heather, heather, heather (and veronica !)

That’s quite the mouthful, isn’t it? If only there was a shorter, more efficient way to refer to the three of those ladies who all have the same name! Well fear not, my fellow classmates! Such a word does, in fact, exist! The goal of the (visual) assignment I completed today was to use this non-translatable word generator to choose a word from a different language that does not translate into English, and then insert that word into an image that better defines it. Interested? Check out the original assignment bank post here!

My word was “naamgenoot”, which is Dutch for “people who share the same name.” The image I selected stemmed from the fact that I had recently watched the 1989 Heathers movie, and have been a big fan of the soundtrack for a while now (its “Big Fun” amiright?), so the moment this word popped on the screen, my brain was filled with echos of “? Heather, Heather, Heather, and someone?” on loop. However, I decided to table the musical for the sake of sticking more accurately to our 80’s theme. The final product ended up looking like this:

and I am pretty pleased with how it turned out, although I do wish I could have figured out how to recreate the gradient sort of look (any ideas?). It definitely takes a little bit of somewhat niche knowledge (or at least that’s what my mother said when I showed her), but I think once the plot of Heathers– heck, once the names of those three lovely ladies down the side are revealed (I’ll give you a hint: its Heather!)- the meaning of “naamgenoot” becomes pretty clear. To create this, I started out with the 1989 Heathers movie poster.

thx for the inspo poster New World Pictures!

I then opened it up on Gimp (Photoshop but free!) and started editing the photo. First, I color dropped the navy blue and painted over the orange letters that were on the navy blue chalkboard thing. Then I did the same thing with the parts of the background that were black. From there, I chose a font that looked similar to the one in the 1989 poster, and bing bang boom, she was complete! However, this was not the first iteration of my Heathers-but-make-it-naamgenoot poster. This was.

Come on, doesn’t that just scream “people who have the same name” to you? To explain myself, I was attempting to mimic the colors each Heather wears, and was going to add some croquet mallets (which I was originally spelling “crochet”) to give a more abstract feel. I actually spent upwards of an hour and a half trying to make this idea work, without fruition. It probably didn’t help that this was my first time ever using Gimp (or any software similar to it). But all’s well that ends well!

Dance Love GIF by Lisa Vertudaches - Find & Share on GIPHY

Overall, I really liked the way the over-the-top 80’s style and aesthetic meets underlying crisis that I was referring to in my earlier post (this one!) in the movie Heathers. Heathers does contrast to the other 80’s media I’ve noted in that the strong independent female protagonist does Not end up a mellow mother/housewife (*ahem* Regina from Night of the Comet). To me, this piece highlights the way each Heather in the film is essentially interchangeable. When one falls, another will take her place and everything will remain exactly as it were. To the world, they are the exact same person, and this word is a convenient way to lump them all together while sounding scholarly, rather than just straight-up rude.


When you just can’t hold back…

Sometimes, against our will, we have a moment when the craziness inside our heads just can’t be contained. That moment has a name. That name is…blavango.

So That’s What It Means!

Assignment Star Count: 5 (halfway)

First let’s see if you can figure it out:

Now while you think on it let me describe the assignment. In it, for those of you who were to lazy to click the link, you need to go to this site and nab a word that has no English translation, get an image, and try and convey the words definition. I think this image–one of dem der interwebs memes–really conveys the idea of the words.

Okay reveal time. The word “espirit d’escalier” roughly translates to “stair wit” and it means “to think of a comeback when it’s too late” (we’ve all been there, amiright?).

The Unexplainable, Explained

I’ve really wanted to try this DS106 visual assignment in which you try to illustrate a word/phrase that has no English equivalent. Alan actually built a little randomizer that will give you a word to work with, and then you’ve got search Flickr for a CC image that works as the description. 

The phrase I got was “Pana Po’o” which is apparently the act of scratching one’s head to try and remember something. Yep, no English equivalent for that. 

I found an image on Flickr (see below) and pulled it into SketchBook Pro on my iPad. I added the phrase and a thought bubble—with a DS106-related thought to complete the whole thing. 

I’m not sure that you come away from this really getting what Pana Po’o means, though. It’s a tough assignment once you dig it into it. 

BUT, I think my next project is going to be to turn this into an animated gif with that finger moving. 

Original Photo: 
cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo shared by minusequalsplus

DS106 Assignment Two!


For my Second DS106 Assignment  I did “Make the Untranslatable Understood”

“Use the Random Words with No English Translation tool to generate a word that could be better understood with a photo or image. Find a creative commons image or make your own, and include the word somehow in the image (using a desktop photo editor or web tool like Aviary or PicNIk). Then share it with someone and ask if it makes sense.”

This was the instruction given to me for this assignment.


At first I didn’t know if i wanted to do this assignment but when I visit the site which gives random words with no english translation the word which in in my picture came up. Instantly I had to do the assignment because recently I watched a movie similar to this meaning and also this word also has great meaning to me as well. First I went to look for pictures that would work to show the meaning of friendship  and found two pictures of their friendship when they were young and when they grow old. Then I used gimp and by putting two pictures together and putting the words in place I was finished.


