Again, I like to sprinkle my assignment posts with details about my likes and dislikes, and one of my biggest likes EVER is The X-Files.

I first watched the X-Files when I was fourteen and home sick from school, and from then on, I was hooked to the mystery, the spookiness, the science, and the subtle but oh-so-fulfilling romance. Dana Scully is still one of my heroines today with her beauty and brains.

Therefore, when I had to choose a character for whom to create a Pinterest board, I knew I wanted it to be Scully!

One of my favorite things about Scully’s character is her depth. There are so many layers to her personality. On the surface, she’s a brilliant scientist dedicated to rationality and logic, but as the series progresses, you find that she is far more troubled by emotions, rash decisions, and doubts than originally expected. As her character grows and becomes more open-minded and comfortable with those closest to her–Mulder in particular–her layers are peeled back bit-by-bit!

By revealing her flaws and fears to the audience, I connected with Dana Scully and loved her more than ever. As someone who loves science herself and tries to be as Spock/Vulcan-like as possible in moments of extreme tension or trouble, watching one of my heroines become more vulnerable helped encourage me to become less guarded and uptight, as well.

This Pinterest board–for her eyes only and for those times when she just “needs a boost”–represents that softer, more human side of the character.

Now, I will take you through the pics one-by-one and explain each one’s significance to Dr. Scully!


SECRET board. Who knows what Mulder would pin if he got a hold of her password?

scully pinterest 1

Scully Pinterest Part 1



Scully’s Pinterest Part 2

Moving from top left to right and starting with Part 1…(All captions/comments beneath the pins are written by me pretending to be/think like Scully!)


1) In Season 3, Episode 12, “War of the Coprophages,” while Mulder is off investigating killer cockroaches and flirting with entomologists named Bambi (this is not a joke, seriously), Scully is seen relaxing in her living room reading Capote’s Breakfast at Tiffanys. Therefore, she’d totally re-pin a pic of Audrey Hepburn in the classic role, because she’s totally a fan.

Nice to see her RELAXING for once.

2) Scully’s a doctor, so she’s probably into healthy eating. She also likes sweets, as seen again in the above episode when she’s eating ice cream out of a carton (see why I love her?):

My heroine.

Sweets + healthy eating = frozen yogurt covered blueberries!

3 + 6) SPOILER ALERT: Mulder and Scully end up in a monogamous relationship together after years of battling horrifying creatures, government baddies, and aliens.

She would totally think of clever alien cakes and homemade gifts like the alien abduction lamp for his birthday!

4) She has gorgeous red hair and would totally read beauty tips for said color. (Red is not actually the actress, Gillian Anderson’s, natural hair color. Someone told her to dye it red after she got the role of Scully.)

5) Even when not sporting professional pantsuits and skirts as a F.B.I. Special Agent, Scully’s style is still classic and has a lot of blues and neutral colors. Therefore, she’d totally admire the pinned, navy blue, winter jacket.

6) See #3!

7) It’s made clear that Scully is particularly close with her father, who was in the navy. Therefore, I’m sure she’s been instilled with a love of the sea and would re-pin this gorgeous shot of the beach & sea shells.

8) Scully likes wine and totally collects sangria recipes.

9) Again, she has an attachment to the ocean because of her navy father and is drawn to lots of nautical shots!

10 + 11) Attending the University of Maryland, Scully majored in Physics and wrote her undergraduate thesis titled Einstein’s Twin Paradox: A New Interpretation. She would totally dig science nerd/physics humor and Einstein’s genius goofiness.

12) Mulder had this poster in his office. You can clearly see it here:

I’m sure seeing the print online would bring back some memories–both good and bad.

13) Scully enjoys taking bubble baths to relax.

This is also one of my favorite screen caps from The X-Files EVER. The third person in the bottom split-screen is their boss and the assistant director of the F.B.I., if you didn’t know. From one of the funniest episodes ever: “Hollywood A.D.,” written by Duchovny himself.

14 + 15 + 20) Again, as a doctor, Scully values logic and reasoning and would re-pin quotes reflecting this belief. Also, doctor jokes and cool pictures of heart anatomy, yay!

16) “You drive me nuts, but I love you, anyway.” How well does that fit Scully’s relationship with a certain someone?

17) Along with her sharp sense of clothing style, she also has cute hair styles, too!

18) More navy/family love.

19) While she also loves science, Scully’s Catholic faith is a huge part of her character and helps her get through some very rough health problems in mid-to-later seasons. She’s all about faith, and the show overall has a theme of faith: in each other, in trust, in the unseen, in logic, all depending on the situation.

20) See #14

21) To exercise, Scully runs and would absolutely re-pin inspirational running quotes! You find this out thanks to a killer stalker that is introduced in Season 6, so it’s an unfortunate way of discovering a character detail, but this is how she stays fit!

And that’s my version of Dr. Scully’s Pinterest! I just made a Pinterest account with a junk e-mail and deleted it after I was done searching, captioning, and screen capturing appropriate pins. Hope you enjoyed!


All screencaps from this great site!


My Interesting Character- 4 Stars

In this assignment, we had to create a page for any character that we chose. For me it was tricky at first because I never have been on Pinterest before. However, after playing around with the website it was easy to understand how to create a page. The challenging part with this assignment was trying to figure what character I wanted to create a page for. After I figured out that it was very simple to pin images to the page and create the Interesting Character Page. 

After a few minutes of thinking, I pretty much knew who I wanted to use for this assignment. A couple weeks ago I saw a movie with this character in it with two of my good friends. I thought it was a really good movie, my friends and I had a great time. The assignment doesn’t just remind me of the movie, it also reminds me of the great weekend we had, it’s hard to see them since we are all at different colleges. However, when we do get together it’s always a fun time.

Good Luck Guessing!!!

Interesting Character Page:

Part 1:

IP 1

Part 2:


Part 3:


Part 4:


Part 5:





Guess My Character – 4 Stars

I decided to do this assignment again because I love using pinterest and because I love guessing games! Here is my board on pinterest, and even though I pretty much gave the character away because they are in the pins, there is still a possibility of 2 characters, which one do you think it is? I am still working on trying to use the google X-ray on this board, but for some reason I cannot get it to work but I don’t want this to be late so here it is thus far! Beginning phase and the link to it.

Untitled.png 2


Pinteresting Character

You are a very Pinteresting Character. The first book was released in 1926 written by A.A. Milne. Although the name as slightly changed over the years and the story has developed this character is very popular and loved my many. He is the reason for many popular quotes :

“There are friends, there is family, and there are friends that become family”

Screen Shot 2014-10-26 at 11.26.30 AM

Screen Shot 2014-10-26 at 11.37.48 AM

Can you guess my Pinteresting Character? 

If you have not figured out the Pinteresting Character watch this short video and see if you can figure out what character I am thinking of! :)

Worth 4 Stars

Beatrice Russell as a Pinner

Its hard to imagine what different characters might do in their free time outside of the show. But as another part of the weekly assignments, there was an option to make a Pinterest board based on a character from season 2. Pinterest is addicting. So while thinking of a character to use for this assignment, it dawned on me. If Pinterest was around during the course of the show, I think Beatrice Russell is a closet pinner. I think she would really like Pinterest on the off chase that she has any free time. Although I don’t know too much about her, since we are only two episodes into the second season, I thought she would be a good character to look at. The actual board can be found here but I am going to go through each pin. 

Beatrice works for the Port Police in Baltimore. She patrols the containers for any potential threats may they be theft, or in this case human trafficking.


Now the following pins, are my recreation of her uniform, this might be something she would wear outside of work as well. I think the bomber jacket is really cool and it seems like it would be pretty warm on a cold winter’s day at the harbor

I love the scene where she discovers the container, and she is listening to her walkman as she patrols the rows of containers


These are what she is dealing with at work, at this point in time during the season. She discovered 13 dead bodies, all female, and they don’t have any form of identification on them. With the help of McNulty, she is able to give these cases to the Baltimore City Homicide unit.

