Leonidas Is A Jerk (Mashup Assignments1520 3 Stars)

I chose to mash up scenes of Leonidas from the movie 300 that made him look like a jerk.  I re-watched the movie again recently, and I noticed that Leonidas was a very one dimensional character.  He has no flaws, he never does anything wrong or questionable, he’s just a mans man, a good husband, a noble leader, and blah blah blah blah.  So I decided I wanted to make a highlight reel of some of his jerkiest moments and try to paint him in a different light.


I already had the movie in digital format, so I just converted it to mp4 and loaded it in movie maker.  I watched the movie and picked out parts I thought would suit the video, then I cut the video down to those clips, used music and effects from different parts of the movie, and made this little baby right here.  My favorite part is the twinkly eyes (serious Leonidas eyes shot with little twinkly sound from a different part of the movie).


I want first of all give credit to the creator of Twilight saga (movie) because I do not own the clip that I am using.

This assignment which is worth 3 stars asked us to create a video clip of our favorite character. I like Jacob, is the only character that I can like, I am sorry Edwards fans I do not like him one bit, and I am not a super fan of the Jacob either but he wins.  So for this assignment I use iMovie and I used one clip that I found in YouTube and some photos that I download from google, and using iMovie I added some music in the photo so that the transition between video clip and photo is  not silence void.

J.D. Scrubs Mashup

Assignment (3 stars)

For this assignment, we had to take a character from a TV show and mash together pictures and videos of them. I chose to mashup J.D. from one of my favorite shows, Scrubs. J.D. is one of the main characters, and is a doctor at Sacred Heart.

To complete this assignment, I first found several different pictures on Google, and clips on YouTube of J.D. to put into my mashup. I downloaded the clips using a YouTube converter, and edited them all together in iMovie. I then downloaded the Scrubs theme song (found here) and added it into iMovie. I then saved the movie, and uploaded it to YouTube

Dwight Schrute Survial Tips? – DS106 Mash-up

This week I chose to do a Mash-Up DS106 Assignment that asked me to create a remix of clips from my favorite television show personality. I chose Dwight Schrute from the american television series “The Office”.

As you may have noticed, my focal theme for most of this blog is the outdoors, hiking, camping, etc. I wanted to choose a character that I loved while also keeping to this theme. Therefore Dwight Schrute was PERFECT! He is always giving very unusual survival advice in the show and putting it all together just makes it that much more ridiculous.

Let me walk you through how you could make a video similar to this on your own. First you need to find a youtube video or two of your character that you want to get clips from. Then, type “ss” right after the “www.” of the video url and it will take you to a download page savefrom.net. Download the video as a mp4, any size you choose, and then you can drag it to your desktop, then import it into iMovie. From there you can take different bits of video you’d like to use. I added a bizzare royalty free music clip behind the video that had a jungle feel to it just for fun. To get royalty free music and sounds like that go to Incompetech.

Now are those really survival tips? No. But was it amazingly funny? I’m going out on a limb and saying yes. The project was a lot of fun to make. Every time I use iMovie I feel as if I get better and better at it!

Who would you make a mash-up video of?

Tagged: #cudenver15, #ds106, #MashupAssignments, #MashupAssignments1520


For this assignment you are to mash together a video of clips or photos of your favorite TV character or personaility. For mine I chose Ron Swanson.