Audio Self-Reflection PARODY

Assignment Value:

5 votes, average: 2.60 out of 55 votes, average: 2.60 out of 55 votes, average: 2.60 out of 55 votes, average: 2.60 out of 55 votes, average: 2.60 out of 5

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So far, this assignment has been completed 3 times.

Can’t stomach all those glowing self-reflections about what’s so great about DS106? [Assignment1119] Then why not have a iittle fun and make a parody? Record a 3-5 minunte “self-reflection” from the point of view of a disgruntled student, teacher, or open-onliner, etc. responding to the questions: Why are you here? What brought you to DS106? Why are you still here?  Start by creating an obviously fictitous name and location, then let ‘er rip.  Maybe use a different voice, and some strange background music.  Provide a thumbnail image that will grab the reader’s attention when they scroll down the list.  Here’s an example of a self-reflection you can poke fun at.  You can submit your parody here for consideration to be added along side the other DS106 self-reflections.

Do this Assignment

If you complete this assignment, share it! If you are signed up with a blog that feeds theĀ main DS106 site, to have your example added below just add the following tags (or labels if you use Blogger) when writing the post on your own blog (You must use BOTH!):

If your blog is not connected to ds106, you canĀ add your example directly.

Submissions So Far

I went house shopping today. I think I am in love with this backyard!

Check out the video I made about the backyard. While I was

This assignment was to create a parody self reflection of the ds106 website. While everything I said was so far left, it was very hard

Help Someone Else Do this Assignment

If you create a tutorial for this assignment, share it! To have your tutorials appear below, make sure your posts are showing up on theĀ main DS106 siteĀ and that you use the following tags (or labels on Blogger) when writing the post on your own blog (You must use BOTH !):

Submissions So Far