The Life of Lindsay Cooper

Lindsay Cooper is saving the bay one oyster at a time. She graduated from the University of Mary Washington in 2022. Cooper majored in Geography and pursued a double minor in Environmental Sustainability and Urban studies. Lindsay had a passion for environmental conservation and had previous experience volunteering with nonprofits such as T.O.G.A. (Tidewater Oyster Gardener Association) and also volunteering with the Friends of the Rappahannock in Fredericksburg VA. Through her studies at UMW, Lindsay knew she wanted to work in the field of sustainability. She had gotten a career out of school for city planning and helping American cities become more greener and environmentally friendly. Cooper had dedicated years into helping US cities become greener and had even done similar work in countries across the globe. Lindsay had spent 15 years doing similar work and then decided to start teaching. She focused mainly on outdoor education and inspiring young people to follow in her footsteps. Lindsay also pursued certification in American Sign Language and has been taught at a local college. She taught at school and helped run a nonprofit that helped to promote oyster reef conservation as well as coral restoration. After many years of dedicating time to the school and nonprofit, Cooper stepped down and became just a volunteer.

Cooper now is retired and is living in a small coastal town in Florida with her 2 dogs and cat. She now is head of an oyster growing and conservation group. Lindsay had dedicated her life to helping the world become greener and sustainable and now she helps to save the bay. Cooper works to help build contraptions that promote oyster reef growth. She said she feels like she has done what she had set out to do but she said she won’t ever stop trying to make our world better and save the environment.

History of Me

Nicholas Sebenaler went to college in 2013. He went to a college named University of Mary Washington located in Fredericksburg, Virginia. He went to UMW to study computer science and become a computer science major. He enjoyed spending his college time programming, reading, and hanging out with friends. When he was not in classes you could find him in the library or at the basketball court near Jefferson hall playing street hockey. He studied at UMW for four years until he received his degree in computer science during the Spring of 2017. After he graduated he went on to work for a big defense company called Northrop Grumman.

Five Years From Now

Danny Keys tells us what his plans are in “Do These, Danny Keys,” but if you haven’t gotten the chance to ask him there, he’ll tell you here! This was prompted by this assignment, worth 3 stars.

Where will I be in five years?

Here, hopefully. I love this town, moreso than any others I’ve been to so far. It’s small and friendly, but used to strangers. Someone new comes around every now and then and just settles in, never leaves. I’ve moved around more than a couple times each year since I left New York, but I stopped in this town and haven’t picked myself up to leave in almost two years now.

Of course, Johnny’s death hasn’t made that any easier. I hate always bringing it up, but I pass by his old saloon every now and again and I wonder if I had stuck around if he hadn’t opened that door to me. I hope losing him hurts less in the future, wherever I am.

I will stay here, though. I’ve already decided that. It’ll take a hurricane in Arizona to take me away from this place.

Futures Intertwined

I completed the three star assignment Tell Us About Your Future Life.

It directed us to write out the history of our future life as if it were in a textbook. Instead of writing about myself, I chose to write about my character. Here it is:

The closest instance to graduating college for Kyle was the day he found out Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant. Staying in the military until his thirties, Kyle became proficient in the use of firearms. Wanting a leisurely life, at the age of 32 he retired. Forgoing any attempt to pursue a formal education, he proceeded to travel West in pursuit of new beginnings. Finding employment as a bartender in Puggville, Texas, by the owner of the White Mule, Marlene, Kyle did not stay long. He soon wandered about, finding his way to the area which is known as Dallas in the present day. While in the area, he joined a local gang. Not much information is available pertaining to his life during this time. His last known recorded whereabouts were during a period of time where he was known as a bartender. Bar patrons recount in articles of his fierce temper keeping order. After leaving employment at the saloon, Kyle traveled back East with clandestine intentions. Riding a train outbound from Nashville going toward Memphis, Tennessee, Kyle passed away in the Great Train Wreck of 1918. There was no known next of kin.

I chose to complete this assignment at random. I was unsure of how to intertwine my character with another; and this assignment popped up on my screen, so I decided to complete it. This wasn’t too difficult. The only associated difficulty with this problem was creating my characters overall life story and somehow intersecting it with another character who happened to be Marlene. I chose Marlene because she happened to be a bar owner who I figured could employ my character, a bartender.

Overall, this assignment added to my character’s life story.

Bakery Owner

Kelly Hendricks is a world famous bakery owner. She attended University of Mary Washington from 2012 to 2016 and went on to become a financial analyst. During her time at UMW, Kelly was a part of Sigma Beta Delta and Omicron Epsilon, the business and economics honor societies. She was also the Game Night committee chair for the campus programming club. After about 10 years, she decided to pursue her dream of owning a bakery.  She opened her store front in Quincy, Massachusetts with the name Muffin Top. Muffin Top quickly became one of the most popular bakeries in Quincy and even won an award for best bakery. Over the next few years, her bakery continued to grow and she had two children with her husband. After a few years, Kelly opened another shop in her hometown, Fairfax, Virginia. Now, Kelly runs her bakery in Quincy while raising her kids and occasionally does some consulting on the side.

