the caller in distress I created a layer with the ‘helium breath’ layer. I raised the pitch of this filter by 4 and slightly changed the reverb.

Stars: 4 audio

The Midnight Call

So I based this audio assignment off of The Twilight Zone episode “The Midnight Sun.”  The assignment was to create a fake 911 call which I did by myself on garageband. The actors are a skeptical operator and a victim of the midnight sun’s heat.

It’s pretty silly but probably how I would react as an operator to a 911 call like this.


Difficulty: 4 stars

View the Original Assignment Here

Stuck in the Twilight Zone

I incorporated the Twilight Zone into my fake 911 call.  I found this fake call at Freesound.org and edited it in Audacity.

What’s your emergency? assignment.

Difficulty: 3 1/2 stars


Julie has attended a forbidden party and has just realized that she is now wanted by the police. A police officer detects her and she runs away.

For this little audio story I altered the ds106 assignment “911, What’s Your Emergency?” in the way that a police officer calls his or her head office. He takes the radio with him or her and reports what happens.
I recorded what the officer says with my voice and added a police radio sound effect in Audacity. I as well put in a running sound and recorded myself gasping for breath. All together it makes the impression of a police officer pursuits a suspect. I’d rather liked that the gasping and the spoken words come together. The next time I may record me gasping and speaking the same time.

911, whats your emergency?

Audio assignment two stars-> http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/911-whats-your-emergency/

This is a really funny one to me, this is an actual recording of a reverse 911 call I made to my friend. My cousin has this software which changes the caller id of his phone which allowed me to make my friend think it was 911 calling her as that was the number which appeared on her phone. I acted as though I was calling her back and she already called me. I asked her crazy questions like was she in danger or not. Here you go take a listen…..

911, What’s Your Emergency?

Psh, I work for Emergency Services, who didn’t see this one coming? This assignment is a giant two-fer if you ask me! I get to complete an Assignment Proposal as well as work on my final project. If you read my post about The Final Countdown you could guess that my Final Project relates to emergencies and the like. However, what you can’t see, is that @cogdog opened my eyes to a real story to tell when he said ” Or what if you are something like the EMS that responds to emergencies of cartoon characters? ” with a comment on Canvas. This TOTALLY made me rethink my final project, but here is the revised 911 Call with that quote in mind!

So, What’s Your Emergency? Get creative and tell us!

This is just a little teaser into the rest of the story I hope to tell within the next week about the cartoon emergency. Beware…it may get a little Looney!


Huge props for soundboard.com, soundjay.com, Bugs, and Arnold(yeah he was a little random) for providing clips to complete my cartoon 911 call and a wonderful girlfriend, who also happens to be a 911 Dispatcher, for playing a wonderful role! THANKS!


911, What’s Your Emergency?

Most people don’t get to call 911, and you never get to call 911 unless it’s a true emergency. Well here’s your chance to “Call 911” and have some fun! Create a recording of how you think a 911 call would play out. It doesn’t have to be a real emergency at all! Operator: “What’s your emergency?” Caller: “THERES NO PEANUT BUTTER FOR PB&J SAMMICHES!!!!” Get creative!