The Evolution of Luke Dunphy

One of my favorite TV shows is Modern Family. It is a fantastic sitcom that can always give me a good laugh. Throughout the series, I have noticed the changes in Luke’s appearance, voice, and overall personality. When the show began, Luke was a young boy. He is still young, but he has hit puberty in real life and the show. I think the producers of the show did a great job incorporating the actor’s changing body into the series.

To complete this assignment, I actually found YouTube videos entitled “The Best of Luke Dunphy” This made it pretty easy to complete the assignment. I downloaded the videos using Next, I uploaded them to MovieMaker and used the split tool to cut out segments I wanted to keep. Here’s the final product! If you’re in a bad mood, it’ll be sure to give you a good laugh :)

An Evolution of Sabrina

One of my FAVORITE shows growing up was “Sabrina the Teenage Witch.” I thought it was the cutest and funniest show ever! And I still do! I always thought she was a good role model and the ending was the best anyone could ask for! So I decided to do an evolution of Sabrina throughout [...]

Oh Stephanie Tanner

For my second assignment that I created I made a remix assignment.  While going though the assignments for remix I found myself wishing that there were more.  I made a note to myself that I needed to create one for this category.  There were some ideas that were similar to what I came up with but nothing exactly that same so I ran with it.

For my assignment I decided that I would have participants create a remix of a character over a course of time.  They could pick any character (however TV characters from a show that has been on air for a while will probably be the easiest) and use clips of videos to show how they have grown up over a certain about of time.  This can be done in any video editing program as long as they are able to show the character growing up.

For my character I picked Stephanie Tanner from Full House.  I picked her because she is great and because Full House was on long enough that you’d be able to see plenty of change in her character.  I started doing this assignment by looking up clips of Stephanie at all different ages.

After finding my clips I used Mozilla Popcorn to make my mash up.  I entered in each clip one at a time and cut them to the size I wanted them.  I then layered in the next clip doing the same thing until I had them all lined up. After all the clips were in I added a title and saved my video.

Here’s what I came up with.  Enjoy Stephanie over the years:

A Changing Character

For this assignment you need to pick any chacter and follow thier progression that they have had (TV characters from a long standing TV show will probably be best).  Use video clips to show how the character has changed and grown up over time.  Try to make their progression seem as dramatic as you possibly can.