Original assignment(2 Stars)
If I had a cover to my autobiography it would be this. This design is a picture of a cave entrance. Before college I was always an introvert and shy. I didn’t go out of my way to meet many people. If I was talking to someone it was probably through the headset from my Xbox. The past four years I have spent outside trying to meet more people. So this photo cover would represent the first 18 chapters of my life. I would need a different cover to the last four chapters of my autobiography.
I created this photo using Microsoft Word and Snipping Tool. I uploaded the photo to Microsoft Word. I inserted a text box and typed in “Inside the Man Cave”. I used the Snipping Tool to crop the photo a created a .jpg file. I then uploaded the file to Flickr.
I’m usually open about my past. I don’t have high school friends anymore. I stopped talking to most a couple years ago. When I came to the University of Mary Washington I was expecting to pick up where I left off in high school. That all lasted until I rushed a fraternity which lead to huge changes in my daily life.