Jesus Christ It’s Jason Bourne


I’m going to let you into a little secret and tell you that that is not Jason Bourne. That is in fact Ethan Hunt from Mission Impossible saying a line from True Lies said by Schwarzenegger with Jason Bourne being credited.

It is very difficult to try and not use the easiest spy names however I did break down and use Jason Bourne. I first started with a picture as my base. I had to use one that could be used for a variety of spies to help make the next steps easier. Thankfully Tom Cruise is wearing glasses and you can’t really make out his face so it helps keep him anonymous.

True Lies is very good movie and some pretty good quotes. I originally almost used,

” Helen Tasker: Have you ever killed anyone?

Harry: Yeah, but they were all bad.”

It little hard to fit two characters into this scene as there is only one riding a motorcycle away from an explosion so I settled with, “First I’m going to use you as a human shield. Then I’m going to kill this guard over here with the Patterson trocar on the table. And then I was thinking about breaking your neck.”

Jason Bourne is just my favorite spy, except the newish movie with fake Bourne, so I had no choice other than choosing him. I also came up with this blog post’s title so my hands were pretty much tied.


“Who said What?”

I decided to pick the assignment ” Who said what” because out of the other two it seemed the easiest to do. The assignment was to find a picture of a well-known secret agent and pick a quote but from another secret agent but change the person who said the quote. I choose the picture of Jason Bourne (and that is all I am going to tell you..). The hardest part was to pick a quote that was similar to the character but from a different secret agent. By searching constantly for a quote, I finally found one from a recent movie that I never even seen. I could not put the original person who said the quote so I choose Ethan Hunt to be the one who said it which turned out to be a good person to pick. Don’t you think he would say it? I think so!

I combined all the items: picture, quote, and random secret agent saying the quote by using paint which took a minute because the text box would not function for me to write words in it. However, I finally finished the picture and I like the results:



James Bond has Immunity

I chose to do the Who Said What assignment because I honestly felt like it was the funniest one, and I would really enjoy it. It was rated 2 1/2 stars and I feel like that’s an accurate rating. I first picked my quote because I felt like I could base my next character off of that.  I chose the quote from the 2013 movie Spy (which is by far my favorite movie ever). The quote is “Nothing kills me. I’m immune to 179 different types of poison. I know because I ingested them all at once when I was deep undercover in an underground poison-ingesting crime ring” which was said by the spy Robert Ford. Its one of my favorite quotes in the movie. Next, I picked a picture of an agent. I chose Austin Powers because I feel like that quote kind of fit his whole image, and then I chose to attribute the quote to James Bond since he is the most famous spy, and gets all the credit.

Agent Smith – Secret Agents

Today…I met with my cohorts. Austin Powers, Mr. Bond, and James Borne…the elite of the elite! I have a quote to…uh…share with you. May it help our secret agent brothers in their missions across the…world.. Gah! I’m spending too much time on this! Just read the quote and leave me be to my missions!  Agent smith…signing off.

-Agent Smith

Did I Say That?


I chose this particular assignment simply because I have so much fun creating these. Mixing a photo, a quote, and a person-all different but similar enough characters that its hard to figure out who actually said the quote is fun and challenging for me. It pushes me to get a little creative. I stuck with 3 very similar modern day secret agent characters to go along with the theme. Here is my final creation:

Who Said What

This was an amazing assignment to do. I took three of my favorite spy movies and created something that I think is really special. First I took a still from the movie Get Smart that has to be my favorite scene in the entire movie. At the beginning of the movie it shows us that Max Smart had a weight problem in his past. In this scene he is having a dream where he reverted back to his old weight and the guards give him a cake that he is eating. This scene never fails to make me laugh. I then took a quote from the movie Spy think Melissa McCarthy is amazing in this movie so I just had to take a quote from it. I used the quote: I look like someone’s homophobic aunt! I then gave James Bond the credit for the quote. All in all I am very proud of how it turned out:

I’m rather proud of this one (Warning: may threaten your masculinity)

This one wasn’t easy, despite having only two stars. Finding the right photo was hard enough, but finding a good quote was even tougher. Even though it’s not a very well known spy movie, the movie “Spy” (clever name) had the best quote I could find, which came from Melissa McCarthy. I chose my favorite spy character, Eggsy from “Kingsman: The Secret Service” and a spy to attribute it to that wasn’t James Bond, because that’s too predictable.

I chose Canva as my source of putting the text on the picture. It’s a very easy website to use with a lot of creative options for free and works well for the technologically challenged, such as myself. Once I found the pieces I wanted to use, the actual creation of the graphic was easy and fun. Choosing a font that was fancy to contrast the vulgar quote was 100 percent by design, and I’m proud of that. Why the quote itself may not be common-place in the spy community, I hope that one day this graphic will help bring to it the attention it deserves.

Who Said What?

“Miss Anders! I didn’t recognize you with your clothes on!” – Jason Bourne 

Who Said What

Find a picture of any secret agent you would like, preferrably a fairly well-known one. Next, pick a quote from a similar secret agent character. Finally, attribute said quote to a third similar character. You want the characters you chose to be well-known but also similar enough that people would confuse them with one another.