Hidden Story

Here is the web assignment called Hidden Story that is 2 points.

Sometimes I think Danny is angrier than me. He seems to have some hidden turmoils. He never talks about them. I haven’t had time to talk to him just him and me. He always follows Amelia. I think they may have had a thing in the past. I’ll have to ask her. Maybe Mark or Katherine knows something.

I can’t do this anymore. Everything is broken. It’s burning and I can’t breathe. They messed something up. I was perfectly fine and then one day it all ended. I used to have to much control. One trip to the hospital can change everything. They broke something and I don’t think I can fix it. And now they want me to come back. They have a new group. They probably disposed of the other ones already. I know this sounds crazy. Why would I go back? I have a couple of reasons. If I come back, I might be able to reverse something. Maybe I can fix myself. But the main reason is her. I have to make sure she’s safe. I know she can defend herself. Sometimes better than me but you know when you just have that feeling that you have to be near this person. I might not be able to help her to my optimal physical extent but I can be there. I’ll be there. I’ll endure everything. And if I can fix myself that would just be a bonus. Wish me luck and do me a favor. Don’t listen to anything they say. They are lying. They don’t help, they hurt and take so much that there is nothing left. This might be deleted later, but I had to say it. Thanks for listening.

Kassia Note:
The hidden story can be found on my agency website. It is under the tab entitled Mission Statement. I wanted to expand on another character. It was fun to explore someone different. I didn’t know what I would do with Daniel but finding out what I would do with him helped clear some other holes I had in the story.

Hidden Stories**

So for this assignment, we had to put a random story in the middle of a webpage.  I inserted part of “The Happy Prince” by Oscar Wilde into a Wikipedia article on Kim Jong-Il.  Honestly, I don’t think there is a more fitting place for this, especially since I used to have so much fun changing Wikipedia pages in middle school.  Did you know Napoleon was the primary enemy in the Vietnam War?


Here’s the regular page if you want to see that too.

I’m Lovin’ It

I’m Lovin’ It – Justin Timberlake

My last web assignment that I chose was Hidden Stories in a Page {**}. In this assignment, you had to take a web page and insert a hidden story, or commentary from the author.

I started off by thinking of what website I could insert a hidden story. I wanted to do a funny one so I thought for a while. And then, it hit me like a ton of bricks: The McDonald’s Nutrition Page. Oh boy, I had too much fun with this.

Hidden Story in a Page screen shot

There is one main hidden story and a bunch of tid-bits here and there. See if you can find them all when you visit my new McDonald’s Nutrition Page.

I created this with the help of the Hackasaurus tool – which is wonderful and I definitely recommend using it!! It was very simple once I planned out what direction I was going to go in. I wanted to make it seem like the website was talking. Almost as if the website was trying to warn people that all of this information was b.s. and not to fall into the trap!

Web designing is sneaky stuff. I hope Micky Dees never finds this blog post.

Hidden Story Within a Page Assignment- 2 stars

The link for this assignment can be found here: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/hidden-story-in-a-page/

Here is a screenshot of the page that I worked on.

hidden Story-assignment

PostSecret- Hidden Story within a Page

For this assignment I used Hackasaurus tool, which is really cool and pretty easy to use. When you put on the X-Ray goggles you can see through to the underlying HTMl code and allows you to gain an understanding for the framework of web pages. For the excerpt that I created, it was a

element that I edited. The story that I added felt very intense and kind of disturbing, which I thought created a real element that would draw people in. Post Secret does this already, but without much commentary.

Hidden Story In A Page

Wouldn’t webpages be more interesting if the author provided commentary on the contents and went on tangents about entirely unrelated subjects? Or if a story suddenly appeared in the middle of the page? Or what if a website became self-aware?

The concept for this assignment is simple: Insert a story into an existing webpage. You don’t need to replace anything or remove anything. Just add your own content in whatever way is appropriate to the story. You can easily do this with Firebug (https://getfirebug.com/), or download the page and open it in a text editor. This shouldn’t require modifying formatting or layouts, unless you want to use a specialized font to make the story contents stand out (e.g. http://wp.me/p2IgNY-2K).

A story embedded in a page

When I started to read this week’s assignment of redesigning a webpage to tell a story, I at first thought it meant embedding a story within an existing webpage. And I got REALLY excited. This seemed like such a cool idea – the story could be relevant to the page content, or a complete non sequitur.

But then I continued reading, and realized the assignment meant something more like this. Which, don’t get me wrong, was a lot of fun. But I was still excited by my initial interpretation. So I decided to go ahead and do it and submit this as an assignment proposal.

I took the non sequitur approach, writing a story embedded in Google Apps integration documentation. (I wanted to use something long to accommodate the story structure and inherently uninteresting to most people so that they wouldn’t be distracted by it.) The story began with the idea of someone crying out for help, and then it went off in its own … surprising direction.

The poem is one that I wrote back in high school, with the enticing description of “Crappy poem I wrote while bored and procrastinating on homework.” I honestly do not remember what inspired it, but in rereading it I found the mawkishness and the self-importance to be so entertaining that I decided to use it here. (I used to write a lot of humorous poetry, and initially wanted to use one of those poems, but then I came across this one, and immediately knew I had to use it. Because it gave me my ending.)

Here is a pdf version of the story, or you can download the webpage here.

UPDATE: Assignment has been submitted! http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/hidden-story-in-a-page/ Hope you enjoy it. I had fun creating the thumbnail for the assignment page: