DS106 Assignment Two!


For my Second DS106 Assignment  I did “Make the Untranslatable Understood”

“Use the Random Words with No English Translation tool to generate a word that could be better understood with a photo or image. Find a creative commons image or make your own, and include the word somehow in the image (using a desktop photo editor or web tool like Aviary or PicNIk). Then share it with someone and ask if it makes sense.”

This was the instruction given to me for this assignment.


At first I didn’t know if i wanted to do this assignment but when I visit the site which gives random words with no english translation the word which in in my picture came up. Instantly I had to do the assignment because recently I watched a movie similar to this meaning and also this word also has great meaning to me as well. First I went to look for pictures that would work to show the meaning of friendship  and found two pictures of their friendship when they were young and when they grow old. Then I used gimp and by putting two pictures together and putting the words in place I was finished.


7 Girl Friends who were how do you put it bad students, or like best fighters in the school meet after many years to find that many things have changed but also as a person nothing changes. I don’t want to ruin the movie for people but if anyone wants to watch it please leave a comment and I will get back to you. Finally I’ll post the picture of each actor here incase anyone is interested.
Click to view slideshow.

Make The Untranslatable Understood

Use the Random Words with No English Translation tool (http://lab.cogdogblog.com/nowords/) to generate a word that could be better understood with a photo or image. Find a creative commons image or make your own, and include the word somehow in the image (using a desktop photo editor or web tool like Aviary or PicNIk). Then share it with someone and ask if it makes sense.

Learning more at http://cogdogblog.com/8084