What’s in a Shadow?

Shadow of a Doubt


Shadows have a particular peculiarity to them. Agent Fawn for instance always thought it frustrating how much shadows disproportionated the actuality of the real object. For instance her shadow in particular was always much taller than she thought it ought to be. Given her height, it always made her feel much to tall when looking at her shadow. Like Peter Pan’s shadow she felt her own had too much of its own personality for her liking. Shadows she surmised were supposed to be more like the person even with the way the light hit at any given angle it should at least bear more relation to the actual subject. If she had had a mind for folly she would have considered telling off shadows as a whole for their misrepresentation. However she knew that was utter nonsense and as such had to be resigned with the fact that her shadow and everyone else’s for that matter could never properly depict their owner. Instead they would always be far too long and perhaps not the right size. Still she thought to herself perhaps the only positive of a long shadow is its ability to give away its own before they appear around the corner, giving her just enough time to knew who was near.

Shadow of a Doubt

This was based on the assignment found here (http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/shadow-of-a-doubt/). When I think of shadows my mind goes to shadow puppetry because it is so a fun and interesting way to convey a message. I really appreciate the plasticity of shadow puppets in what they can be and represent.


Shadow of a doubt

It’s another late night in the newspaper office and I begin my trek home on my bike, as I do most weeks. I’ve become familiar with the shadow coming off my bike to symbolize the end of a long day and a big sigh of relief later, I unlock my bike and ride through the night back to my house.

Shadow of a Doubt

This is a photo of my roommate and I in our driveway. This photo was taken at about 4:15 pm. We had to wait till later in the day to take the photo because earlier it was more of an overcast that left shadows nowhere to be found. Whats funny is that this shadow make both of your bodies appear roughly the same height when in actuality she is about 5 inches taller then me. I think this is because shadows distort images and make them appear either taller or shorter then they actually are.

Shadow of a Doubt

Shadows are fun things to use when taking photographs. I found this amazing picture online at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPQge4ib4WI.

I think this is an amazing picture because shadows can be used to show what the time of day is but these shadows show years in the past. These shadows show what these two people were in their past. They were both dancers. They may have performed for hundreds and possibly thousands of people and must have loved what they did. Now sadly they are older and cannot perform like they used to. They are bound to the canes and use them to get from place to place. This haunting picture uses shadows to show how life used to be for these two and how much has changed over time for them.

Shadow of a Doubt

Take a photograph incorporating shadows as the subject. You don’t have to be a professional photographer, just observe how light and shadow appear in unique and interesting ways. Look at the shadows cast by window blinds on skin or by leaves on a sidewalk or by people. Shadows change in length and darkness depending on the time of day. Shadows can tell you a lot about the actual object being photographed or nothing at all. Tell a story with your picture.