Drops of Jupiter (literally)

This assignment caught my eye for many reasons. I love photography in general and I really liked the idea of being able to turn some form of art into another new form of art that could incorporate different mediums of art. Over this past year Train’s “Drops of Jupiter” album turned 20. I remember growing up listening to this song on the radio and I actually even got to see them preform in concert.

I wanted to take the album and turn it into something literal. I wanted to take a photo of rain drops and turn the droplets into tiny Jupiter.

I started out by finding an image of rain drops that I could set as the background for my image. Once I found one I liked, I started looking for images of Jupiter. I know I didn’t want a super realistic photo of the planet, I wanted to have a more cartoon like image. I found one that had a dark background so I cut the background out in order to get it by itself. When I finally got it on its own, I started placing it on the drops. I didn’t have a specific idea of how many drops I wanted to show that were regular or how many I wanted as the planet. So I just started throwing some planets on the background until I was happy with my final product!

I wanted to leave some rain droplets visible as well because I thought it would give the image another layer to it. Its called drops of Jupiter and so my interpretation would have some real rain drops mixed in with some Jupiter drops. Our theme from ds106 is The Joy of Painting. Although we aren’t necessarily painting while we do our work in the class I believe the point is you can find joy within art. While making this I actually was having fun and was enjoying my time. I was also proud to be able to practice some of my digital skills as well. It is really nice to see myself making progress especially since I was buggin about how limited my digital skills were. I really loved the idea of taking something from one artist and the imagery they have created through lyrics and turning it into visual art. It was a really fun assignment that got me into a creative zone, I highly recommend.


I really liked this assignment because I chose a tv show. My tv show allowed me to be kinda mysterious. I found this picture and did some editing on it to make it look more erie or mysterious, just like spys! I’m curious, can anybody guess what my favorite show is?


Brown Eyed Girl

Brown Eyed Girl1

DS106 FanFic Assignments
Instructions for Assignment:
Take the name or title of your favorite band, song, movie, or tv show and display it in the form of photography. You can take as many pictures as you want, but have your photos capture the band, song, movie, or tv show you pick. Be creative and have fun!

For this assignment I chose the song Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison. I love dancing to this song when played by cover band at local pubs and festivals. Although my personality can be reserved at times when this song is played I am the first one on the dance floor. It just makes me feel happy and carefree. The picture is of my daughter and it is fitting, for she is… my Brown Eyed Girl.

ds106 Choice Assignment B – Tomlin

Times are a changin' fanfic pic by Keri Tomlin

Times are a changin’ fanfic pic by Keri Tomlin

These are some of my closest friends. We went to visit Duke University in North Carolina to visit a chapter of our fraternity (co-ed). While walking around, we found some railroad tracks. I thought it was funny that no matter how much time has passed, we all very much enjoy walking on railroad tracks. This assignment allowed me to explore my more fond memories and contemplate the good things in my life.


ds106 Choice Assignment B

Times are a changin' fanfic pic by Keri Tomlin

Times are a changin’ fanfic pic by Keri Tomlin

These are some of my closest friends. We went to visit Duke University in North Carolina to visit a chapter of our fraternity (co-ed). While walking around, we found some railroad tracks. I thought it was funny that no matter how much time has passed, we all very much enjoy walking on railroad tracks. This assignment allowed me to explore my more fond memories and contemplate the good things in my life.

DS106 Asasignment II.

My final choice for a DS106 assignment is called Fan Fiction Picture. I first saw it on Takuji’s blog, and then again on Eri‘s. I liked both of them, but I also chose this assignment because the “fanfic” section is one that I haven’t yet chosen any assignments from. The assignment reads:

Take the name or title of your favorite band, song, movie, or tv show and display it in the form of photography. You can take as many pictures as you want, but have your photos capture the band, song, movie, or tv show you pick. Be creative and have fun!

Instead of a band, song, movie, or TV show though, I chose DS106:

I did a google search of “DS1906″ and these are some images that come up. I then took physical pictures of my computer screen (I wanted a bit blurrier/more tonal image, rather than just a screen shot), mashed them together, fixed some color/balance problems, added text, then my own deco around the text.I guess this officially makes me a fan of DS106.. Thank you all for this fun DS106-semester experience!

Fan Fiction Picture

The Assignment

This assignment is called Fan Fiction Picture byduncandonuts56. The assignment read: Take the name or title of your favorite band, song, movie, or tv show and display it in the form of photography. You can take as many pictures as you want, but have your photos capture the band, song, movie, or tv show you pick. Be creative and have fun!

