Bumpin’ ds106 style

Again, I had been dreading the whole audio thing and AGAIN it was pretty simple. This took a little longer than the 5 sound story, but it wasn’t that hard. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, but I knew I wanted to incorporate “ds106″ into my bumper. I finally found a sound that a past student uploaded onto freesounds.org that had “ds106″ in it. It had a computerized sound to it and for some reason made me think of a song I have been listening to a lot lately. It was hard to incorporate the two together, but I finally got a result I was satisfied with. I’m not overly enthralled with it or think it is the best thing ever, but I am still learning. Later in the week I might try to modify it a bit more. But for now, Enjoy!

DS106 Radio Bumper

Okay, so I wasn’t really sure as to what we were supposed to be doing for this assignment so I just kind of looked at some of my other classmates work and kind of got inspiration that way.  Thanks to all of the other blogs for giving me the help to make this Radio Bumper!

I went went a song that I really like called Earthquake.  If you listen to the video’s introduction, you can see where I got the inspiration to go with “DS106, come in.”  I think that it’s unique and it’s one of my favorite songs so thanks for checking it out!

Just like the Sound Story, I used Audacity to mix in my voice to the beat of Earthquake.  What I did, though, was recorded my voice in Soundhound and then downloaded the .wav file, imported it into Audacity, and then trimmed the clip down to just the introduction before the loop.  I exported the file and then re-uploaded it to Soundcloud and here it is!

ds106 Audio Assignments

I spent a good portion of one day working on ds106 assignments, just sitting at my computer, thinking, planning, searching, recording, rejecting, and trying again. Somehow, just sitting in that way was rough on my back and by dinner I could barely walk. (I’ve had lower back problems in the past, but usually for more justified reasons.)

That evening I created a ds106 radio bumper and focused on pain, not shockingly. I opened with an odd monster sound, just because it seemed like an interesting opening and it showed up when I searched for pain. Then I used a sound that was created to simulate someone falling down the stairs. I think, in context, it sounds more like a door opening. Finally, I ended with some maniacal laughter.

Another audio assignment I attempted was the One-Man Play. This was one of the first to catch my attention and I knew immediately what part of which play I wanted to use: the opening moments of Tom Stoppard’s Arcadia. It may not be a play many folks know, but it is one I love, especially the opening. Stoppard writes brilliant dialogue. The down side to that is I am no actress so I do not do justice to the words. I did have fun trying to make myself sound like both a 13 year old girl and a 22 year old man.

I didn’t add much beyond my voice. The scene takes place in Thomasina’s home, during a lesson with her tutor. I added a bit of pages turning as the two were working and some pen writing.

I’m still working on the Suess It assignment but Audacity and I are not getting along well at the moment. I’m trying to copy and paste some sounds but when I paste, nothing seems to happen. It thinks it did, because I can ‘undo paste’ but that’s not impressive when the sound isn’t there. I haven’t given up yet but at the moment Audacity is winning.

Sweet Music on DS106 Radio

2 starsAudio Assignment 36: Create a bumper for DS 106 Radio.

I had such a good time participating in the DS106 class radio productions. I think the satisfaction of making something out of nothing but a thin thought wisping through your mind is amplified ten-fold when it melds with those of others to produce something only possible because these individuals came together at this moment in time for one and only one production. You can never step in that same sound wave twice. Then layer on the appreciation for those productions of others and the opportunity to contribute to the live experience and you’ve got great live, interactive radio.


Here’s a bumper that I created for my piece using a kindly contributed “soundtrack of summers past” by Norm. I rely on Norm’s compelling personality and the sweet music of the legendary Mamas and Papas to create kind of a pause that refreshes.

Process and Reflections

I love working with layers of music and voice and had a good and challenging time playing with the rise and fall of the music and Norm’s voice. Norm’s voice as recorded was giving me fits because it just mellowed out below the music and I could not seem to raise it loud enough — and, well, then, I discovered the sound mixer. Who have thought it would be under “View”? Still learning about fades in and out but this sounds pretty good for someone who has always heard horror stories about Audacity.

Thanks, Norm, for the assist!

I’d like to be able to record my own psa’s for the local radio station to promote fundraising events for my community garden. So, would Audacity work for that, if I got really, really good? Thanks for any advice.

DS106 Radio Bumper

I really struggled a lot with trying to set my mind on a single idea for a radio bumper. I had tons of different ideas and takes I wanted to approach this assignment with. I came across a relatively new track by Kanye West and Pusha T called “New God Flow”.

I really loved how the piano at the beginning drove in the song, and the beat was built around it. I decided to keep it simple and and use that, and my voice as well. I tinkered a bit w/ the pitch of things, making it a bit lower. And also slowed down the tempo of my voice.

I don’t think this was my most extravagant audio assignment, but I think it is simple and iconic in a sense. If I heard this as a radio bumper, after a few times it would stick like the radio’s logo in my mind…

Open Letter to Chanda

Dear Chanda,

I totally ripped you off by co-opting a short clip from a well-known movie and turning it into my DS106 Radio bumper.  I’m sorry.  I was desperate.  Attempts at other audio assignments failed.  Miserably.



You can listen to my bumper here:

You can find Chanda’s bumper here.

I’ve listened to DS106 Radio a few times, and I’m enamored with the set up and what I’ve been hearing.  When DS106 Radio was first mentioned, I thought about that 1990 Christian Slater classic, Pump Up the Volume.  God I loved that movie.

Over the weekend, I watched Awesome: I Fucking Shot That, a Beastie Boys concert film shot by 50 members of the audience.   After this viewing, I got it in my mind to do the “Forced Collabo” audio assignment.  Who wouldn’t really?  Skip to about 3:30 in this video and tell me that Mixmaster Mike’s job doesn’t look totally easy.  Right?  Right?

Yeah. Not so much.  After many attempts to find the perfect songs to mash-up, I gave up with the realization that (1) I have a crappy music collection and (2) I have been blindly consuming music rather than listening.  Sad.

Here’s another clip from Awesome just for fun.  It’s “Intergalactic.”  Look how happy everyone in the crowd looks.

Glad You Came…to the DS106 Radio Show!

For this Audio Assignment I had to make a radio bumper for the DS106 radio station. To be honest I had no idea what a radio bumper was before this assignment, so that in itself was a learning experience! For inspiration I once again used my ipod. I figured it is a bumper for a radio station so it needs to have MUSIC in it. I came upon one of my new favorite songs “Glad You Came”, by The Wanted. When I saw the title I was like “viola!” I could use a slogan like “Glad you came to the Ds106 radio station!”…I hope everyone can sense my excitement.

This took me some time to figure out how to do. What I ended up doing was downloading the song onto Myxer and cropping the segment out that I wanted to use for my bumper. I had to do this because I could not directly import songs from Itunes into Audacity. I imported the cropped version of the song from Myxer into Audacity. I played the song on Audacity and as soon as it ended I recorded in my voice. I saved the file and I was done!

Radio Bumper

I thought this was a fun introductory assignment for sounds. I always here creative intros for DJ’s and radio shows and wondered how they did them so I thought this was interesting. I created mine by recording my voice using my computer mic and then getting two songs from youtube that I thought sounded like ones you would here on an intro for the radio. I then used Audacity to blend them together. Here it is let me know what you think

DS106 Confusion

Create a ds106 radio bumper Now that we have a #ds106 radio up and running creating a 15 to 30 second bumper for the station.

This one is pretty simple. Short segment from Gnawa Diffusion‘s Frik Fashion.
I’ve enjoyed Gnawa Diffusion for a few years while hardly understanding a word of their lyrics (in Arabic, Tamazight, French and English). A fair metaphor for DS106.
Nothing fancy. Just the start of the track and a few words. A few minutes with GarageBand. I regularly do some quick edits of recorded audio and normally use audacity followed by Levitator for that but prefer GarageBand now for recording and simple ducking.