I added these pins as well because Beatrice is a single mother, trying to put her kids through school and have a full time job as well. The book might be something she would enjoy when she has a little free time on her hands, I would assume that is very rarely though.


Capturing the Essence of D’Angelo Barksdale

For my second DS106 assignment this week, I decided to choose the Web assignment “You’re a Pinteresting Character” and portray The Wire character, D’Angelo Barksdale, using Pinterest.

Although I’m currently not active on Pinterest, I do have an account and am familiar with the process of “pinning” images, links, quotes, etc. to virtual “boards.” I love the concept of Pinterest–it’s like having an infinite amount of bulletin boards categorized by topics and being able to compile information/ideas for those boards. It’s the ultimate brainstorming and planning tool. I chose to make a board about D’Angelo Barksdale because I felt that (1) he had a distinct style, (2) there are many objects that can be tied to his character, and (3) he is one of the characters in the show that is undergoing a transformation or change of heart.

I used Google images to find images of D’Angelo Barksdale so that I could match what he wears in the show with pins. D’Angelo’s signature style consists of: beanies, his leather jacket, large t-shirts with designs, his black turtleneck sweater, and baggy button-up shirts. Some of the objects I connected to his character were: a beeper, a payphone, a King chess piece, a stack of cash, and a glass of liquor (as he is often drinking at Orlando’s). The places I connected to D’Angelo were: Baltimore (the setting for The Wire) and the courtroom. I also pinned some quotes that I think demonstrate D’Angelo’s new attitude well:

“When someone attacks your kingdom, you do not flee, you show them why it is your kingdom.”
– Olan Rogers

“And now I’ll do what’s best for me”

“You don’t ever have to feel guilty about removing toxic people from your life. It doesn’t matter whether someone is a relative, romantic interest, employer, childhood friend, or a new acquaintance–You don’t have to make room for people who cause you pain or make you feel small. It’s one thing if a person owns up to their behavior and makes an effort to change. But if a person disregards your feelings, ignores your boundaries, and continues to treat you in a harmful way, they need to go.” – Danielle Koepke

Follow Nicky’s board WireStyle – D'Angelo Barksdale on Pinterest.

Pinteresting Character – GoT Edition

For this assignment, I chose to create a Pinterest board for Game of Thrones character Cersei Lannister. The ds106 assignment suggests posting pins of interest for the character and having others guess the character’s identity, but I wanted to caption the actual pictures that I pinned. The juxtaposition of Cersei’s power-hungry character against polite Pinterest comments was especially funny to me. Something that I tried to get away from was just pinning pictures of the cast of the television shows, but I wasn’t able to avoid it completely. So, when I would find pictures of the cast, I made a board called “family pictures” to make this site more authentic.



Screenshot (1)Screenshot (3)

Screenshot (2)


Here  is the link to the assignment.



You’re a Pinteresting Character

Build a Pinterest page of at least 20 pins for a character of your choice. Search for pins that relate to your character and things that he or she would want to pin for themselves. Use X-Ray Goggles from Hackasaurus to modify the board further to personalize it for your character. Bonus points if you build a page and have visitors to your blog guess which character you picked!

Pinteresting Character

I got this idea from Alan’s example for our final projects. I couldn’t find an assignment for it… so I made my own!

The task: Build a Pinterest page of at least 20 pins for a character of your choice. Search for pins that relate to your character and things that he or she would want to pin for themselves. Use X-Ray Goggles from Hackasaurus to modify the board further to personalize it for your character. Bonus points if you build a page and have visitors to your blog guess which character you picked!

The product:

Since I’m the first person to complete this assignment, I should just tell you which character I chose. If it isn’t already obvious, I chose Dexter Morgan.

Not that he’d ever have a Pinterest page, but I imagine his would look much like this. Interest in knives, removing blood stains, understanding his teenage daughter, etc.

Probably one of the more interesting assignments for web, I think! You get to build on a story of your favorite character.