Storytelling Through Text

Is Our New House Haunted?

For this assignment, it allows you to tell a story through text. I decided to get one of my friends to help me with our scary, but funny story. We acted as if we were in a new house we got and were hearing weird noises. While putting this story into action, I had to screen record in the midst of our texting back and forth. We put our creative minds together, without knowing what the next person was going to say. This kept the story going and it flowed together really well. The context of the story was to make it seem like we were actually experiencing those noises, amongst our text conversation.

This process was very different, I had not done anything like it before. Though, I found this assignment to be very fun. The way that it turned out really satisfied us both, and we thought about maybe doing something like this again in the future. 

I used the screen record function on my iPhone, to record the story being told. It did take a little bit of editing afterwards, in order to take out some things at the beginning and the end. After that, the storytelling through text, was complete. I think this assignment was a great example of digital creativity and putting technology to good use. 

Text Message Story

This assignment’s instructions were to: Chances are you have probably seen those creepy ads on YouTube which tells horror stories through text. Now its your turn to tell a story. Grab a friend and text eachother to tell a story. Before you start texting make sure to turn on the camera so you can record… Continue reading Text Message Story

like a ds-106er

okay so this assignment was fun because i’ve always kinda wanted to try it, so im glad mashup week gave me the inspiration/motivation to! the idea is to fake a text conversation between two people. I’m still kind of itching to go for the horror vibe ive seen around, but i decided to theme this one eighties because theme! a relatively simple concept, two gals chatting about the madonna concert they’re going to later that night, among a few, smaller various things, but really fun still. I especially like trying to fake two different texting styles and the rush of adrenaline switching phones gave me. So here the video

To start off, i typed up a script on microsoft word in order to have something to follow along with while i was typing. This was important because although i was s p e e d i n g along, to a viewer half of the video is just nothing but those little dots, so i needed a script in order to keep things rolling. after the script was written, it was just a question of not getting any notifications during recording. Didn’t have too much trouble because, as you may or may not have noticed from my phones timestamp, its midnight, but take one did have a wifi notification about midway through recording, which was mad inconveniant. However, during take two, everything went super smoothly and without a hitch. Once I had the recording, i emailed it to myself from my phone and did some minor video editing, just to make the gaps a little shorter and to eliminate me turning off the screen recording. This was super fun and1 10/10 recommend!

get some sleep! -liz

ps the title is a play on a madonna song idk if thats clear but i want it to be

Text Conversation: A Wild Ride

For my second and final mashup assignment this week, I chose to do the Storytelling Through Text Mashup Assignment.

In order to complete this assignment, I used my friend’s laptop that had Final Cut Pro installed on it and downloaded a plug-in that simulates text conversations. Entering my script I had written into each text bubble was time consuming but I think the end result came out really well. The bouncy, fun music was also a nice touch.

Horror Text

Horror text between me and Lilian Perez.

Imagine you’re just hitting up your friend just talking about each other’s day and then something unexplainable happens. This happened to me when I was texting my friend Lilian. She told me she was coming to my house because I told her to but guess what? I never did. Apparently, someone else told her. Someone that wasn’t me. And she never replied back to my texts. I’m going to have to get to the bottom of this. This horror text was inspired by the horror text ads I used to see from Hooked. I wanted to make something honestly creepy and I asked my group who wanted to help me. I created a script and sent it to Lilian. We used iMessage to text each other while I screen recorded it. Then I uploaded it to Inshot and added music to it from Freesound. I trimmed the video and readded the songs to fill the whole video.

Attacked by a Bee

The first mashup assignment I did for this week was Storytelling Through Text. For this assignment, I had to record myself having some sort of storytelling text with a friend. For this assignment, I got my friend Kayla and we got together. We first had to think of the topic of our story. I took a little bit of thinking, but Kayla had just gotten stung by a bee. We decided that could be a really cool storytelling through text.

We started recording our screens and just started texting. I was fun to come up with things on the spot to make the conversation even more interesting! It was not as hard as I thought the conversation would be to come up with and I really enjoy this assignment!

I Got Stung

For one of my mashup assignments I chose to do “Storytelling Through Text” which was worth 5 stars. This assignment challenged us to tell a story from any background but to do it through text and record the entire thing. I drew some inspiration from an event that actually happened to be this morning, getting stung by a wasp. Yep. Just my luck. I was walking into the house I nanny at with a toddler and I reached for the railing and a wasp was hanging out underneath it and my hand went right over top of him. It hurt, like a lot. For this assignment I used my iPhone as it already has a screen record option. I simply began the screen recording and went to text my friend Emily who was playing the role of my housemate. In most situations I would write a script with what we would be texting but for this assignment I chose to do it freestyle and let it be how we actually have conversations. Let me know what you think!!

Storytelling Through Text…

Here I present my 5 star text story! My actual suite mate Melody helped me form this silly horror story filled with twists. I WAS SO SELF-CONSCIOUS OF HOW BAD I WAS AT TYPING. Thank goodness we have spell-check. All I did was write a script and then screen record the conversation.

I wanted to introduce this story very predictably and keep yanking the viewer around. I’ve never done story-telling this way before, but it does help you use your imagination. We wanted to try making the pauses at least a little realistic without seeming boring. Enjoy!

Funny Drunk Story Through Text

I created a funny drunk story. It was fun and creative to come up with a story that could happen in real life.

I used an online text creator to make this happen. I hope you enjoy the story!

#MashupAssignments #MashupAssignments2390

Scary Story Through Text [?????]

This assignment was a lot of fun!

The challenge behind this was to approach storytelling through a text conversation. Everyone has seen text message stories online. Now, I created one!

I used an online creator to make this happen, and I really enjoyed how user friendly it is.

Hope you enjoy this suspenseful story!!

Below, you can find details behind the challenge: