Maria’s Pinterest Board

Here’s the Pinterest board!

So, for this assignment, I had to make a pinterest board for a character with at least 20 pins and then use X-Ray Goggles from Hackasaurus to further modify the board. I chose my character Maria, and I got to 29 pins. However, the X-Ray Goggles no longer work, so I had to forgo them.

This Pinterest board is a mishmash of different things relating to cryptozoology and folklore. I first searched for cryptozoology stuff, most of which were patches and pins. I chose some I liked. I noticed that there were a fair amount of alien-related items. Aliens are not really an interest of Maria-she prefers creatures from Earth-like chupacabras-or those that at least partially inhabit the Earth-like Hellhounds.

Then, I looked for backpacking pictures, as she likes to backpack. Indeed, almost everything, if not everything, I have made about her mention or involve backpacking in some way, shape, or form! I didn’t find much that I was looking for, as most of the pictures were guides that linked to other websites or tips that you had to go to another website to see. I chose a few pictures of food preparation, as Maria always liked to be prepared. I also chose a picture of a gear line. It looked cool to me and organized like Maria!

I also looked for pictures of libraries. Maria loves to read and research, so she is often found in libraries. I chose old-looking libraries, as what she is trying to research is often old (I also just personally like old libraries!).

I also chose some pictures of lecture halls. One of Maria’s jobs is a part-time or substitute professor, so she can also be found in lecture halls! I chose pictures of older-looking lecture halls, as Maria is not a futuristic person, and because cryptozoology and folklore remind me of older, more ancient things.

I also chose a few pictures of journals and writing, as Maria is also a writer. She also takes many notes when she researches. Her journals have appearances in numerous posts about her!

Finally, I also have found several lists and charts of myths, legends, and folklore from various cultures. When I typed in folklore, I got a lot of books, which is OK but they were mostly children’s books. Nothing wrong with that (both Maria and I encourage teaching children folklore and encouraging them to read!) but Maria is more scholarly. I chose various cultures since Maria is interested in myths, legends, folklore, and cryptids from all over the globe and travels often around the world.

This assignment was not very hard to complete, mostly because since the Goggles didn’t work, as the website is no longer active, I didn’t have to figure out how that worked! This was very fun to do, and I hope it gives a good idea of what Maria is like!

This is the assignment I made this for:


My Featured image is a pin from the board:

The Pinterest image links here:

My Character

I found this assignment very interesting. We were to use our pinterest (making one if we did not already have one) and put within one particular board clues to who a particular character was. We needed at minimum 20 pins on that board.

I loved this assignment as soon as I saw it. I enjoy using different apps and I have always had pinterest but never found a reason to use it until now. It is a great way of organizing thoughts and trips and it is perfect for these assignments. I choose my character a little bit randomly and with a hint of influence from my Classics course I am taking right now. If you think Greek and Roman gods you should hopefully be able to piece together my character! I thought it would be a little fun to have people try and guess my character than out right say who they were. All of my pins are a part of the particular character and there are a few witty hints mixed in that I could not resist.

I am also making this assignment my tutorial assignment as well: below are my step by step instructions.

My Character Board

1. Create a pinterest- it is a free app that you can find in any android or apple store. If you do not have a smart phone you can also use your laptop or home computer and go to and sign up with an email and password you create yourself.


IMG_22892. Create a board: You will go to the far left and click the person. Next you will choose create a board. From there you will give your board a Name, description, and category.

3. You will then add pins that describe your character, you need 20. You will just search for pins using the toolbar at the bottom and pin it to your choosen board.


4. You will then need to send your board to your email to upload it onto ds106. You will click the paper airplane and add the email you want to send it too; from your email you will download and then upload your picture!

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You’re a Pinteresting Character

Build a Pinterest page of at least 20 pins for a character of your choice. Search for pins that relate to your character and things that he or she would want to pin for themselves. Use X-Ray Goggles from Hackasaurus to modify the board further to personalize it for your character. Bonus points if you build a page and have visitors to your blog guess which character you picked!