Assignment Idea

Name that single!

_cokwr: Create a design for a favorite song by using just simple designs and NO WORDS...Basically a design assignment with the rules in charades. IE: for No Doubt's "I'm Just a Girl" I would just have a symbol of a girl. , _cpzh4: Design, _chk2m: anagahama, _ciyn3: 94, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

Screen Capture Story

_cokwr: Use CamStudio, Fraps, or another screen capturing software to get footage of something you do on your computer. A few minutes of gameplay is a good example., _cpzh4: Video, _cre1l:, _chk2m: Joe Proffitt, _ciyn3: 158, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

Speed Up Your Work Day

Take video of yourself doing what you typically do on an average work day, and then speed it up! Start with at least 30 minutes of footage at a minimum, so as to get a good amount of video to share. Challenge yourself to complete the assignment in one single shot, then speed it up to ridiculous speeds, and toss in some music that fits the mood., _cpzh4: Video, _cre1l:, _chk2m: Ben Rimes, _ciyn3: 155, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

1 Second Video

_cokwr: How much of a story can you tell in a 1 second video? Inspired by this:, _cpzh4: Video, _cre1l:, _chk2m: noiseprofessor, _ciyn3: 213, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

Music Mash

_cokwr: Take clips from different songs and mash them up into something fun. Try to use random effects and cross music genres., _cpzh4: Mashup, _cre1l:, _chk2m: jennak, _ciyn3: 128, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

Uninteresting Story

_cokwr: Solicit an uninteresting story from a family member or friend. It is your task to try and make the anecdote as interesting for your listener as possible. When you post your story, reflect on the (un)interestingness of the story and why you believe it actually was worth telling. In other words, you are to record an uninteresting story and do everything in your power to make it interesting. , _cpzh4: Audio, _cre1l:, _chk2m: Jim Groom (via Martha), _ciyn3: 69, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

ds106 Mashup

_cokwr: Take any 2 (or more) creations from any category of assignment that another student has posted and mash them up into something new an original. Hopefully most of what we're creating here is CC-licensed for remixing but check first before spending hours on your masterpiece., _cpzh4: Mashup, _cre1l:, _chk2m: Tim Owens, _ciyn3: 15, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

AJ William’s Buddy Photo

_cokwr: Find a little figurine or a stuffed animal that you can carry around with you. Use that "buddy" and take photos to document where you have gone together. ie: going out to lunch, going to the movies, etc. , _cpzh4: Visual, _chk2m: anagahama, _ciyn3: 48, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

Google Translate Fail

_cokwr: Find something in a foreign language and use Google Translate and laugh about how awful it is. Its pretty easy to do if you use Google Chrome. Just go to a site in another language and select the translate to English button when it pops up (options - under the hood - check the box that says to offer translations). I think you can also use the main to translate pages as well. If its a language you know, give an explanation of what it should be and list possible reasons it got messed up. , _cpzh4: On/In the Web, _cre1l:, _chk2m: Steven Q. Dangerfist, _ciyn3: 209, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

A Life in Two Minutes

_cokwr: Create a 2 minute audio story inspired by the "My Life is True" series produced by KQED of Northern California. KQED works with people "to explain, in their own words, a significant moment or stubborn problem." Work with a friend or tell a story about yourself that describes such a moment or problem. Be sure to keep it at two minutes or less! Thanks to GNA Garcia for posting a link to this awesome site on Twitter and inspiring assignment ideas for DS106., _cpzh4: Audio, _cre1l:, _chk2m: Michael Branson Smith, _ciyn3: 184, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3: