The Most Dangerous Thing

I decided to create a READ poster for one of my design assignments.

I just recently watched The Wire season 2, episode 10 and wandered upon the perfect reading related quote said by Brother Mouzone:

You know what the most dangerous thing in the nation is? A nigga with a library card.

So I made a READ poster out of it, using a screenshot I took from the episode. I edited in the text using GIMP and uploaded it to Flickr.


I realize that out of context of the show and this assignment, some people might take this as racist. Hopefully they’ll get the reference, though.

Reading is learning


I was struck by the “Create A READ poster” assignment because of the attention spent on D’Angelo’s education, both book learning and life knowledge. When I looked at this poster I thought about the moment when D is in jail and reading The Great Gatsby and I decided to use that scene to make a reading poster out of.

D’Angelo talks about how everyone’s past is available when we read. He discusses Gatsby and what we know about his past and that, even though Gatsby has books and other fine things, he does not use them because he still has not changed on the inside to become the refined man he says he is. D’Angelo constantly fights with himself about what he is because of his family and ‘job’ as opposed to who he wants to be. “What came first is who you really are,” he says, and yet D tries to escape the life that created him.

To make this I uploaded a screenshot from episode 6 of the Wire to my new friend and used some of their free text suggestions to come up with a cool overlay design for the text. I decided to write “You can always learn something about yourself” because of D’Angelo’s comments on the reading, as well as from his life experiences. I also find myself learning something with each book I read about who I am as a person.


Don’t ruin other peoples’ lives.. read!

Read Poster_Great Gatsby


This assignment was to create a 1960s READ poster using a book character or some sort of variation. I chose to used a quote from Daisy Buchanan in the text The Great Gatsby and used a photo of Carey Mulligan as Daisy in The Great Gatsby (2013). The quote was chosen because a major portion of the plot of the book is dedicated to the things that Daisy and her husband Tom do due to their boredom with life. Perhaps if they had found a hobby, such as reading, their lives might have been more fulfilling and others’ lives wouldn’t be ruined. This photo was created using PowerPoint. Link to assignment

Pretty Little Liars Read Poster

Pretty Little Liars is full of literary allusions.  This READ poster references one of the greatest American novels, The Great Gatsby, as alluded to through the television show, Pretty Little Liars.  This poster was created in hopes that fans of the popular television show will explore these allusions and find clues through reading literature.  Read Poster


Read Poster – Design Assignment #3

Design a Reading Poster.

As a child, I grew up to the music stylings of 50 Cent. Though at times his lyrics were vulgar, I admired his life story more. He was a man who lived his life through great adversity and has triumphed. He was raised by a mother who worked as a drug dealer. She died when he was only 8 years old.

As a young boy, he was forced to sell drugs to make money for basic necessities. In 2000, an attempt was made on his live. After the failed attempt, 50 Cent began to grow his career. Through all of that adversity, he was able to make music. He is now worth $140 million dollars. He is both a music and business tycoon. I believe he is a good figure to preach about the importance of reading and working hard. I found this image by typing “50 Cent Reading” on Google.

tumblr_m0lass44F71rqjtkzo1_500Afterwards, I used the native application on Apple to edit the picture. Using preview, I was able to add text to the picture. I have outlined the step in the following picture.

Screen Shot 2014-07-04 at 4.06.46 PMI used the blue highlighted box to insert the text into the picture. Then I used the following boxes to change the color of the text. I hope you enjoy.

The original photograph can be found on:

Sexy Matt Smith with a Book!

Okay so when I choose this Assignment :

I didn’t know what I wanted to do. So I thought about it and decided that I didn’t want it to be boring and then I remembered!

A few months ago, when the new doctor for doctor who was chosen, I saw a picture posted on facebook or something similar and saw a half-naked Matt Smith with a book!

SO I decided that would be so much fun to make into an assignment and give people a hoot. I mean for those who are scared, you don’t see anything, just his naked arms but still, you can imagine what would be there!

I then decided on a made up quote that alluded not only to Matt Smith being half-naked but to his old role as “the Doctor” from Doctor Who.

Let me know what you guys think!

Also, I’m not that big of a Doctor Who fan but I have seen a few episodes, so please don’t try to fan out with me about the show, cause I can’t sorry!


Here’s Matt!

Matt Smith Reading


So to make this, I just searched for the picture, copied and pasted it onto Paint. Then I just used Text to add the words, and there we go! A pretty simple assignment!

How to add tex

Positive Rap Posters

I’ve got to give complete credit to Dan for the idea and the example rap poster. After seeing his great poster of Talib Kweli I had to make some of my own. Both images will link to fairly large jpgs. Dan’s blog is what this one might be if it were better so be sure to pay a

Reading Poster Assignment

For this assignment, I made a reading poster. Although Mr. Beemis had already been used as the main example, I found this picture of him looking so cute and excited and decided I could pass it up.

Now, this assignment was a *little* too easy for 3 stars, so I ended up trying to colorize my picture a bit (it’s a skill I’m still working on).

Anyway, the poster really says it all. Reading is fun! Go do it! And if you’re the only person left on the planter for the love of Pete don’t break your only pair of glasses. Or get eye surgery. I don’t know. He had options.

readingposter copy

Link to Original Assignment

3 Stars

Kim Can Read Good

For the create a Read poster assignment I took an image of Kim Kardashian from this California Tourism commercial. She is reading a Quantum Physics text book in the add. As a physics major I find this especially amusing. Additionally, this book doesn’t seem to exist (it’s not on any major publication site or Amazon OR EVEN GOOGLE!). I used photoshop to edit the image. I selected the book and added it to its own layer. I then took the background image and made it black and white to allow the viewer to be directed to the book that she is reading.

P.S. The poor grammer in the title is for effect.


Stars: 4 Design

Reading: The Midnight Sun

This picture was taken from the episode “The Midnight Sun” from the Twilight Zone.
Design Assignments: Create a Read poster