Audio Self-Reflection PARODY

Can’t stomach all those glowing self-reflections about what’s so great about DS106? [Assignment1119] Then why not have a iittle fun and make a parody? Record a 3-5 minunte “self-reflection” from the point of view of a disgruntled student, teacher, or open-onliner, etc. responding to the questions: Why are you here? What brought you to DS106? Why are you still here?  Start by creating an obviously fictitous name and location, then let ‘er rip.  Maybe use a different voice, and some strange background music.  Provide a thumbnail image that will grab the reader’s attention when they scroll down the list.  Here’s an example of a self-reflection you can poke fun at.  You can submit your parody here for consideration to be added along side the other DS106 self-reflections.