Design Assignments

Movies from Another Time

Design a vintage movie poster from a modern movie using actors/styling from an earlier era. Try to capture the essence of the modern film by choosing the right actors for the different parts and using imagery that is evocative of the past while capturing the film’s meaning.

Truthful Movie Poster

Imagine if movie posters told the REAL story about the fillm they’re advertising. Redesign an existing movie poster by changing the text/images to tell us the real story. More examples at

On the Cover of a Teen Mag

Take a popular figure from politics, education, that you would not expect to be there, on the cover of a teen fan magazine. Bonus points if the cover includes a heart throb of initials JB and a lot of pink color. Re-edit the text as well to blend them into the style of the magazine. Inspired by a tweet by Cathy Finn-Derecki

Tell A Tale On A Tapestry

Go to Bildwirkerey von Bayeuxbe where you will find the “Historic Tale Constrvction Cit”, a web-based app inspired by the Tapestry of Bayeux.

Follow the directions to create your own tapestry story, then be sure to share it with us!

Weird Book Room

The Abebooks Weird Book Room lists a collection of titles so farcical you would think they are made up, but they are not. “Grandma’s Dead: Breaking Bad News With Baby Animals”, “Beyond Leaf Raking “, and “Goats: Homeopathic Remedies” are all actual book titles — “finest source of everything that’s bizarre, odd and downright weird in books.”

Your assignment is to design the cover of a book title so weird that it will look like it will fit right in to the Weird Book Room. Be sure to include a little bit of jacket blurb for your blog post where you include your designed book cover. Go weird!

ds106 Goes Postal

If the postal service was going to honor DS106 with a stamp, what might it look like? Design a stamp that features ds106 elements. Make it commemorative and collectable. This example here is taken from the one created for a Post Card from Magical Places representing Camp Magic Macguffin, but it could be any design that says “ds106 is #4life”

Turn it Up Man!

This assignment is part design and part writing actually. You are to create an themed or genre compilation album cover design and playlist for a fantasy release. Freedom Rock was an infamous release in the nineties, remembered mostly for its kitsch commercial –

Animated Magazine Cover

Animate a magazine cover. Preferrably one with monstrous cyclops pounding on dragons.

Venn Pop Culture

In the vein of Stephen WIldish’s “Yoda Venn” (see for all of of his designs), design a Venn diagram of three circles, each representing an attribute, where each overlap defines a figure from popular culture.

Support Creative Commons With a Poster

Use creative commons licensed images to design a poster about how groovy Creative Commons is! Use a tool like Creative Commons Search to find licensed images and then use photo editing software to add a message, call to arms, rallying cry, urgent plea.
Include as well a creative commons logo– look to the creative commons itself for ones to use.

Most importantly, in your poster image be sure to give attribution credit to the source image.