Land Before Time Spoiled in Under 30 Seconds

This week, I decided to do a Spoil A Movie in Under 30 Seconds video assignment. I chose Land Before Time because it came out in 1988 and it was one of my favorite childhood movies growing up.

When creating this assignment, I used iMovie to voice over images from Google of the movie characters and major plot points mentioned.

Spoiler Alert!

The second assignment I completed was the Spoiler Alert one. What you had to do was make a trailer of a movie but instead of leaving the mystery to the audience, you had to include the basis of the movie and the most important scenes, essentially creating a spoiler alert trailer for the movie. I knew I had to chose a movie that I was familiar with and I had watched many times, essentially being able to create my own movie trailer in my head. I chose the movie Dumplin’ on Netflix because I enjoyed the movie but also watched it a lot. Netflix doesn’t let you screen record so I had to use my phone to record so I had to record the movie off of my phone. Once I had recorded the important scenes I then used iMovie to put them all together. I tried to upload it to the blog but being that it was almost 6 minutes long, it was too big to upload so I put it on IGTV through my Instagram because the clip was too long for twitter.

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Dumplin Spoiler Alert

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spoiling the titanic

I picked the Titanic to spoil because it is such an iconic movie. I made this with iMovie and got the pictures and placed them into the video. I then put captions in between the pictures to tell the audience the keys points of the movie VideoAssignments, VideoAssignments1917

Spoil a Movie

For this assignment I decided to spoil a movie. I decided to do the Pink Panther 2 because it related to our secret agent theme in a way. Inspector Cluseasu is the main character here as you can see in this trailer and the plot goes just as you expect with love and romance and mystery.

Listen to what I have said to hear how it ends and if you don’t want to know the spoilers then don’t watch! Overall this was a simple assignment with the main focus being on editing. I love being able to do voiceovers and what not.


Create a compilation of the most important scenes or events from a movie. Essentially, combine the major plot points into a short video.

Assignment Bank- Video Assignments

At first, I thought this assignment was going to be easy. I did not realize how hard it would be to spoil a movie decently in 30 seconds or less. I did go a little over (just by a couple of seconds).

I chose to spoil the movie “The Bourne Supremacy” because it is one of my favorite secret agent/spy movies. It was hard to choose scenes that would spoil the movie. A lot of the major points needed context from different points in the movie. The video does not actually seem to spoil very much. I was not sure how I liked the video for this movie, so I decided to try a different movie.

Editing the Bourne Supremacy Spoilers

I also compiled some spoiler-worthy scenes from the movie “Salt”. I know I only had to do one video for the assignment, but I wanted to see if a different movie would be easier to do. It turns out that it is just hard to make a video of spoilers in 30 seconds or less. I feel like there are still some things missing from the Salt Spoilers video because time is limited. I did include a scene that especially shocked me when I first watched it, even if it may not actually be a spoiler. I chose “Salt” because I remembered that plot twist, and I thought it would make a better video.

I ended up posting both of the videos on YouTube because I could not decide which one I liked. I think they both turned out okay in the end, though. I don’t think I needed to make the second video now that I think about it, but it did not hurt. After making the first video, the second video was faster to make.

Editing the Salt Spoilers

I downloaded all of the videos from YouTube using this downloader.


Featured Image

I thought it’d be a lot easier to complete this 3-star assignment than it actually was.

Video Clips Used: 1 2 3 4 5 6


Spoiler Alert Assignment!


I decided to create a compilation of the most important scenes of one of the best kid movies…MOANA! I just had to use Moana as the movie because not only is it my daughter’s favorite movie, but I’ve watched it 1000 times and know all the important scenes. I had a good time creating this video. At first I had trouble figuring out how to download videos off of Youtube, but thanks to the resources page I found a good MP4 converter! Hope you all enjoy this Moana spoiler video!


Passangers Spoiler

Stars: 4

The movie that I decided to spoil was Passengers. I recently just watched it and after watching it I was disappointed. But, now that I reflect it was actually a really good movie. It was fun to guess why they woke up in the beginning and then become very shocked on why they actually woke up. If you want a quick run down on the movie, then here it is!



Spoil a Movie

For my last assignment, I decided to do Spoil a Movie! This assignment was rated 4 stars, and the task was to create a compilation of the most important scenes from a movie and try to do it in 30 seconds or less.

If this was a mission, I would have failed. I could not get it down to 30 seconds, instead, I have it at 1 minute.

The movie I decided to spoil was Charade, a 1963 spy thriller featuring Audrey Hepburn. This assignment was pretty hard because finding essential scenes means that you have to watch the entire movie and start cutting it down, at least that’s how I did it. I used windows movie maker to help me out!

Check it out! But careful, spoilers ahead!!