I did the Storytelling through Text assignment, and since I love my Bitmoji so much, I thought it would be fun if I used her to tell a story! Using my Bitmoji always makes me feel like I am Hillary Duff in her Lizzie McGuire tv series from the early 2000s. This was easy, I just needed an assistant! So we had a conversation with just our Bitmojis (which I have done before, but usually there would be some texts involved and not just the Bitmojis). One thing I would have changed was being able to find my bitmoji’s faster, but the app was giving me some trouble when I was searching, which made the story go slower. Also, I would have included background music after I had uploaded it to my computer with a video editing software, but with the past webassignments we’ve had to do these last couple of weeks I have been running into a lot of trouble with Youtube’s copyright infringement rules, so I was afraid that they would take my video down.
This assignment was the Storytelling Through Text assignment