Signing Words

For this assignment, I had to record a video of someone signing a word using American Sign Language (ASL).

I completed this assignment because I love ASL (even though I only took the first level of ASL in high school). My dream is to become an American Sign Language interpreter someday. And sign at important events, for important people, and honestly, signing is so much fun!

If I signed too fast or if you simply can’t understand sign, then watch the video again or take ASL.

Just kidding! I signed the phrase, “Gag me with a spoon.” People use this phrase when there is an unfortunate and/or unpleasant situation. This phrase originates all the way back to the 80s. But there are still some people who use that saying today. For instance, actress Sadie Sink, used this quote in a scene from the hit Netflix show, Stranger Things. Where she played Maxine Mayfield.

I decided to sign a phrase instead of a word to give the assignment some more effort and creativity. So enjoy my fingerspelling!

“Gag me with a spoon”

Secret Signing

The “Signing Words” assignment required that you “take a video of yourself or someone else and finger spell a word or a phrase in Sign Language alphabet and let others guess what you have spelled.”

I used to know quite a bit of sign language, but I realized that I was a bit rusty as I was making this video. I began by looking up a chart of the ASL alphabet. Then I decided on a message to give… I chose to tie this assignment in with my character and the course theme. I’m going to let people guess what I signed, but I’ll give the answer at the end of this post!

To make the video, I recorded myself using the camera on my laptop. Then I uploaded the video to VideoPad Video Editor. I cut out the audio from the original clip and added my own background music from this website. I also added closing credits to the end of the video. You can see part of my editing process below.

After I was done editing, I downloaded the video to my computer and then uploaded it to YouTube. Here is the finished video below!

Did you guess the message? I signed “Secret Agent Mia Holmes.”

Can You Guess What I am Signing?

This assignment was to finger spell a word in American Sign Language. Can you tell what I’m signing? I took sign language in high school so I knew how to sign but had to do a little refresher on some letters!


This was the Signing Words assignment worth 1 star.

Guess the Word!

For my fourth assignment, I did the Signing Words Assignment (1 star). I took Sign Language in high school and was in ASL Club. I actually signed the National Anthem at my high school graduation, so I love ASL. I thought this was a fun and easy assignment. I just recorded myself signing the word in PhotoBooth. I edited it slightly in iMovie, and then I downloaded it as a file and uploaded it to YouTube.

Can you guess the word???



This assignment is called signing words and is worth 4.5 stars to bring me over the 12 star minimum and it is going toward the theme of the class so it also brings me over the 6 stars for that.

In this video I am signing a common phrase heard in one franchise of secret agent movies. This is the first time I have ever had to take a video of myself signing. My sister learned ASL for years, so I am pretty familiar with the alphabet for it, so it was not a hard thing to do. I just had to familiarize myself with the sequence of the letters. I had a fun time using my ASL signing skills that I haven’t really used in a long time for this video. It was a very fun assignment to have to do.

Sign Language

My last assignment for the week was to sign a word so that someone out there can guess what I am saying! I will give you a hint that it pertains to our class.

To make this I opened photobooth on my mac and then recorded myself signing the word. Exported that to Imovie and added some music. Wala

Week 9 pt. 2: Signing/Fingerspelling

I’m most definitely at the beginning stages of sign language. This pays a quick homage to the people I hope to continue learning with.

Link to Assignment:

Stars: 4.5

Process: I recorded myself fingerspelling “Talk to the Hands” (The ASL club here at UMW) using an iPhone SE.


Sign Language

For this assignment, my mission was to spell a word in sign language. I came up with a word immediately, but I realized that there was actually one sign for the specific word, rather than spelling it out. This word is one of the few words I know in sign language, and I learned it from someone in my high school German class. Can you guess which word I’m signing?

Trying to Spell: The Eternal Struggle

For the assignment “Signing Words” (rated 4 1/2 stars, I rated it 3), I tried to spell a word in American Sign Language. I have never signed anything in my life other than “Jesus” and “barf” (don’t ask). I had a few outtakes, mostly of misspelling the word I chose. I actually suck at spelling, guys. I had to write down the word I chose to make sure it was going to be right.

Can’t figure out what I’m trying to sign? It’s “regionals”(highlight to see it). They’re coming up this weekend, and I am so freaking pumped. Wish me luck on Saturday!!

I recorded this via the Cyberlink YouCam 6, which is pretty easy to use, honestly. You just click the big red button to start.

I had a lot of fun trying to sign all the letters. I’ve been interested in learning ASL for a while; it just seems really useful, especially in situations where talking isn’t feasible/a good idea. Or, you know, talking to people who are deaf. Anyone who knows more than me (so, knows anything) have any critiques?

My sign is a Cancer. Oh you meant sign as in language? OK.

Signing Words was a pretty straightforward assignment. I myself tried so desperately to learn how to sign these words but when it took me 45 minutes just to remember the first two (and shortest) words I reached out to my sister. My sister likes to learn languages for fun, and sign language just so happens to be one of the few languages she is learning on Duolingo (something like that). And since the assignment said “take a video of yourself or someone else” to finger spell some words, I figured why not ask for help? Even if it involves swallowing my pride to let my 11 year old sister help me.

So another main character of my final project story is the old lady, Mary. Mary is deaf so she knows sign language and signs out what my sister here signed. Can you guess what it is? If not, stay tuned to my final final project! The story will reveal all!

First I simply opened up my Movie Maker app that came with my laptop.


Then I had my sister take my place, showed her how to record and stop, and left the room so she wasn’t nervous.


She signed out the words and then I saved and uploaded the video to here!