Lawrence and Victoire are getting pretty serious…

So for my second video assignment for the week I decided to create a “Where do you want to go” (3 stars) video which is a video made up of pictures of a place that you would like to (or are planning to) go. I chose this assignment as one that I could incorporate Lawrence and Victoire in so here is the backstory.

Lawrence is falling very hard for Victoire and she barely wants to give him the time of day. He has never felt this way before and he feels that she could change the man he has been for quite some time now. His behavior, his attitude, everything about him is changing…even his view on women. He decided he wanted to do something nice for her so he planned a surprise trip to Eagle Beach, Aruba for her. He thought the beach would be a nice place to get to know each other better and have some alone time away from all the stresses of work and what not so he took time to do this for her. It’s a beautiful place and he hopes that it will maybe sway her mind about him.

I chose to do this assignment because I like making videos like this. I like combining a bunch of pictures and putting them to some background music as a slide show. I especially liked doing this one because I’m a HUGE fan of the beach and I would absolutely love to go somewhere like Aruba. For now, I’m settling for Florida but I definitely want to visit as many beaches as I can in my lifetime.

Lucky me

For this assignment Where do you want to go? I would love to and have dreamed about going to Ireland. I just did a bucket list for my friends Inter Varsity activity and my first thing was to travel the world and most importantly go to Ireland first! I am Irish and most of my family from my dads side were born there and just knowing that much makes me want to go and visit so much more. Not only would it be awesome to go to Ireland to learn about my family it is BEAUTIFUL! When I was doing this assignment and looked up photos of this place I fell in love even more than I already was, I knew it was pretty but this place is breathtaking.

For this project I first went onto Google to look up the photos to use for the video, and then I went onto Youtube to find music that fit with my location. Once I got those items; 8 photos and one song, I had to find a website to make my video and put it all together. I found a website called Stupeflix Video and then I put it all together so I hope you enjoy :)

Here is my video: IRELAND


I’d rather be here…

“Where do you want to go?”

A video assignment that asks you were is somewhere you have always dreamed of going? Do a video montage of images/ and or video of a place that you would like to go, and add music that is native to that area or just something fun.

I have never traveled anywhere outside of the United States, and have dreamed of going so many places. I have two housemates who are both from Countries over in Europe, and to hear them talk about Europe and another country and how different it is amazes me. I have these images in my head of what all these countries look like, some based on images I have seen, and I think some I have just come up with on my own. When I think about another country it is so difficult to realize how real it is, because I have never even come close to seeing what it looks like, what the people are like, what the economy is based around.

Everything seems so far off, and untouchable. I love to listen to my housemates talk on the phone with family members and speak in a different language that sounds like gibberish to me. I just find it incredible that they can switch between languages like that and I often times find myself asking them silly questions like what language do you think in, dream in…? Or what is the landscape where you are from, the weather, what are the houses made out of. I am so desperate to experience what seems like another world to me.

Although I will continue to dream about all the places I wish to travel to, if I had to decide on one that I could actually go to and see for myself it would be Italy. I am amazed at how there roads are waterways, I have never even seen something like that, and the beauty of there architecture is breathtaking. The language that they speak sounds so beautiful and peaceful, I have so many images in my head about what Italy would be like. What the people are like, the pasta, the history of the Country. I have so many questions and so little answers, and until I get the chance to go all I have are pictures and Italian songs.

I created this video using iMovie, a program that comes with Mac’s. The program is very simple, all I had to do was save the images I wanted and then import them into iMovie. From there it could not be any simpler. I choose a theme that I wanted for my video and then started dragging the images into place. I then found a song called Caruso Italian Love Song, on Youtube, and using a Youtube to MP3 converter I downloaded it into my iTunes. My iTunes is already connected to iMovie, so once it was in iTunes, I just had to drag it down below the images, and then my video was complete.

Screenshots of my work:

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Sweden Montage

This assignment was a montage of any place you wanted to go. Preferably a place we had never been to before. I choose Sweden. There was not anything in particular that drew me toward Sweden, I admired the way it was run, and one of my favorite Youtubers, Pewdiepie, lives there. The combination of those two things and the fact that it is absolutely gorgeous made it my dream destination.

I made the video using Windows Movie maker. I saved pictures from google of Sweden on to my laptop. I then uploaded them into Movie maker, I added transitions to make the pictures a bit more bearable to watch and to make it more aesthetically pleasing. When I was watching the slides I wanted to make the viewers able to see not only different sites in Sweden but be able to find them on a map; I added the destinations on maps right before the places appeared. So before places from Stockholm appear, you are shown where Stockholm is on a map of Sweden, and so on. I added music by Avicii throughout the entirety of the video so people would have something to listen and also because Avicii is a Swedish EDM DJ.

There She Goes

3 stars

For the “Where Do You Want To Go” assignment, I decided to put a spin on things. The assignment calls for a picture slideshow of the various places we would like to go in the world, but I decided to take it a step further and use videos to truly enhance the quality of work.

The first thing I did was make a list of all the places I wanted to go. I had to admit, it was a pretty big list. I had a hard time deciding if I should focus exclusively on American destinations or international ones; unable to decide, I chose both.

While looking for videos, I specifically sought out videos that were very high quality and had HD options and really showcased the natural landscapes. I love the outdoors, specifically the mountains and forests that I can hike in. I was looking for beautifully filmed videos of such landscapes.