The Process

For this assignment, I used Photoshop cs3. First, I went to Flickr to get images which I need for this assignment. I chose two images. Then I went to Photoshop sc3 and cut out the word from second image. After that, I pasted the image on the first image.

The Story

I decided to create this image because I was inspired by the song which is called Fearless by Taylor Swift. She is my one of favorite singer. This song is the first song of her album which is called Fearless  released on November 11, 2008. She mentioned  “FEARLESS is not the absence of fear. It’s not being completely unafraid. FEARLESS is having fears. FEARLESS is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, FEARLESS is living in spite of those things that scare you to death. FEARLESS is getting back up and fighting for what you want over and over again… even though every time you’ve tried before, you’ve lost. It’s FEARLESS to have faith that someday things will change.” I can relate to what she mentioned, so that’s why I chose this song. The reason that I chose the image which I used is that he seems “FEARLESS”.

images: Fearless by man’s pic - cclicinsed via Flickr

              Fearless by Olivija Cepaite - cclicensed via Flickr

DS106 Fanfic Assignmnents

I decided this category because this is new to me.I chose this assignment, Fan Fiction Picture, which requires to “Take the name or title of your favorite band, song, movie, or tv show and display it in the form of photography. You can take as many pictures as you want, but have your photos capture the band, song, movie, or tv show you pick. Be creative and have fun!”

I used the picture from google, and I attached it. I copied the code of the YouTube and I attached it on this page, then the movie is appeared. Before I do this assignment, I do not know how to attach the YouTube on this page, but I remembered what we did on flicker section. We copied the code of picture and paste on the HTML. As a result, the photographic appeared. I used the way for doing this assignment.

The story is that I like the movie. I think most of the people can learn something from this movie. When I watched the movie, I though this is for “Rich” people, but a short time later, I thought we all know this situation would have to happen  someday. We just feel unrealistic. After I watched, I must enjoy my life because life is one-time-only, and I do not want to have regret for my life. I strongly recommend this movie to think about LIFE.

ds106 Assignment – Fan Fiction Picture

So for this Assignment I decided to do the Fan Fiction Picture  where I had to use the name of a title of a song, singer, tv show or movie and display it in the form of a picture.

I decided I would make a picture based on a song I like, but I had such a hard time choosing only one song so I ended up doing two different ones.

First I decided to make a picture for a song called “Safari Disco Club” (from the album of the same name) by one of my favorite French bands Yelle 

I used to (and still) listen to Yell back when I was in 10th grade. So I thought it would be a good choice.

The Second one I decided to make was for the song “Don” by an Argentine electro pop band known as “Miranda!”

This song is from their 2004 album “Sin Restricciones”  I decided to base the picture mostly on what is in the music video.  An Argentine friend that used to live in my share house introduced me to Miranda, and other music from Argentina.  Since I am half Argentine I highly appreciated it since I don’t know much about current pop trends that are going on there.

I made both these images by using images I found around the internet. In the end I used Paint tool SAI to put them all together and arrange them to my liking.  I ran into some difficulties having to re-size some images since SAI is not as good as photoshop. In the end I really like how they turned out and this ended up being quite an enjoyable assignment to do.

Ghost Opera.

FanFic Assignment: FacFic Picture

This is a fanfiction assignment which you “take the name or title of your favorite band, song, movie, or tv show and display it in the form of photography”. The image you create needs to somehow capture your theme.

My all-time favorite band is Kamelot when they were with their former singer Roy Khan. Many of my favorite bands come from either the ’70 or the ’80s like Rainbow (with Dio or Graham Bonnet,), Show-Ya, and Iron Maiden. Anyway, Kamelot is an awesome power metal band I recommend to people. Their music is theatrical and not too loud for non-heavy metal listeners.

I chose the title track from the Ghost Opera album (released in 2007) for this assignment. To fully understand what is happening in the picture, you would want to watch the video for the song. Check the lyrics as well, to get the feel of it.

As I imagined, the creative process demanded working with paths and cutting. Everything was done using Gimp. Through the process, I came up with a bit of new ideas that altered my initial intentions such as adding a glow of light, filtering the background with a newspaper-ish effect, and so on.

I have a fond memory of Ghost Opera from back when I was in high school. I knew the band existed, but I didn’t really discover them until I actually listen to the song “Ghost Opera”. The album was also the very first Kamelot records I bought. Soon after the purchase, I had to listen to them more. Another thing that I remember about it is that me and my ex got to know each other by me lending the album to him. Isn’t it kind of peculiar that a heavy metal record can draw people together?