It’s a PocketProtector… It’s a Calculator… It’s SuperNerd

Welcome again to, your one-stop shop for all photo edits! This assignment asked me to insert a superhero into a daily life situation, and here you can see SuperNerd is here to save you all from infinite loops and dreaded error messages. But watch out because even he can fall for the cruel grip of his arch-rival MemoryLeak!

Superhuman in Every Day Life

I chose to do the superhuman in everyday life mashup. For my mashup I put the Hulk in a photo with the Geography department in the Monroe Fountain on campus. I am a Geography major and I must admit I get in a hulk like mindset when I am hangry.

I chose a picture to set as the background and set the scene. I was able to find a photo from the Geography department and set it as my background. Then I found a photo of the Hulk that I wanted to use and saved it to my computer. I was able to clip the background out so that I was just left with him. Once I was able to get it to my liking, I set the Geog department photo as the background and inserted the Hulk over top so that I was left with this wonderful masterpiece.

Superhuman In Everyday Life

If I had a superpower, you know I would want to have the power to memorize as much as possible inside a library and it’s contents. I am sure if this were the case I wouldn’t have to go to college or I would be having an easier time studying.

Brainiac is obsessed with knowledge and wants to know it all. This goes the same way for me only for specific topics, like computer science.

Assignment Bank: Superhuman In Everyday Life

If I were given any super power, mine would be to completely warp and bend reality to my will. Coronavirus could be instantly eliminated with a single thought, or the world hunger could be wiped out with a snap of the fingers. After solving these problems, I’d likely retreat into self-imposed isolation and create a parallel universe, with which I could toy with for eternity, creating massive solar systems, destroying galaxies, changing the laws of physics, and creating civilizations. With this level of power, I would not need to return to the world, buy food to feed myself, or pay taxes, and I would not need to be concerned with my own death, as I’d be able to stop my aging entirely. I could pop into random places on Earth from time to time, like the field pictured, and change it beyond recognition. I would be able to travel billions of years into humanity’s future, help humanity along the way, and analyze all of the alternate possibilities of each action. I’d continue on perpetually, like a reverent, and find permanent relaxation with my immortality, being able to rest, have fun, and enjoy life forever.

It’s Only a Superpower if it Makes you Lazier

Assignment: Everyone has a superpower that they’d love to have. Show yours in a mashup by editing at least two photos together to show how you’d yours in an everyday situation.

For this Assignment I thought back and forth about what my superpower could be, there are so many options available. Of course this didn’t help so I thought about bad habits or weaknesses that I had and I though impatience was a pretty bad. So what am I impatient about? Well everything but most importantly waiting in line for anything. It’s the most boring thing to do plus the awkwardness of standing there with strangers is not a situation I like to be in. So, I thought the best solution to this is to have the ability to fly. Now this doesn’t really work in certain areas, but I think a place that would work well in is at the amusement park. I added Iron man because I think he has the only superpower that is feasible (well maybe). So, why wait in line when I can just fly to the top of the ferris wheel and leave without anyone noticing?

How it works:
1.) I picked two pictures using google images one of iron man and venis beach.
2.) I then used GIMP as my editing software since it’s open source
3.) I added iron man but had to take the white background off scale him down using the scale tool.
4.) I tried to equalize both pictures but I wasn’t able to get the right shading so I only cleaned it up a bit.
5.) I saved and exported the image from GIMP (.jpg) to my computer then I added it to my blog using the image block.

Everyday Super

Photoshop a super in to reality

Super Hero

For this assignment, I took Iron Man and put him in an everyday situation… out in space! Okay, not exactly an everyday situation, but probably one that could be considered “everyday” for Iron Man.

Take a look:

Okay, I also had him flying past school… maybe he’s ditching? Hard to tell.

I created both of these images on Canva. I found the Iron Man image through a quick google search, and picked one with a transparent background. I uploaded the Iron Man image into Canva and placed it on top of the two backgrounds you see in the images.

This was such a fun mashup, I really enjoyed the simplicity of it, but also its creativity.

My Favorite Super Power

Everyone has a superpower that they’d love to have. Show yours in a mashup by editing at least two photos together to show how you’d yours in an everyday situation. (4 Stars) The Work Itself: Behind the Work: This Assignment what pretty straight forward. What super power would I want? Express that super power…
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Superhuman in everyday life

4 Stars

For this assignment I had to insert a picture of a superhero into a normal day picture. I inserted a picture of Wonder Woman into a picture of a lifeguard stand at a beach.

To create this image, I used the graphic design website, Canva. I made the background image a picture of the beach and then inserted a picture of Wonder Woman. I have used Canva a lot for assignments in this class and it is super easy and user friendly!

meskeen mo’s day at the protest

in the mashup assignment “superhuman in everyday life,” i decided to take creative liberty and make my superhero someone who define under the umbrella of superhuman but is not a dc/marvel character. in the image above i have mashed up the Edmund Pettus Bridge Civil Rights protest in Selma Alabama and an image of the wonderful songstris Erykah Badu.

my reasons for mashing these two up has to do with my character, maskeen   aka mo’s power as an empath who defies time and spacial locality to be a transient character that just appears during these pinnacle point in revolutionary spaces so as to help folks heal emotionally and maintain self care and sustenance as they continue their (r)evolutionary pursuits. that being said, i choose Erykah as my superhero symbol because i think she encompasses the essence of mo, blk pride, self-care, creativity, community activism and engagement.

i new these images were what i wanted to work with so i found them on google and then used canva to edit them.