Lake Jump!

The last video assignment that I did for this week was this is my story. In this assignment, I had to write a story on index cards and record myself with the index cards!

I was really excited to start this assignment! The first thing I did was try to think of a story to put on my index cards. I didn’t know if I wanted to go sad or happy, but I decided to go with one of my favorite story and got writing on my index cards.

Once all the index cards were done, I start recording. I really enjoyed recording this and thinking back to my favorite memory!

My Weekend

This video assignment has been different from the past. This was a video with no sound from it and music just as background noise and the video was built on index cards in the camera. It was supposed to make a story beginning middle and end with no words and trying not to focus on camera angle as much as the story. There are plenty of things I would change if I had the chance or better equipment that I did not have to think so far in advance to get. I would have actually picked a better spot to film the video besides my bedroom and the note cards were just a story I though of because what I was going through this weekend.

I just used my camera app on the computer and then uploaded it to the Photos app to play around with some editing including the opening and closing credits. I like the credits and the sites I used for the music and the way I edited the music in audacity. I was able to add a title page and credits page through the photos app. If I could do this again, I would pick a different story and a different place to record it. I would have maybe even renting equipment from the HCC to make to video if I planned it enough in advance.

The story was about me wanting to go home especially after my dad mentioned it, but I did not do it because of all the work I had to do. I tried to edit the music to sound like popular music from the 80’s and the way it would have been recording with the beats and sounds I tried to incorporate. I definitely learned how hard it is to mesh two things together that didn’t start at the same time. I was struggling with the timing of the music with the video to make it sound the way I wanted it to when I first saw it or what I felt looking at the video with flash cards.

How to Enjoy Your Summer (By Reading What Not To Do)

I wanted to go more into depth about how my performance has been in this class and how I’ve felt about the work, along with leaving inputs about my motivation and mindset during these past few weeks.

Putt Putt Injury

How can you break your foot playing putt putt? Visit my blog to find out!

Childhood Story

For my second video assignment, I completed the “This is My Story” prompt. I decided to share a funny/crazy childhood story.

This story is inspired by a true story that happened to me when I was younger. When I am asked to tell a crazy story, I always think of this one. A lot of things happened to me when I was a kid, most of them happened because I was a rebellious kid that rarely listened to my family…

So story time: I accidentally super glued my eye shut and it wasn’t pretty. I guess you can say that it was a sticky situation! As a kid, being stuck in bed for weeks and not being able to see was the worst. But lesson learned: Don’t mess with super glue, duh!Image result for sticky situation meme

To make this video:

Before filming, I typed my story out on my Notes app. I separated the story into multiple lines so I know what to write on my flashcards. Then I used my iPhone to record the video.

After filming, I went to iMovie to start a movie project.

Then I named my project and picked my theme. I went with Playful.

I imported the video and clicked Audio to pick my background music. I used Theme Music- Simple.

I made sure to remember to add a starting and ending title!

Once I saved the video project, I uploaded it to YouTube and all done!


A Day in the Life of Mia Holmes

The “This Is My Story” assignment was to “Tell a short story using flashcard and record yourself. It can be something funny, sad, or just even express how your day was. “

This assignment put me at 12 stars, which was two over the required amount for the week. I decided to tell a story from the perspective of my character, Mia. You can read some background on her here. I chose to use an average morning from her life and give the viewer a taste of what it’s like to be both a librarian and a secret agent.

The first thing I did for this assignment was come up with a story and write it on flashcards. I just wrote as I came up with it, and it turned out to be easier than I was expecting to put together a story. Throughout the semester, I’ve definitely gotten better at using my character and working with the course theme.

Next I recorded myself flipping through the cards. This was hard to do, since my laptop screen showed me the cards backwards, which made it hard to judge how long I was supposed hold each card up. However, I managed to time it pretty well.

Then I edited the video using VideoPad Video Editor. I muted the volume of my recording and added a background song that I got from this website. I also added closing credits to the end of the video. You can see part of the editing process below.

After I finished editing, I downloaded the video to my computer and then uploaded it to YouTube. The finished product is below.

This Is Deidra

To complete this assignment, I created a story and and told it from my character’s point of view. I chose to do a story about Deidra attempting to jump onto her trampoline from her balcony on the second floor. I chose to do this story because Deidra is the type of person who sets a goal and tries to complete that goal no matter how big, small, or in this case, risky it may be. Once I created the story, I began to transcribe it on index cards for the video. Creating the story and writing it on index cards was the easy part. For me, the challenging part was recording the video and making sure the viewers would be able to read the index cards. I found this part challenging because I couldn’t get the lighting right. When the lighting was dim, it was easier to read the index cards on the screen but everything else was also dim. When the light was bright, everything in the background was lit and looked nice but when I would hold the cards up to the screen it was harder to see what I wrote due to the glare. Eventually, I found a good position to hold the index cards so that viewers could read it. After completing the video, I realized I probably should have used a darker marker so that it would be easier to read and glare wouldn’t be much of a problem. Now I know what to do for next time. Overall, I think story was different, a little comical, and described the daredevils side of Deidra. To record the video, I used my laptop. While recording, I had soft music playing in the background. I added an intro screen and closing screen with the help of iMovie. I was also able to edit the video and change the color through iMovie.

Love, Felicity.

I stumbled upon the This is my Story assignment in the assignment bank and thought it was a great way to tie my character for the class into this week’s videos. If you haven’t read my blog post about my character, Felicity’s, life, I suggest you read it before watching the video or it won’t make much sense. I’ve linked it here.

The blog post I wrote was pre-end of the world as we know it, so this acts as her post-end. She tells her mom how she feels about her through a series of notecards because, if you read that post, her and her mom are extremely close.

Because I’m a total newbie at all of this, I made the rookie mistake of not cutting down the audio, therefore the video actually ends at 1:20 but goes on until 4:21… Way to go, Taylor… Oh well, we all make mistakes and I stupidly forgot to watch it all the way through with the audio and deleted all the files so I can’t fix it. Ugh.

Anyways, here’s the finished video and I hope you enjoy despite the unnecessarily long music.

Let Me Tell You About my Apocalyptic Airwave Friends!!

I did the 4 star assignment This is My Story.  I decided to tell my story using notecards.   I told the story of what Mufasa and I are doing these days, and that we sorely miss or friends from the Barn.  It has been two weeks since we presented our story Apocalyptic Airwave.

Let Me Tell You About my Apocalyptic Airwave Friends!!

I did the 4 star assignment This is My Story.  I decided to tell my story using notecards.   I told the story of what Mufasa and I are doing these days, and that we sorely miss or friends from the Barn.  It has been two weeks since we presented our story Apocalyptic Airwave a story of survival to others.  After we told our story Mufasa and I moved on from the barn trying to find other survivors.  I made this video to let my friends from the barn know that they are dearly missed.  Here is my video below: