take 2 pictures from same angle, but make it little bit different.
And compare those 2 pictures and let’s find the error!
I took pictures of calligraphy ink as an example, and the place of No,30 and 31 is different.
take 2 pictures from same angle, but make it little bit different.
And compare those 2 pictures and let’s find the error!
I took pictures of calligraphy ink as an example, and the place of No,30 and 31 is different.
Take 2 or more pictures and combine them to show us a funny story.
Take a picture of the same spot outside several times in a day, then merge them all together in a way that shows the differences in appearance over the day.
Take a photo that manipulates distance to create an optical illusion. For example, I created an image of me holding the Washington Monument in my hand.
Take a photo in which there is a ghost like subject by either using a long exposure or 2 different pictures in a photo editing software. Check out the example here.
Take a picture of your subject (grandparents, pet, yourself) and put it into a totally different background in which they appear abnormally too small or too large. Think of Honey, we shrunk the kids…
Take a picture of your pet, and make an animated GIF from the photo.
Take a picture that catches something mid action, and makes it appear different than it normally would.
Take any picture and caption it with a meme, whether common or uncommon. Or come up with a personalized meme.
Ask Your Audience, is an assignment that requires you to create a post based on an image (ideally one that you wish to more about and preferably one you took) and then ask an engaging enough question that invites your readers to provide you with an answer and/or additional information on the subject.
1.) Post a photo of something that you don’t know much about (your own original photo is preferred, it does not matter when it was taken).
2.) Give some background information about the photo (or other related information to help them out identifying whatever it is you posted).
3.) Ask your viewers in your own way to get more information on the subject matter for you (this will be the hardest part of the whole assignment).
Don’t forget to thank your viewers when you’re done, either!
Good luck and have fun!