Name that tune (80’s addition)

For my final assignment I decided to do Guess the Song. In this assignment, I had to create a poster that described a popular song while also using a picture of myself. I was really excited to use this assignment to be creative!

While thinking about the song I would choose to use for this assignment, I decided that I wanted to connect it to to theme of the class. In this I would be picking an 80s song to make the poster off. I looked on the internet for a little while until I found the perfect song to use. After choosing a song, I now had to thinking about how I would make a poster of myself that represent that song.

This took a little bit of thought, but I finally found the perfect way to describe this song! And this was the final product!

Guess below what you think the song is!

What Song Is It??

For my fifth and final design assignment for the week I chose the assignment Guess The Song, where the idea is creating a poster for a popular song, without telling the name of the song, and incorporating an image of you into it. It took me awhile to figure out the song I was going to use, but I’m really happy with the poster I came up with. Here it is:

Counting Stars (Guess The Song)

To be honest, this picture is really funny to me, and it definitely took me multiple shots to get the one I wanted.

But if you’re having trouble guessing the song, here are a few hints:

1. This song is the first track of it’s album, which released earlier in 2014

2. The band whose song this is, is also famous for their song Apologize

3. Lastly, if you can’t tell, I’m counting something in this photo.

To complete this task, the first thing I did was use the Apple application Photobooth. Photobooth is essentially a webcam photo taking app. It also has effects that can be added to photos. Photobooth made it simple to accomplish this task, as it allows users to enter their own backdrops into photos. The webcam then simply scans the background of the shot, and creates a green screen effect covering the area. From there, I was able to stand in front of the camera, and make it appear as though the night sky was close behind me. The only problem with this was that, the photos with this effect tend to come out a bit pixelated, and trust me it was a lot worse before I doctored this photo up. I did so, using I simply added blotches of color that were similar to my skin tone. These place being, one right above my eye, and two, on finger that is pointing into the sky.

So, if you can’t figure out the song in this photo, you can find it here.

If you figured it out, congrats to you!

This assignment was worth a total of 3.5 stars out of 5.

Giving me a total of 15.5 stars for the week. Overall, I really liked this assignment. It again, allowed me to get creative, but it also was similar to a game like charades, which definitely made it more fun.

I hope you all enjoyed this post. Til next time my friends.

The Wire: Can you guess my song?

In thinking about this assignment I wanted to convey or at least represent an aspect of the wire in a creative fashion. The intro scenes during episode 9 of Season 2 of The Wire. I will give you a hint it has a lot to do with lyrics and what comes before each Wire episode!

A Walk Through the Garden: Guess that song?

Can You Guess the Song?

The assignment that I did earlier in the week was entitled Guess That Song from the Guess The Song assignment worth 3 1/2 stars.   The song which I did was based on The Wire’s Intro Theme Song for Season 2.

For this particular assignment I used the opening scenes from Season 2 Episode 9 where Avon Barksdale and his crew are confronted with other potential dealers who are trying to chase them off their turf.   The first thing I did was get a screen shot of the guys who are going to challenge Avon’s crew:


I then cropped just the group of guys in the picture without any of the white  lower background…I then used another screenshot of one of Avon’s crew members ducking for cover during the gun battle and used the Lasso tool to cut out an outline of him to copy and paste over the group of guys.  I then used the opacity tool to fade him out into the background.  I wanted the picture to convey a foreshadowing of what is to come.  In addition, I wanted to emphasize the lyrics in the wire song:


walk_through the garden

Can You Guess This Song?

This assignment which was worth 3 and 1/2 stars was to create a poster using  a photo of yourself and incorporating an object in it as well. The object and your picture are then used as hints to a song that people must guess.

This song may be tricky, I do not know exactly how popular it is. It is one of my favorite songs though and that is why I chose it.  The key to guessing this song is all in the eye color. Another reason this song was perfect because if you cannot tell my eyes are green.  I also chose to make the poster this way because instead of just over editing my eyes I thought this looked more like a nice poster and required more effort. When I just edited my eyes it looked a bit sloppy and this was more clean cut.

Can you guess this song?



Guess The Song or Die

Home stretch! I’m on to my last design assignment for the week. An assignment that stood was the “Guess The Song.” There was a picture of a girl with a straw drinking a watermelon. I later realized that the song was by Beyonce. Point being, i chose this assignment and i’m now going to take you through the thinking process and execution.


I’ll be honest, i wasn’t in the mood for taking pictures of myself and having to create a song from it. And it is here that i thank Halloween for existing. I was at Target earlier and my friend and i decided to try on costumes and take pictures. Me being myself, i put on the banana suit. It was destiny. The problem for me was, what song involves bananas, yet alone a popular song? I would tell you the song but that would make this no fun so you’re going to have to figure it out yourself!


For this song i needed to include: Peanut Butter, Jelly, Baseball bat, and Time. I googled these images and cut them out in GIMP. What i did next was open the picture of Banana Carmela and individually added each item as a separate layer. This wasn’t too bad. I made a couple of mistakes though. After uploading it to Flickr, i realized i forgot the clock. Not to complain but i had to delete it, open it in GIMP, export it, and reupload. That was just annoying. But my photo ended coming out great. I giggle every time i open it. I also had no shame and posted the picture on my Facebook. I hope you have as much fun guessing the song as i did in creating it!


Guess The Song

Just as a reference, the before picture was just me in the suit. Enlarged groceries and other items were not present.


Guess my song!


Guess my song! I decided to do the “guess my song” assignment as my last assignment and have some fun with it. I uploaded a photo from my birthday to Photoshop. It was the perfect photo for what I had in mind because I was holding something. I got a photo of a tea infuser that I have and cut it out using the magic wand. Then I selected the inverse to get a hold of the object and cleared the background of the photo. I then placed the object photo onto the photo of me and shrunk it down to fit into my hand.

I think this is a pretty easy one to figure out as the tea infuser is literally the same object depicted on the cover for this very well-known song!



Guess the Song

The assignment was to create an image of a popular song while also including a picture of myself. This assignment was worth 3 stars, but it took me forever since I figured I’d start using GIMP instead of just sticking to paint and making sloppy pictures. Here’s a little on my process and how it turned out.

So first I used this picture of myself because I needed something that might resemble me driving a car.



Then I used paint to create this picture by just added text


Now here’s where things started to get a little tricky. I uploaded the picture of me in GIMP and used the scissor tool to get rid of the background. By selecting “select” and then “invert” and then selecting layer -> transparency -> add alpha channel -> delete, it got rid of the background. I then added a new layer with the car and did the same thing to get rid of it’s white background. It ended up looking like this.


Then I opened the Earth picture I created in paint and moved the layer of me in the car on top and merged the layers. Here’s what I got.


I think the final product looks kind of ridiculous and like a kid did it, but hey, go easy on me this stuff is new to me! Can you guess what popular song this is?

Guess the Song

You have to create a poster that describes a popular song while also using an image of yourself, without telling us what the song is.


It’s kind of a mix between the minimalist assignment and the 4 images one movie assignment using the Noun Project, except you have to put yourself in it.