Miles Davis Radio Bumper

My radio bumper example for this audio assignment.

Radio Bumper Audio Assignment

Here is my radio bumper audio assignment for #ds106. For this project I used Garageband. I recorded my speech of the dialogue using the “vocals” instrument. The voice over music is an instrumental bass which I copied and pasted from YouTube. After my song was done, I converted it to an MP3 file and uploaded it to SoundCloud. I also tweeted this assignment on my twitter. Here it is on my soundcloud. Enjoy!

Audio Assignments: Create A Ds106 Radio Bumper

“Now that we have a #ds106 radio up and running creating a 15 to 30 second bumper for the station. What is a bumper? It is a short recording that identifies the radio station with signature music or an expression that makes sure the listeners know what they are tuned into. So for ds106 it should certainly include “DS106 Radio” and some sort of message about the station with voice over music.”

For this project, I tried using Audacity and had the hardest time trying to figure out how to use it. It took me over three hours to try to make my recording, figure out sound, and try to overlap my recording with music. I never figured out how to upload it to SoundCloud though. I made numerous recordings of the same thing, then I finally just did a recording through SoundCloud. It uploaded in seconds and didn’t give me any trouble. I wish someone told me about that sooner so I didn’t waist so much time trying to figure out Audacity. I recorded this Radio Bumper with my sister Caraline. We had fun recording it together and we hope you enjoy!

Radio Bumper

“Now that we have a #ds106 radio up and running creating a 15 to 30 second bumper for the station. What is a bumper? It is a short recording that identifies the radio station with signature music or an expression that makes sure the listeners know what they are tuned into (see So for ds106 it should certainly include “DS106 Radio” and some sort of message about the station with voice over music.”

Today, I was coming back from Richmond, and driving about 80mph, when i heard a loud noise of BOOOOMM!!!. For my first reaction, i was not sure what just took place; however, after analyzing for second or two, i realized my car tire for rear driver side blown apart. I pulled over, and called my insurance company. After speaking with the insurance lady, i was told that it will take about 60 – 90 minutes before the closest tow truck will get to me. So, I was sitting there really don’t know how to kill the time. Fortunately i had my laptop with me at that time, so i pulled laptop out, and made this assignment while i was sitting on the side of the road, and waiting for the tow truck to show up. So, some of the noises in my radio bumper, you may notice or may not notice are actual sound for cars passing by where i was sitting. I found it cool that i was able to catch this moment, and added to my radio bumper. If you listen carefully, you will also notice that my flashers are going off and on.

Your very own Radio.
The Best Radio in Town
Tune UP
Radio Hot,,

This is by far the coolest assignment i done for this class. It was quite challenging because i have to download several different applications. On top of that i have to watch tons of tutorial to learn how to use Audacity. Most of the tutorial i watched was from youtube. All i had to do is search how to use Audacity, and then just randomly pick tutorials to watch. Once i learned, how to effectively use tools in Audacity, i was really on the track to make this awesome radio bumper. In addition to everything, i downloaded the plugin called “Lame” that allowed me to work with mp3 files.

To do the above assignment i had to took following steps:
Step 1
Very first i downloaded the backgrounds sound that i wanted to play in the background for my radio bumper. Following is the site i used to download different sound themes:

Step 2
I pressed the recording button with big red dot on it, that allow me to start recording my voice. Once i finish recording, i pressed the yellow square stop button to stop my recording. At this point i have my plain sound recorded to the audacity.

Step 3
I clicked File > Open > and choose the desire sound themes that i wanted to add to radio bumper. In my case i have two different sound themes that i loaded for the background sound. Both of my soundtracks that i used were produced by Hans Zimmer, one is from movie The Dark Knight Rises, and the other is from Interstellar.

Step 4
I kept the Interstellar soundtrack as it was, except i have to lower its sound pitch using the enveloping tool, because the sound was dominated over my recording.

Step 5
I cut a portion of The Dark Knight soundtrack, and copy it several times, that i played over the length of the audio, which created a cool background sound.