7 Girl Friends who were how do you put it bad students, or like best fighters in the school meet after many years to find that many things have changed but also as a person nothing changes. I don’t want to ruin the movie for people but if anyone wants to watch it please leave a comment and I will get back to you. Finally I’ll post the picture of each actor here incase anyone is interested.
Click to view slideshow.

Words with no English Translation

retrouvaillesSo with this assignment Make The Untranslatable Understood you are asked to choose a word from this random word generator provided and apply it to an Image that gives the word meaning and a better understanding through the visual.  I came to the word Retrouvailles meaning “The happiness of meeting again after a long time.”  I knew I had some pictures that would fit this description.  Do I decided to use this picture of me and three of my very good friends who haven’t seen each other in a long time.  We all ended up taking different roads in life so far so it had been a long time since we last met.  The process for making this was fairly simple.  I just opened my image in Photoshop and used the basic text tool to add my word.  I chose to use a muted color from the picture using the   tool so the word would not stand out as much and let the picture speak for itself.

mis amigos

The Anguish.

“At its deepest and most painful, it is a sensation of great spiritual anguish, often without any specific cause. At less morbid levels it is a dull ache of the soul, a longing with nothing to long for, a sick pining, a vague restlessness, mental throes, yearning”

anguished soul :p by kelsey_lovefusionphoto – CC Licensed via Flickr

This is my third DS106 assignment for the section. The image looks quite plain without any extra captions and effects, but I wanted it that way. I hope people can kind of guess what the word “toska” means by just looking at the image.

Before I restarted the assignment, I already had another image half done waiting in my CIS folder. That was suppose to be used, but I suddenly felt the desire to manipulate another photo instead for this assignment. It’s obvious that I haven’t spent too much time on this piece compared to the other posts I’ve done. I thought a messy complicated composition wouldn’t fit the picture, and therefore, the image was kept simple. The process was just about doing the glowing effects around the text to give a cold, but burning impression.

Everybody has the moments of anguish at certain times of their life. I often feel restless inside without a clear answer to why I feel like it. Sometimes you can’t really find the specific reason for feeling so disturbed. Even so, I think there are external and internal causes for feeling “toska”. We all live under pressure; the good and bad stress come into us at once. I imagine, that the same spiritual anguish must be lurking in the depths of every soul.

By the way, I fixed the tagline for this blog. I misspelled the word “newbie” incorrectly…!


Above is my first take on Alan Levine’s great “Make The Untranslatable Understood” DS106 assignment:

Use the Random Words with No English Translation tool (http://lab.cogdogblog.com/nowords/) to generate a word that could be better understood with a photo or image. Find a creative commons image or make your own, and include the word somehow in the image (using a desktop photo editor or web tool like Aviary or PicNIk). Then share it with someone and ask if it makes sense.

(Image credit: TimmyGUNZI originally wanted to use an image of the real Fozzie Bear but could not find a suitable CC licensed one.)

I’ll Gladly Pay You Tuesday…

I'll Gladly Pay You Tuesday...For a Hamburger Today…

I’m enjoying CogDog’s No English Translation ds106 assignment. This time I drew “zalatwic,” which CogDog’s tool gave my this:

Zalatwic is a Polish term which, in one aspect does have a similar term in English (to do a cash job), but the Polish term means far more and is much more subtle. Zalatwic is the use of friends, bribes, personal charm or connections to get something done.

Popeye’s good friend Wimpy immediately came to mind as an archetype zalatwic. He’s the real deal hustler, getting exactly what he wants with just enough guile. Here’s are two strips that exemplify his abilities as a cadger.

As well as this great Popeye episode, “Wimpy the Moocher.”

Click here to view the embedded video.

Make The Untranslatable Understood. Again.

Following the lead from cogdog, Lisa M Lane, Scottlo, Stephen Downes and now Michael Branson Smith I decided to also take jump into the photo word translation Visual Assignment 307: Make The Untranslatable Understood

I used the No-English-Translation Random Word Generator Tool and got: Retrouvailles. “The happiness of meeting again after a long time”

Inspired by my brother’s apartment in Montreal, surrounded by interesting life drawing books, cool illustrations, and beautiful french speaking people on the street I decided to try and draw something up on my iPad.

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo shared by giulia.forsythe

I used AutoDesk SketchBookPro and my pogo stylus. I also referenced my favourite beautiful french people with style blog, the Sartorialist.

As a small aside, I’m also playing around with Pinterest for the first time today and I thought I’d see how these assignments would look pinned on a board. Interesting. It seems the ds106 assignment site isn’t pulling in assignments yet for some reason so it’s nice to have a little catalogue of the assignments that I’ve come across on my assignment journey.

As for Pinterest, someone called it a visual social bookmark tool and I decided to join because I liked how Jim Groom has used it to keep track of Noise Professor’s photoshop jams sometimes just posted on yfrog and not necessarily blogged or submitted as an assignment per se.

Jury is out if Pinterest will just go into the wasteland of new tools I never use again or if a week or two I will suddenly start using it and have an overwhelming sense of Retrouvailles.