Common Everyday Object

At first I had no idea what to do for this assignment, so I looked around for what the heck I could tell a story about, with just the change of a color.

I ended up with something simple and an idea began to form.

I chose a water bottle.

I changed the blue lettering and splash of water to blue.

Why would I do that?

While a water bottle seems insignificant and harmless, it often has a different story.


The bottle packs an evil past and future motive.


A typical water bottle can take more oil to get into your hand then you realize.  In one article, found at the link below, the author claims that “if you were to fill one quarter of a plastic water bottle with oil, you would be looking at roughly the amount used to produce that bottle.”  While this number may be exaggerated, can you imagine what it would look like for us to gain a quarter of “29 billion bottles [purchased] every year” in oil back?  But instead the bottle is content to let us keep spending out oil…how evil is that?

The bottle also has environmental issues.  The bottles do not usually get into a recycling plant like we may all hope.  They end up in landfills and oceans.  So back into the earth.  Hooray!

Health issues are also possibly linked to the bottles.  The bottles, in some studies,  after 10 or so days (according to the same article) can begin to leach toxins into the water.  That is literally poison.

So bottle of water, or flask of poison?


Please weigh in with your opinions.  I believe that while some of us may not believe all of these “facts” to be accurate, isn’t even suspicion of the dangers enough to make us want to run and scream?!

You can find the article at:

Playing with a Stapler

My desk is full of everyday objects. Including a red stapler. It is a Stanley stapler, not Swingline, but I could easily pretend to be Milton with it.

ImageSo for the Common Everyday Object assignment, I decided to celebrate my red stapler with a photoshopping extravaganza.


This first one is actually a very simple effect in Photoshop. In the Adjustments panel (in GIMP this is the Color menu) I went to Curves. The tool initially gives you a single RGB graph with a lone gray line, but you can select Red, Green or Blue. There are also pre-built “curves” that will automatically change the image such as creating a color negative. I played with the four different curves, sliding the line up and down at various points along the graph until I found a combination that was interesting. It’s a simple technique (and gets a lot more fiddly when you are trying to actually blend something in with another image), but for this assignment I decided to just go with a fun semi-neon effect.


ImageFor this second one, I decided to transform the image to a single color. There are a number of ways you can do this, but the easiest is to 1) select Black & White or under Hue/Saturation desaturate the photo. 2) Go to Channel Mixer and play with the Red, Green, Blue, and Constant channels. Slide them around until you find a combination you like. To achieve the above effect, in the Red Channel I set Red to -32%, Green to +102%, Blue to +135%, and Constant to +62%.


This third one is just a simple Filter. From the Artistic Filters I played around with a few, but finally settled on Cutout. It creates an interesting stippling effect for the surface of my desk.


For the last one I decided to go with an underwater effect. First I went with a Distort Filter called Ripple. Then I overlayed a copy of the original at 40% Opacity with an Artistic Filter called Sponge. This created distortions of the stapler image similar to those you see when looking at something lying on the bottom of a swimming pool or a clear body of water. Then I added a Photo Filter called Underwater to add a greenish blue tint to the image with a 47% Density. The density is yet another slider that you can play around with until you get the particular desired hue. Finally, I wanted to add the ripples of the water’s surface, so I overlayed an image of the ocean’s surface with 32% Fill. I didn’t like having it on top, so I moved it to be below the underwater filter, and finally had the effect I was going for.

Just a Lamp: VisAssign

Common Everyday Lamp
Lampshade from space…

Visual Assignment #107: “Take a picture of a common ever day object and manipulate the colors.”

The photo was taken on an iPhone and post-processed using Filterstorm (tone mapping) and PhotoStudio (Hollywood FX, Predator Vision filter).

Class Blog Post #5

For this assignment, I took a picture of a chair and I cropped the picture so that it would specifically show the ordinary object. The point of the assignment is to take a picture of an object and manipulate the colors. I used Google to edit the picture with the Exposure button, and LFR tool.


Link to the assignment:

Common Everyday Object – ds106B



I use these headphones all the time so I thought they would be the perfect object to mess with. I placed them on the top of my laptop which gave a really cool background manipulate. The colors were originally pretty bland, but now the overall picture stands out really well.

Common Every Day Object Tutorial

ny redskins 2

The objective of the assignment “Common Every Day Object” was to take a normal, everyday object and manipulate the colors.  My roommate Tim is a New York Giants fan so I decided to have a little fun at his expense.  The first thing I did was to take a picture of his beloved Giants poster in our room.  Next I imported it to the Color Splash Smart app on my computer.  Color Splash allows you to take all of the color out of an image, then recolor it back.  I used it to first, take all of the color out of the picture, then recolor everything except for the helmet itself.  I then saved the image and imported it to the app Colorstrokes.  Colorstrokes is similar to Color Splash except that it allows you to change the colors of the picture, kind of like paint.  I used color strokes to recolor the normally blue and white helmet to a more suitable red and yellow.  It was a pretty simple task but I had a lot of fun at his expense.

recycle the bottles

I took photo of the recycled bottles, and then I used GIMP to manipulate the colors, although I did not know how to use GIMP for manipulating colors but the tutorials on YouTube was a great help to me.


Visual Assignment, Common Everyday Object: 2 Stars

brownessauce- 2 Stars
Hot Sauce :p

My inspiration for doing this assignment was pretty simple. I have a bottle of hot sauce that my roommate brought back for me from Cozumel. It is the BOMB, for sure! I picked it up from my desk and decided to photograph it. I used Photoshop CS6 to manipulate the filters in this photo. I ended up using the wave and other filters, giving it a cool background effect and was able to change the opacity, making this common everyday hot sauce make more abstract and interesting!


Common Everyday Object:

common everyday object

I admit that I just used a filter for this one, specifically “False Color” and chose dark red as the primary color, and light blue as the secondary color.