Textbook Julianna

My final assignment bank post of the week (worth 3 stars to complete my 6 star total) is a writing assignment called tell us about your future life. This prompt tells you to write about yourself as if you were a small blurb in a history textbook. It tells you to focus on college life and what happens after. I chose this because I thought it was kind of a neat concept to act like it was in a textbook because I have never seen or thought of that before. Here is goes:

Julianna Procaccini (1993-) graduated from The University of Mary Washington in 2016 where she majored in biology on the pre medical track. During college Julianna spent most of her time volunteering at a free health clinic for the homeless, scribing at MWH, and shadowing surgery. In her free time, Julianna would train and run half marathons. After graduating, Julianna attended Tuft’s Medical College from 2017-2021 where she excelled in cardiology. Following this, Julianna started her residency in pediatric cardiology at Mass General where she specialized in interventional cardiac procedures for three years. After completing her residency in 2024, Julianna became a pediatric cardiologist at Mass General. During her career she developed a new technique that was less invasive than the previous cardiac catheterization procedures on pediatrics. She also did research on Ebstein’s Anomaly in which she published many papers for the New England Journal of Medicine. Following retirement in her late 60s, Julianna still volunteered and helped out with The Ronald McDonald House and St Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Julianna still continues to give back to her community and travel to pediatric cardiology conferences around the world.

The Future Life of Billy Steel

The last assignment I did this week was called “Tell Us About Your Future Life” for 3 stars. The instructions can be found here. For this assignment I actually told the story of the future life of my character, Billy Steel.

Here’s what you know about Billy already: he was born in 1905 and lives in a bad neighborhood in Detroit. He works on the assembly line at Ford, and has a wife Jackie who hates his guts because he frequently cheats on her, and his only son was kidnapped and murdered at the age of 6. Steel is an alcoholic vigilante of sorts who targets gang members to get revenge for his son’s murder. On the recent radio show that aired, NOIR Not The Father, it was revealed that Jackie had been murdered by Billy out of jealousy and contempt, as he suspected her of having affairs of her own.

After the show, Billy escaped from police custody with the help of crime scene cleaner Blair Morgan. Blair had been a huge flirt ever since she drowned her husband in their pool, and she and Billy ended up having an affair during the production of NOIR Not The Father. When it was determined that Billy was the culprit in his wife’s murder, Blair couldn’t sit by and watch her lover be taken away for life. So she helped him escape. Unfortunately for her, Billy immediately ditched her and fled to Indianapolis to live in hiding.

In Indianapolis Steel tried to turn over a new leaf. He didn’t completely abandon his vigilante lifestyle, but he did try to work more in cooperation with the local cops; without their knowing it, of course. He also tried to cut down on his drinking, but everyday was a struggle. That’s the future life of Billy Steel, until……… you’re going to have to stay tuned to find out!!!!

The Future is Here

The story of my future is the story of your future. Yes a few things here and there may be different to an extent but we are all going towards the same “place”, aren’t we? In a few years I’ll be joining “the real world”, if I’m not already here. More and more technologies will enter my life, if not in hand or in my brain then over my head for sure. I’ll become more efficient while at the same time I’ll become more obsolete. The lives around me will disappear if not them then me. Life will go on that is unless an extinction event takes place which wipes out this world’s self conscious.

Justin Lawrence eventually got over his self-loathing stage as he left college at the University of Mary Washington. He entered the workforce in Washington D.C. in advertising. While he impressed his colleagues around him he felt an urge to do something more adventurous with his life. Before leaving advertising he secured a crew position on a sailing vessel heading North. The destination was Greenland. There was no evidence of him ever landing there.

James Black’s Future

After James Black Left New York City, he decided to attended Boston College where he played basketball and majored in pre-law. Being the person that Black is and not taking shit from anyone, he always found himself getting into trouble. Black decided to change his major to criminal justice to hopefully becoming a detective one day. This wish/goal was interrupted by the influence of the mafia on Black. Black completed three years of college when he decided to drop out and become a cop but still being involved in the mafia. At this time, no one knew he was living a double life. Black eventually gave up the mafia to pursue his goal as being a detective.

Shirley Mayfield’s Future Life

For one of my week two assignments, I decided to do the Tell Us About Your Future Life assignment that was submitted by Alison Thoet. I decided to do this assignment for the assignment that had to deal with our character dossier. I remixed this assignment to make it about Shirley Mayfield’s life instead of my own.

The assignment is to “write out the history of your future life as if you were featured in a textbook. Make it about college life and what you want to pursue afterward!” I decided to remix it and make it about Shirley Mayfield’s future life and what she wants to pursue after finding the perfect man for her.

Here is Shirley Mayfield’s future life in textbook form.

Shirley Mayfield found the perfect husband and about a year after getting married, she got pregnant. When Shirley and Richard got married, everything fell into place. He was treating her like a princess and they were the perfect couple. Shirley had worked at her family business up until she got pregnant. Once she got pregnant, her husband decided it was time for her to focus on getting ready to be a mom and then after that she could be a stay at home mom. Richard got another job so that Shirley would be able to stay at home. After loving parenthood, they decided to have more children. After having four beautiful children to take care of, Shirley and Richard lived happily ever after. Their kids were growing like weeds and Richard and Shirley stayed busy all the time. They were able to live a lovely life. Richard eventually retired and they bought a vacation home big enough to hold their whole family.


I wanted to give Shirley a happy ending because her childhood had some very rough spots. I went with a story like her own because that is how she aspired to live her life.