Common Everyday Object

Common Everyday Object

The Assignment
After reading TUJournal’s blog post, I also decided to do a Visual Assignment called Common Everyday Object by Elizabeth Castillo. The directions are:

Take a picture of a common everyday object and manipulate the colors.

For this assignment, I’m going to try to do it in a tutorial form. :)

The Process
First, I took a photo of my own PC because to me, my PC is an everyday object.
I decided to do my editings on my iPad using an application called PhotoPad.

1. On the application, I opened my photo.










2. Then I made my entire photo black and white so that I could emphasise some colours.










3. I made my keyboard purple because keyboards are not usually purple.

Because I had a lot of time today, I coloured in the keyboards one by one.










4. I also put colour on the screen to look more unusual.










The Story
This assignment was fun to do because I could play around with the colours. I coloured on the photo myself so although it’s not really nice, I think it came good. :) It would be fun if there was a PC like this in real life too!
If this PC really existed, the owner of this PC will be a person who likes colourful things. The screen is a rainbow coloured screensaver and the keyboard is purple from the first.

The Onigiri Easter Egg

Assignment: The assignment for this DS106 project, Common everyday object, is very simple; “Take a picture of a common ever day object and manipulate the colors”.

Process: I used a photo I took near my work, a lonely onigiri stranded on a pedestrian crossing button, and manipulated the colors on it. After opening it in GIMP and making it smaller, I started experimenting with different colors for the onigiri. To achieve this effect, I added a layer on top of the base image and made a selection around the onigiri. Then, within that selection, I applied one of the preset gradients at a ~40% opacity. I played with the different gradients a bit, tried different ones out, but ultimately chose the one seen in the picture. After that, I went to the base image layer and desaturated it so there was no color.

Story: Last Saturday I snapped this picture with my iPhone because it was such a weird sight. A homemade onigiri was just lying on the button to cross the street. Onigiri in Japan are pretty everyday objects, but I thought this shot would make a unique entry for this project because the everyday object was already in an unusual spot and I’d give it another unique element, an outlandish color.

The pastel gradient really gives it an easter look in my opinion. Probably would have been more appropriate in April.  :)

- Paul

Common everyday object

_cokwr: Take a picture of a common ever day object and manipulate the colors., _cpzh4: Visual, _cre1l:, _chk2m: Elizabeth Castillo, _ciyn3: 107, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

Common Everyday Object

For this ds106 assignment I chose to take a picture of an everyday object and manipulate the colors around the object. For more details on the assignment you can look here “ds106 Common Everyday Object.” So for this assignment I took a picture of Tokyo Tower for anyone who doesn’t know what the image is. For me this is a common everyday object because I see it everyday on my way to school. For this semester I have yet to go up to the observation deck. When I was in Tokyo for my first time I went up during the day time but I heard the view at night is in some respects better. I have a couple more weeks left in Japan so I am going to definitely put that on the “TO DO LIST” before I leave.
Regular picture of Tokyo Tower
My view of Tokyo Tower lol

DS106#3 Visual-Common everyday object.

OK..this is my third ds106 assignments. I will choose the Assignment of common everyday object that I need to take common everyday object and manipulate colors.
Here is my work…please check it out!!

This is my alarm clock!!

Then…I changed color…

To mono tone….


To Sky blue….


To Red…
To pink…

How did I create this?
1) Take common everyday object..
2) Save file as JTrim that is free Japanese photo edit software…..this is actually useful and you can edit photos like Photo shop!!
3) Edit with JTrim.
4) Done!!

The color actually images my motivation of every morning.
Because some morning I don’t want to wake up…Blue
Some morning I want to wake up…Red or Pink.

Thank you for reading my blog!!

Common Everyday Object

The assingment:

Take a picture of a common ever day object and manipulate the colors.

First to start off with an image I shot for the daily shoot of a mechanical pencil with an eraser:
The Daily Shoot - Mundane & Ordinary
Here is one I shot just a few minutes ago and edited in Lightroom:
Starbucks Mug from Seattle, WA
If anyone was curious about Lightroom here is a screenshot of me editing this image.
Lightroom editing

All of my images that I upload to Flickr go though Lightroom.

Here is what the original image looks like in Lightroom:

Original - Lightroom editing

Common Everyday Object?

…Hey, did I do too much for the colors? XD;;;

Visual Assignment # 2

For this assignment, I used a picture I had taken for the dailyshoots. I did a little bit of editing in Picasa but the changes weren’t so major so eventually I settled  on Picnik. Am not the most creative person out there and am not ashamed to admit it. This is my best shot.

Visual Assignment #3

Common Everyday Object -

Just experimented with some of the functions in GIMP such as posterize, hue-saturation on different colors, and slight adjustments to the color curves using a pic of my keyboard. Doesn’t look amazing but I’m just trying some things out! Original had a dark, wooden background and blue keyboard glow. Didn’t realize how much you could do with a free program like GIMP!

Please, Escape This Way

*tweek the colors of an everday object.
