Animated GIF Assignments

The Tate’s 1840’s GIF Party

“The 1840s GIFParty invites you to transform artworks from the 1840s room at Tate Britain into animated GIFs.” That’s tight, you have right to take a piece of museum art work, animate it as a GIF, and submit it back to the Tate. Tag your work for ds106 and share it with the museum.

“Submit your  GIF to us via the  Tate Collectives Tumblr or by emailing: [email protected]” — doing so before February 2, 2014 enters your GIF for potential museum exhibition, learn more…

Googlyify a GIF

Add some Googly Eyes to an animated GIF using the Googlyfiy  tool — enter the URL for a GIF that has a face of your favorite person, pet, actor, teacher– on each frame you can add and customize the googly eyes to make it surreal.

Monster Chiller Horror Theatre 3D GIF

Scary stuff, kids! Find a great little snippet from a 3D-style film where something comes out of the screen and towards your in the audience, and make it into a GIF. Consider looking at the fine work of Dr. Tongue and Bruno in their ground-breaking 3D films on SCTV‘s Count Floyd‘s Monster Chiller Horror Theatre (find their classic releases on YouTube), but don’t restrict yourself to their body of work!

Make sure, Friends, that you don’t put your eye out, and don’t put out the eyes of your GIF viewers, either! That would NOT be fun. But DO make a GIF, bub!

GIF Fight!

So there is a web site on Tumblr that @jimgroom said where everybody who wants to can make a GIF in a week with a topic that the guy posts and @jimgroom said it should be an assignment but he didn’t make it one so I did and now everybody can do a GIF challenge each week by looking to see what the GIF Fight! is for the week. 

For an example see the Vader GIFs made by some ds106 people: See  jimgroom‘s and cogdog‘s and Rockylou22‘s and mine, iamTalkyTina‘s. 

This is an okay kind of fight for Friends because it doesn’t hurt and it is making GIFs which is a fun thing for Friends to do together. 

Add Some Flower Power

Sometimes somethings are just not as nice as they could be. Like if your True Friend doesn’t like your hat. One way to make them nicer is to do like the Hippies did to the guns and add flowers. That makes them more peaceful and nicer.

Find something that is not as nice as it could be, and make it nicer by adding some animated flowers. You can find lots of nice flowers to animate on the Internet. Say where you found your flowers. But make something nicer for your Friends by using flowers. I did! 

Re-invoke an Absent DS106 Community Member

If you are missing a member of the ds106 Digital Storytelling Community who has been a bit quiet of late, re-invoke their presence by making an AnimatedGIF re-invocation poster. Word will get out, and between your artistic efforts and the resultant nagging of other members of the community, the beloved member will be re-invoked and will once again grace the community with their presence and Their Art.

Your re-invocation poster may have increased effectiveness if it includes, like a voodoo doll, some part of the missing member’s residual ds106 Art. (Not guaranteed to work in the instance of @jimgroom and his prolonged Art Lack, but it’s worth a try!)

Thanks to my Still True Friend @cogdog for suggesting this assignment.

Tell the World About DS106 GIF

Those of us who have experienced DS106 and understand the #4lifeness of it have a responsibiity to inform the world of the benefits of participating in the DS106 learning community. Pick one of your favourite aspects of DS106 and create an Animated GIF poster to promote DS106 to the world. Bonus points for including mention of the start date of the next DS106 session. Be sure to include the DS106 URL so folks can follow up! 

Show Us Your Headless13 ds106 Self

Okay. So #ds106 is going Headless for the fall of 2013.

Show us your #ds106 #headless13 self in an animated GIF. We want to see you with — and without — your head.

GIF your sassy animal

Create a GIF of your pet giving you some sas. All animals do and it is generally pretty funny. 

Batman and Robin Running Scared

There’s an awesome Tumblr blog created by That Design Bastard filled with animated GIFs of Batman and Robin Running away from sh*t. The cool thing is the site posts a PSD file of Batman and Robin running with a transparent background so you can make your own. He even encourages you to submit your GIF to him for consideration. Time to get those two caped crusaders running scared!