Taxes Made Me Do It (ds106 Playlist Story)

cc licensed flickr photo shared by brianjmatis

Working on my taxes today got me started on trying a hand at a ds106 playlist assignment story (plus the Beatles “Taxman” showed up near the top as I scanned my music in iTunes.

I could not help but try yo play in some flickr photos as well

cc licensed flickr photo shared by marcos papapopolus

cc licensed flickr photo shared by krembo1

Happy pup- as am I cause a decent refund is coming my way!

Playlist: Just Herb Alpert and Abbey Road

For this assignment I limited my choices to the great Herb Alpert and the Beatles classic  album Abbey Road. I cheated a bit and added an underscore to separate title. So sue me.

Random Assignment for DS106 – Playlist Story

As I was scanning through the DS106 RSS feed reading posts and listening to lots of content, I came across an assignment that had to do with writing a story using your music playlist. I couldn’t find the “official” assignment anywhere on the website. I’m still trying to figure it all out. Anyway, this assignment was a bit less academic than the one I was currently working on (reading and reflecting), so I thought I’d give it a whirl. It looks like someone named Colleen created her own assignment. The jist of it is:

Using Windows Media Player*, construct a playlist of songs (using song titles only) that can go together to form a sentence, a poem, a new song, etc. When you are done, print your screen, paste it in paint and upload it to your blog, flickr, etc., tagging it.

By passing the Windows Media Player for iTunes (does anyone use WMP anymore?), I got started making my story. Interestingly enough my story ended up being quite a depressing love story. I recall someone else making a similar comment on his on music playlist story. I guess writing poetry is easier if there is a sad story in it.

No Sleep Tonight (iTunes Story)

Here’s my take on Call_lean’s idea of a short story made of song titles. Hope you enjoy it!

playlist story

A computer-generated story, using tracks in my iTunes library as source material as per request

Playlist story

A tale of mortality. Of acceptance. And of transcendence.

Poems, in a couple separate forms.

I have always enjoyed the power of images to influence what we interpret from words. I remember getting so frightened of a picture in a book as a child that I was absolutely unable to finish the rest of the text until I had come to terms with the picture. The rest of the book retained some of that initial horror that I had gotten from the picture.

Anyhow, these two poems were suggested as assignments for the digital storytelling class I’m currently enrolled in. I thought they looked like fun, so I completed them.

First: Newspaper Blackout Poetry

I had fun with that one, but it wasn’t as interesting to me as analyzing what came out of the Media Player poem assignment. (I’m currently listening to this playlist and find that the heavy synthesizers at the start of the poem is a very odd way to start a Saturday.)

Media Player Poem:
