Original DS 106 Assignment: Today It’s All About Me (2 1/2 stars)
With the craziness of this world, work and everything in between, there are times where we need to step back and appreciate ourselves. At the beginning of every day and end of every night, the only person who is sure to be there is yourselves. Sometimes being early 20’s, I get caught up on doing the next big thing, making the next move or making more money. For this assignment, I just wanted a moment to look back and appreciate everything I’ve done so far. It was easier than expected, thankfully! I want to actually do this every year or every so often to look back and see how much I have accomplished, changed or not done! I journal a lot, but video gives a face to the different versions of me and would be nice to see. I set up to record with Vimeo record to have my video saved there and exported it into Canva to add beginning and end credits.
I would definitely recommend anyone to do this assignment! It is nice to round out your points as well as being able to do something raw and genuine.