Since 1965

For my 4 Star assignment I chose creating a simple logo.  My grandparents have owned an auto repair business since before my mom was born.  I wanted to create a modern, simple logo that also honored the business.  To do the project, I used the app Logo Maker.

It does not have many free templates, but had what I was looking for and offered customization. After choosing the template, I removed 2 of the photo layers and replaced the symbol with a simple red car.  I used Halvetica font because I learned it looks good on everything!  Using Navy Blue font for the company name helps it to pop.  The tag line in gray is subtle yet effective.

I believe the modern font style and photo with primary colors give an up to date yet classic feel to the logo.  The tag line “Since 1965” adds distinction and credibility.

final product

Logo Creation

For 4 whole stars, I decided to complete the Create a simple logo assignment from the assignment bank. I was orginally going to create my own custom logo or use one of my own drawings as logo icon, but I had wanted to see exaclty what my logo would look like from start to finish using one of the resources provided. So, I went to the studio.tailorbrands website and clicked create a logo.

Here, I chose the company name I wanted, “ShikaF” and added the tagline “Freelance Work” to the card. I then decided that I wanted to have an abstract logo that the site would design for me. With that set, the last part I needed to to was choose between two font styles a few seperate times. In order to get a basic idea of what fonts to use for the name and tagline, I had choose between 2 fonts a couple of times.

After all this, I was able to see the final product and even make adjustments or change the font styles completely. I really love the way the logo icon looked so I left it alone as I played with a few of the font styles.

Midnight Vigil, P.I.- Logo Design

Hey there everyone! I hope you’re having a great and productive Saturday. I have spent a lot of my time working on our assignments for the week, and I’m looking forward to getting some more done.
So far, I am very much enjoying this design-centric week.

This next 4-star assignment I have completed is called “Create a Logo that is simple but detailed“.

I have a lot of experience creating logos already, because I owned a fitness company last year. Because of the fact that we sold things on Amazon, I wanted to make sure that the logo that I selected to put on my products was very clean, simple, and professional. In case you’re wondering what my brand’s logo ended up looking like- this is it.

Do you like it? Do you not? Let me know! Personally, I thought it was well balanced, minimal, and I think the logo matched the name very well.

So on to my new logo, or- better put, my secret agent’s new logo. I created this logo under the guise that I was making a logo for my Rich Lancer’s new private investigation firm. I picked the name ‘Midnight Vigil’ because in my mind, I visualize spies spending a lot of time out late, watching over situations and taking notes on their targets. Rich opened a new P.I. firm because he was tired of the bureaucratic things he encountered where he previously worked. And his frustrations totally makes sense. The high-visibility agency he worked for before was always forced to tip-toe around laws- even in his own country, and Rich couldn’t stand it.

This being said- without further adieu, here’s the logo Rich and I came up with.

The spherical connections are meant to represent the global network of information that his firm can, and will tap in to in order to solve a case.

Let me know what you think down below! Would you hire Rich as a P.I.?


Here is m logo for this assignment. I hope you enjoy

Week 6 Design Assignments 12 Stars

This week I needed to complete 12 stars from the Design Assignments. It was hard to pick the assignments I wanted to work on this week. all of them were fun and took a little time to figure out how to complete.

Character Word Cloud    2 Stars

I used words that relate to the character that I am creating for this class. Words all describe my little Dragon storyteller. I am excited to she how this character develops.

Destination Post Card        3 Stars

I created a postcard for the beach. The beach is one of the most relaxing places I think I have ever been. Unfortunately, I do not get to go to the beach enough. This is also my charters favorite place to go and be alone. She does some of her best creative thinking at the beach.

Create a logo that is simple but detailed.      4 Stars

This is the logo of my Character, she is a crazy storyteller. You never know what she is going to say, sometimes nice and sometimes rather rude.


Make a Maze.               3 1/2 Stars

I have never made a maze  before and though this would be interesting. Also, this could be a skill to use in my future classroom. This maze is large and might  not be suitable of all age groups but it can be adjusted. I did not realize how many free maze making websites that are available on the internet. I played with this maze maker site for quite a long time.

Perkatory Café Logo

For the last extra Design Assignment I chose for this week was the “Create a Logo That is Simple But Detailed” assignment. There is actually a bit of a long story behind this logo, but I also thought it was fitting with the apocalyptic theme of this class (I also found it rather hilarious). The logo itself is very simple (as per the instructions of the assignment), but a lot of thought went into this.

For a long time I had wanted to open a café of my own, but then I realized my bigger dream was to become a teacher. Maybe later in life, after I have retired, I will open this café. However, it is not something that I could do for the rest of my life. I had taken a Small Business class in Germanna and that is where I was able to create my café a bit (and where I came up with the name). “Perkatory” is a noun meaning the anguished, prolonged period spent waiting for a fresh pot of coffee to be ready. I thought it was funny and decided to name my café after it. This assignment allowed me to make a logo for this, so I’m really happy I was given this chance to do so.


If Malevolent Melody had a logo I think it would look a little something like this:

It incorporates all that she is about which includes her magical keytar, music, and her colorful energy!

Super Logos

For the Create a Logo assignment, I was to create a logo that was simple yet detailed. To complete this task, I decided to create a logo for my character because every superhero deserves a logo and I have yet to give her one!

First, I looked up some websites that I could use to create the font for the logo. I ended up using Supalogo, and just modified the font to fit the way I wanted it to look and downloaded the result. Then, I looked back at when I created Morph Shadow to see what the details were on her costume. I saw that she had flames on her so I decided to give the logo flames, to match her costume. I looked up a photo of flames and downloaded one to my computer. Last, I used Photo Editor PixelStyle, an app on my computer, to bring the two together, creating my final product.

Redd’s Productions

For my 4th design assignment I chose the create your own logo. My logo is Redd’s Productions I know it’s a weird name but for about two years I have been creating my friends mix tape covers. I had this idea to create this productions project where I helped people create music covers, websites, business cards etc at no charge. I did it this way because I wanted to get experience in designing and I felt that would be the best way to do it as well as most enjoyable. I got the interest in design during an internship I had with a company that produced websites. The name Redd’s Productions comes from me having red hair and a lot of people call me red, redhead, etc, so I stuck with it and productions because I am producing something.

In order to create this logo I found the background on google images and then added the font to the photo using and Adobe Photoshop. I used the horizontal type tool to type the text onto the photo and the layer options to add effects to the text as well as change the color.