I finally decided upon videos from Oregon, Wyoming, Washington, Scotland and Iceland. While I didn’t film that Scotland video, I chose it less for it’s stunning quality and more because it shows the drive into Glencoe, which is my favorite part of the Scottish highlands. I’ve spent a lot of time there, and it is possibly my favorite place on earth. Additionally, I knew I had to use the Iceland video because it is absolutely breathtaking and impeccably filmed and edited.

When planning the video last week, I had pulled a few other videos that I might use, but ended up scrapping them due to time and quality.

Honestly, the most difficult process of creating this video was the waiting. It took forever for the various videos to download, and then once I finished and attempted to upload the video to Youtube, it took even longer.

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I downloaded each clip individually using ClipConverter, then divided them up in iMovie and chose specific clips I wanted. I added the map feature (which iMovie provides) and added titles to some of the clips. Then I chose a song (which proved to be the second hardest part of the process.) I finally decided on Little Italy by Little Comets, and then I was done!

“Thoughts On A Better Future”

For my third video assignment I decided to change it up a little bit. I did the assignment called Where Do You Want To Go (3 stars). The original version called for pictures of the place you wanted to go to and music that had ties to that place. I remembered that I had to incorporate The Wire into one of my assignments this week so I decided to do pictures from the series.

I had to go through multiple episodes to find the pictures. I really tried to grab pictures of the most important characters and that probably was the hardest part. I used a screenshot editor called Skitch to grab screenshots and crop them and that was really tiring. I had a specific order that I wanted the pictures to be shown in in my head but it didn’t work out like that. I used the Youtube slideshow maker and that randomized all of my pictures which really wasn’t a bad I thing and I actually think it helped a lot. I waned to use Baltimore club music but I could only use what was given so I went with old school funk because it fit the best with the slideshow. I think it came together really well. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Take Me To Australia

For the Where Do You Want To Go? assignment I created a video montage of pictures and video clips. I would love to go to Australia one day. After creating this assignment I decided to look into the cost of some of the things I would like to do if I go to Australia and let’s just say I am going to need a lot of money as well as a lot of time off. I used windows live movie maker to create this video. I started out by doing some research of different things to do in Australia. First I looked at things in Sydney then Australia as a whole. From swimming in the Great Barrier Reef to watching the sunrise and set at the Uluru Rocks there are so many amazing things anyone could do in Australia. I found pictures online of the different places and then decided to add so video into it as well. I have video clips from the Great Barrier Reef, The Twelve Apostles, and The Sunrise/Set on the Uluru Rocks. I did not like any of the sounds from the clips so I muted all of the and then added my own music. To download the youtube videos I used which worked very well. Sometimes it gave me trouble saying the link was invalid or not available and I would just refresh the page and it would work. For my music I just went for music that sounded cool and fit the pictures or video clips. I added in some transition animations to create my final product. Now I just need the money to take me there. Donations are welcome!

3 Stars

Life’s goals

I made this video for the “Where do you want to go” assignment. I loved doing this assignment because all I want to do is travel. I have been so lucky in my life to have gone to many different places: Italy, Spain, England, Wales, etc. etc. My parents provided me with a worldy education to say the least and it created a sense of travel in me. I cannot be happy until I see the world, how others live and what they like. Everything is interesting when it is different: what they eat, drink, what art they have, what they read. Each country has a history complete with different art, politics, books and more. This is what I find so interesting and what I want to learn about. Traveling is about seeing certain places, but also learning about a group of people, and more about yourself in turn.

I have a bracelet with charms of countries I have been to and I love bringing things back from where I travel, and just little things, like scrap booking materials, notebooks and more. With each place I go I make a notebook of ticket stubs, paper scraps and photos, interspersed with notes of what I did. This helps me immerse myself in the place and remember it forever.

I read something the other day in a New York Times article by Stephanie Rosenbloom. She wrote, “There are orphaned things in the world — coins, books, fallen leaves — that when you chance upon them feel like winks from the universe. They are at once the most ubiquitous and intimate souvenirs. “Souvenir” comes from the French word for “remember.” Everything it represents, marks or makes you wonder exists as long as you live and remember. In this way the ultimate souvenir is not a coin. Or a book. Or even a thing as ancient and everlasting as a stone. It’s you.”

It’s kind of sappy, but I find it true. So I put in not only places I want to go to and buildings I want to see, but specific times, like the Christmas festival in Germany, and my favorite bookstore in the world, Shakespeare and Company in France (I have been there but wish to repeat the trip). I put in an airplane taking off noise at the beginning of the video and a landing plane at the end. In between I put in a song from my iTunes that I listen to whenever I travel. It just sounds like an adventure song and makes me feel like I can do anything.

So look and enjoy, and dream like me of seeing the world, pack on back and notebook in hand.



I really want to go to Ireland. It is so beautiful there and it’s a really old and charming country. I would probably live there if I could.

Video Assignments: Where do you want to go? – 3 stars


I created an assignment called Where do you want to go?

I really want to go to Ireland. It is so beautiful there and it’s a really old and charming country. I would probably live there if I could. I used Windows Movie Maker to make a slideshow of  the pictures I found through Google Image search and then added a video I found on YouTube of flying through Ireland. I added an audio clip of celtic music I also found on YouTube. To convert the audio I used