Step 6
I used the enveloping tools to adjusted pitches between my audio breaks. Where ever i took break between my clip i pitch the soundtracks high, and where ever my voice was active i brought the pitch down, so they listeners can hear less of the music and more of my voice clearly.

Step 7
I saved the file as a wav. by clicking File and export to the desire location

Step 8
I logged into the Sound Cloud and loaded the file to my SoundCloud, also selected the download options, so listener can download my audio

Final Step 9
I copy the Embeded code from SoundCloud and pasted to this blog

Unit 4

I watched two clips by Ira Glass’ who offers his definition of storytelling within television and radio. I found it very interesting how Glass simplifies the theory of storytelling into two components. Glass calls these components ‘building blocks’ and states the contributors within these blocks are ‘Anecdotes’ and ‘moments of reflection’. This was something I hadn’t previously considered. As personally I felt it was very difficult to define what makes an effective story, I thought this would be based purely on your audience. However this generic theory that Glass presents I feel can be transferred to all stories. Every effective story has to have a sequence so it can gather momentum. This is what Glass describes as ‘anecdotes’. Glass suggests good stories include ‘bait’. Good stories constantly raise questions and answer them accordingly to keep people watching and interested. This on reflection I definitely agree with. When I think back to my own favourite stories they always keep you guessing what will happen next. The suspense keeps you glued in and interested in the whole story. I feel like this is important whatever the genre of the story, maintaining your audiences attention. Glass then describes the second half of the building blocks, the ‘moment of reaction’. The ‘moment of reacton’ Glass suggests is the point of the story, why is your audience listening to the story. Without this he suggests a story will not be effective. Again I agree with this theory. I can think of many stories that held my attention to begin with, however moved to an ineffective storyline or a disappointing ending, letting the whole film down. Even though previously I felt it was difficult to analyse what makes an effective story I now definitely agree with Glass’ theory. I believe this theory makes the basis of any good story and these are all emotions needed to be felt by your audience if you are to create something successful.

I then watched a video by Jad Abumrad on how radio creates empathy. Abumrad suggests that learning how to kill ideas is very important in the creation process. This was something that I considered greatly and felt like I needed to learn as I create more media. When creating something we form an attachment, I feel like this is natural as it is something that you have put time and effort into to. However as Abumrad suggests by killing off an idea it may lead to something better. This was a sentence I found very inspiring and a great way to think of it. I found Abumrad Discussing the relationship between failure and success very unique and something we don’t tend to hear from professionals. I found this inspiring and I will definitely think back to various quotes when filtering through my own creations in the future. Another topic Abumrad considers is the future of the radio. He definitely made me think differently about the subject. Previously I didn’t personally feel like the radio had much of a future. However this was purely based on my own opinion, from someone who doesn’t listen to the radio. But after listening to Abumrad discusses the connection a reader can have with a listener, a connection with is unique only to radio due to its delivery I started to feel differently. Maybe the radio will always have its listeners as it allows its audience to use their imagination much more than television.

I listened to the audio story “Its Going To Change Your Life’ by Jonathan Mitchell. I considered how Mitchell used various techniques in order to create an effective story. I personally felt Mitchell’s techniques were very effective. He uses a variety of sound effects to convey changes in location throughout. An aeroplane is heard just as a conversation is finishing; this conveys a wide scale change of location and a sense of pace in the storyline. This sound effect has been layered just over the back of a conversation to further demonstrate this quick pace. Reverb has also been used effectively in this audio story. As an audience we can imagine the size of the room that the characters are in. This helps us understand if the characters are holding a private conservation in a small office or talking in a larger room with maybe other speakers present. Another technique Mitchell uses effectively is the volume of the characters voices to represent distance. In this audio story Mitchell shows the leader of a talk moving around the classroom speaking to other members. By fading her voice out and bringing in other characters voices louder we can feel a sense of distance and where we are placed in the room perfectly. Finally Mitchell emphasises noises that we may not perhaps hear as loud in real life. This is evident when a letter is being opened and a phone call is taking place, this is present I believe to convey the importance of the event in the plot. This also makes us to listen to the story as if we are the main character, allowing the audience to relate and sympathise with the character.

I found my first DS106 radio experience a very enjoyable one. After tuning in a second time to the station I heard someone produce a live show. I felt a connection with the producer straight away. I feel like this was perhaps because we had both experienced the DS106 course and ultimately I could be in the same position, producing this radio show if I wanted. I felt an immediate respect for the producer as I personally would feel very uneasy producing a radio show, especially with such a lack of experience so I appreciated the producer’s confidence. I tweeted the producer, letting them know I was listening and offering  feedback.

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I checked the radio status page whilst listening and I was the only listener, however the station had peaked at 4 listeners that day.

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Daily Create – ‘Arty Blur’

'Arty Blur'

Daily Create – ‘ Inspirational Quote’

'Inspirational Quote' - Brent.

Daily Create – ‘Breakfast Selfie’

'Breakfast Selfie'

Surprisingly I have really enjoyed this unit. When first reading the title ‘Unit 4 – Listening to Audio’ I was immediately put off. However on reflection I’m not sure why? Maybe due to a lack of experience and confidence I started this with the wrong mind-set, but after completing the various audio assignments I feel more much positive. I found learning about the theory of storytelling very interesting and I enjoyed considering other theorists opinions. I found analysing an audio story also very interesting and productive. Previously I had never just listened to a piece of audio with no distractions and considered what techniques had been used for effect. This I feel has given me a better understanding of sound techniques and how to use purely sound to tell a story effectively. Overall though, I found completing the ‘Ds106 bumper’ and the ‘sound effect story’ to be most beneficial part of the unit. By experimenting with sound techniques myself, rather than just purely consuming them it has given me a good basic understanding of what techniques are effective.


This is Bloody Knuckles and your listening to ds106 Radio

A Sultry Bumper for a Sultry Show

In the midst of the first radio show week, I tried to focus my audio assignments on prompts that would contribute to our show idea. Therefore, the first assignment I decided to complete was the “Create a DS106 Radio Bumper”. This would be round two for me with this assignment, as I created one during … Continue reading A Sultry Bumper for a Sultry Show

Radio Bumper

Now that we have a #ds106 radio up and running creating a 15 to 30 second bumper for the station. What is a bumper? It is a short recording that identifies the radio station with signature music or an expression that makes sure the listeners know what they are tuned into (see So for ds106 it should certainly include “DS106 Radio” and some sort of message about the station with voice over music.

2.5 Stars!

For my last assignment I created a Radio Bumper that could potentially be used for our upcoming show. I used the song “Black Betty” and cut the lyrics. My phrase was “Thank you for listening to DS106 radio”. Its short but I think its to the point and to me I think to much is just confusing and sounds bad.

I used Audacity for the creation. This is the second time I made a bumper so the process was much smoother and took half of the time that the first one did.

Tiffany Bumper: Radio Show Work!

Tiffany’s is my absolute favorite place in the entire world. I recently visited the Tiffany’s in Miami and it was flawless. Beyond gorgeous and so classic. Sadly, they were closed for Holiday.

photo 1Yes that is an actual millionaire with her maid. Surprisingly, they acted like best friends. They were quite funny together.

photo 2


Audrey Hepburn is such perfection. Together; the perfect combination of class and timelessness. Here is my bumper for our Tiffany’s commercial. It is also an Audio Assignment so you best believe I took advantage of that this week:


Link to Audio Assignment (2.5 Stars)

You are now tuning in to…

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This week, I decided to once again complete the radio bumper assignment, but I used the opportunity to create a bumper of sorts for my group’s radio show. I decided to create an intro that could serve as the lead in to our show. I found a great audio track of chattering over some background piano music. I thought this fit perfectly for the concept of our show.

I followed much of the same techniques that I used for my ds106radio bumper, but this time I also got creative with voice effects. I changed the pitch in my voice and made it completely different. This was a great opportunity to fiddle with voice effects, something my group is considering incorporating into our radio show.